Archive logs by year


V. S. DikarevskiiAir valves for pressure conduits

A.V. Nekrasov, A.V. BotalovThe solution of equations by differentiating the hydraulic network in the parameter

S.P.Sedluha, O.S. SofinskajaBiological method of treatment of groundwater from iron

G.Ja. AksenovaGY Aksenov

E.A. StahovEA Stakhov

YU.P.Sedluho The mechanism of separation of the emulsion type "oil in water" method of contact coalescence

N.V. Stepanova, I.N. Konovalova, P.B. Vasilevskii, I.G. Bereza, S.R. DerkachFlocculation of protein-lipid components of natural and synthetic polymers

V.I. Kosov, Ye.V. BazhenovaStudy of wastewater treatment of heavy metal ions using a modification of peat sorbent

B.I. Lazarev, R.R. Ayukaev, R.I. AyukaevExperience in design, construction and operation of facilities for water and sewage service stations Tyumen Oil Company in Karelia

E.G. RizoRecovery hexavalent chromium in wastewater without reducing agent. Part I.

A.A. Stahov Environmental regulation - the basis of environmental work

S.A. KondratevOn the estimation of the critical load on water bodies in urban areas

A.A. Stahov Rapid method of modeling and forecasting of water pollution


N.M. SHegolkova, M.N. Kozlov, D.A. Danilovich, T.A. KancerovaComparative evaluation of bioassay methods river and treated water

Some general characteristics of bioassay methods based on the use of different test organisms. The chosen method of bioassays for chronic and acute toxicity: the tseriodafniyah Ceriodaphnia affinis and algae Scenedesmus quadricanda, and tseriodafnii as the most sensitive test objects were selected for comparison with other methods. Investigated and treated river water in aeration stations on the river. Moscow from Tushino to § Rest. Determined by the following parameters: pH, BOD5, COD, suspended solids, nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, phosphate, dissolved oxygen, chlorides, sulfates, some metals, phenols, petroleum products. Obtained good agreement with the results of bioassays and tseriodafniyami vodoroslyami.Ustoychivoy between readings to determine the chemical and the degree of toxicity were detected. In connection with the effect of stimulating the growth associated with a high content of nutrients in the river water and treated water, algae as test objects were replaced with mutant Escherichia coli bacteria and ciliates Paramecium caudatum. The results of toxicity in selected 3 test sites showed the most suitable method using tseriodafny, ciliates and device "Biotester-2." The results of the research have been implemented in practice monitoring of treated water at the Moscow WWTP: Monthly, a determination of the toxicity index for ciliates and quarterly - on tseriodafniyah.

O.A. KuznecovWater Features in Pskov and its impact on public health

Compliance with drinking water and hygiene requirements and the physiological needs of man is determined by parameters such as the quality of water in the source water, the efficiency of the treatment plant, the technical condition of the main water supply and condition of internal networks. Lack of efficiency of obsolete and outdated treatment facilities for water, the high failure rate of water networks, water giperhlorirovanie after treatment facilities do not allow for in Pskov supply of drinking water that meets SanPiN "Drinking water" According to the observed dependence of long-term monitoring of disease population of Pskov acute intestinal infections and non-communicable diseases on the quality of water supplied. In addition, the morbidity of Pskov malignant neoplasms prevail skin, which is more typical for the southern regions with high solar activity. The decade of monitoring the quality of drinking water and the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the population had gained sufficient statistical data to relate the incidence of malignant neoplasms of the skin and giperhlorirovaniem drinking water. In the absence of urgent and effective measures to improve the provision of drinking water to the population of Pskov in accordance with the Sanitary "Drinking water" predicted epidemic of acute intestinal diseases and further increase in non-communicable diseases

S.M. Azarov, O.V. CHernevich, S.V. SHemchenok, O.A. RotinaProspects for the use of ceramic filter elements produced by the method of hydrodynamic compression systems of drinking water supply for the deep water purification

Provides a method of hydrodynamic compression of large axisymmetric filter elements from minerals Belarus.The physico-chemical and technical characteristics of the ceramic filter elements, their phase composition and microstructure. The possibility of their recovery to full filtering properties.

R.N. Karimov, O.V. Babakova, D.P. UsovExploratory analysis in biological wastewater treatment to identify their functioning

L.M Belopolskii, L.O. NikiforovaThe influence of iron and manganese in the biochemical processes of wastewater treatment

YU. M. Meshengisser, YU. G. MarchenkoMarchenko Comparison of finely pneumatic aerators

Browse. The design of air diffusers of domestic and foreign production. The comparative characteristics of aerators as flat ceramic, flat, metal, ceramic dome, drum membrane, Ceramic, tubular membrane, tubular "Ecopolymer." The advantages and disadvantages of designs, materials, structures. Given the variety of conditions, which use aerators, in each case to make a thorough review, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of each type aerators.

E.G. Rizo, M.I. RochevRecovery hexavalent chromium in wastewater without reducing agent. Part II

The results of experimental studies on the cathodic reduction of hexavalent chromium. The regularities of the plate and porous liquid graphite and carbon electrodes in chromium-containing solutions. The optimal operating parameters and modes of operation Double polarizable porous carbon cathodes with different concentrations of Cr (VI). The technological performance of one of the models of industrial electrolyzers. Recommended design loads in wastewater treatment and solutions.

L.V. GandurinaFlocculants to clean drinking water and wastewater

A detailed analysis of the results of the study flocculating properties of organic flocculants, depending on their characteristics (basic, molecular weight), the nature of contamination (nature and dispersion of suspended solids concentration, salt content, surface-active substances, the presence of soluble impurities). We also consider the effect of flocculation process parameters, such as the dose of flocculant, the hydrodynamic conditions of mixing and flocculation, clarification of the conditions of a flocculant-treated water. The studies were conducted on the model and the different types of wastewater. Identified in experimental data presented in the article and patterns can facilitate the choice of flocculant and optimization of process parameters to use for a wide range of industrial waste water


E.M. Galperin

V.V.Gutenev, M.B.Hasanov, G.V.Denisova, A.V.Pavlov

V.R. Milov, V.V. Boldyrev, S.V. Baranov

V.V. Gutenev, M.B. Hasanov, O.I. Montvila, A.I. Azhgirevich

I.S. CHuchalin

E.M. Nauryzbaev

E.M. Nauryzbaev

L.V. Gandurina

S.T. Tauipbaev

S.P. Sedluha
