Archive logs by year


YU. A. Feofanov Problems and challenges in the field of drinking water supply

M. G. Novikov Major trends in improving the quality of surface water treatment

A. N. Kim Superfast pressure filters, battery type with automatic

A. S. Nikolaev Problems of rational development, utilization and protection of underground water of the St. Petersburg region

M. G. Novikov Increased durability of pipelines in the centralized systems of drinking water supply and heating

V. F. Boev On tap water corrosivity of St. Petersburg, the system used in the back washing of vehicles

S. A. KurzaThe economic aspect of achieving the established standards in Russia sewage in municipal sewage C. A. Kurza.

B. G. Mishukov Prospective schemes biological wastewater treatment of nitrogen and phosphorus

V. G. Ponomaryov Treatment of wastewater from the suspended solids and oil

E. G. RizoHigh-gradient magnetic filtration — an alternative or a supplement to traditionnal techniques.

References: 1.Takino K., Taukaka T., Shichiri T. Operation of a full-skale device of high gradient magnetic filter for treatment of gas scrubber water from vacuum degassing process in a steel mill. Proceedings of the Conference on Industrial Applications of Magnetic Separation. Rindge, N.H., USA, 1979, s.137.
2.Heitmann H.G. Studies of the application of electromagnetic filters in power plants. Proceedings of the Conference on Industrial Applications of Magnetic Separation. Rindge, N.H., USA, 1979, s.115.
3.Bitton G., Mitchell R. The removal of Esherichia Coli-bacteriophage T7 by magnetic filtration. Water Research, 8, 1974, p.549.
4.Allen D.M., Sargent R.L., Oberteuffer J.A. Treatment of combined sewer overflows by high gradient magnetic separation.. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPA-600/2-77-015, 1977.
5.Bitton G., Fox J.l., Strickland H.G. Removal of Algae from Florida Lakes by Magnetic Filtration. Applied Microbiology, v.30, No.6, p/905/
6.DeLatour C. Magnetic Separation in Water Pollution Control. JEEE Transactions on magnetics, vol. Mag-9, No.3, 1973, p.316.

YU. I. Maksimov Industrial wastewater treatment in the new economy

V. V. Sergeev, N. I. Jakimova, N. M. Papurin Application of carbon sorbents for a new generation of clean drinking water and waste water (industrial and stormwater)

V. N. Anopolskii, G. N. Feldshtein, I. V. Yeppel Compact plants for waste water from washing vehicles

P. N. Gorjachev "Vodoproektu-Giprokommunvodokanalu. St. Petersburg "- 70 years