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E.G. Petrov, E.V. Semyonov, A.D. CHepelevPromising use of adsorbent "Glint" to clear underground natural water contaminated with iron, manganese and hydrogen sulfide

The results of the research method of purification of underground water from iron, manganese, sulfur and other impurities, based on filtering using as a filtering bed of activated aluminosilicate adsorbent prolonged use "Glint".

L.I. Kantor, S.V. Harabrin, E.A. KantorDetermine the characteristics of changes in the concentration of bromine-containing trihalomethanes in drinking water and seepage of surface water intakes

The features of changes in the concentration of bromine-containing trihalomethanes in drinking water two infiltration and surface water intakes. Found that the seasonality of brominated trihalomethanes in education is most pronounced in the surface water intake, and the random component is dominant in the change of the time series of bromine-containing trihalomethanes in all catchments.

V.D. Nazarov, N.V. Vadulina, A.A. RusakovichCatalytic materials for water purification from iron

The results of the study of catalytic filter obezzhelezivayuschih natural and artificial materials. The prospects of their use in water supply installations with low productivity. The concrete examples of the implementation of active filter material in the installation of water recycling pool and water treatment plants of the hotel.

A.D. Bashkatov, D.A. Petrosov, G.A. ProkopovichProblems of groundwater for drinking and technical water supply and backup

The analysis of the current problems of drinking water supply in the European part of Russia, the rational use of groundwater resources and the problems associated with pollution of aquifers. Solution to the problem of water supply to be fully able to implement because of the backwardness of well construction technology, the pollution of the aquifer and the depletion of their reserves, as well as the widespread practice of selecting a contractor under the terms of the tender. Most of the projects on the production work on the use of subsoil and groundwater extraction are developed without taking into account the current level of technology and construction technology of centralized water supply facilities. Under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the Institute of Natural Resources and Technology Company "Inter-Aqua 2000" in some regions of the country developed and implemented advanced technology facilities prolific wells. Develop rational scheme of objects by implementing centralized water in the production of advanced water and wastewater technologies. The paper presents the positive experience of the Coordinating Council, member firms, has established itself as bona fide contractors and conductors of new technologies, engineering, exploration, hydro-geological works, construction of wells and intakes. New structures help resource users navigate the crossroads of the market, assess the impact of their decisions from the standpoint of rational use of mineral resources and to develop the right strategy.

S.V. Karavan, A.I. Hlytchiev, V.I. Barko, A.V. BuhtajarovDevelopment of technology of drainage water for the cooling systems of production

With the ever-increasing costs of drinking water for plants growing population's need for clean water. It is therefore very important question is used in the production of water unfit for drinking, rather than clear. As a technical instead of pure artesian water in the back of the refinery system can be applied to technology developed cold purified water drainage. This will not only environmental, but also a significant economic effect on production.

B.G. Mishukov, E.A. SolovevaCalculation and design of sand traps

Calculations of sand traps of various types and the possibility of improving the work of the existing sand traps by increasing the length of stay in their water, slowing the movement of water, eliminate chutes, uniform velocity distribution over the cross section. In the aerated grit chambers is necessary to organize the two processes - the destruction of aggregates and sand trapping small hydraulic size. Grit calculation should be performed on the sand content in the sediment of primary sedimentation tanks, under the conditions of normal operation on the hydraulic regime and washing sand from organic impurities.

S.V. Baglai, Ye.A. Rijanova, E.B. BaglaiBiochemical methods of water purification electroplating

Developed and implemented in the production technology of biological treatment of wastewater electroplating. The cleaning process is based on the activity of anaerobic bacteria that use as a power source of organic pollution of wastewater (including cutting fluids coolant) and a number of anions (sulfate, phosphate, nitrate, etc.). During the cleaning process sulfates are reduced to biogenic sulfide, which interacts with the dissolved salts in the water of heavy metals (Cr +6, Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, Pb, etc.), forms a sparingly soluble compounds - metal sulfides. Highlighted in the non-toxic cleaning residue (IV class of danger) and implemented in the processing industry as raw material. Trace concentrations of heavy metals are within 0,001 ... 0,005 mg / l. The technology has been successfully implemented at JSC "Plant Neftekamsky dump" (Bashkortostan) with a design capacity of 2400 m3/day. The use of biochemical technology provides high quality treated wastewater in accordance with the requirements of health authorities and allows for reuse. Technology has the flexibility and high adaptability to change in the qualitative and quantitative composition of sewage sludge in the allotted amount of 10 ... 100 times less than in the existing methods of industrial wastewater treatment. When operating the treatment plant is missing the following costs: chemicals, industrial water to the full water recycling; to challenge sewage, dumping rain on landfills, and on fines for environmental damage.

L.N. Gubanov, V.A. Filin, D.V. Bojarkin, A.V. KotovEspecially the use of urban waste water sediments as pochvouluchshayuschey supplements

Address the use of urban waste water sediments (TCO) as a fertilizer, which is limited mainly by the presence of heavy metals (HM) and the possibility of accumulation in the soil. Provides estimates of rainfall application rates given the physico-chemical properties of the soil, the chemical composition of fertilizers, environmental conditions of the area, etc. The possibility of accumulation of heavy metals in soils calls for an objective assessment of the environmental situation and the development of the forecast change in the soil content of heavy metals. Examples of calculations of the balance of TM. The role of the pre-detox sludge amino acid reagents in preventing local exceedance of metals resulting from uneven distribution of sediment layer on the soil surface when making SALT.

S.M. Musaeljan, R.V. HudadjanMethodology of integrated assessment of water pollution

The article describes a method of estimating the integral of the (generalized) of water pollution from the various sources of pollution: industrial, municipal and agricultural, urban areas. Certification is given the scale of contamination depending on the integral index - ratio of water pollution

V.M. Vorotyncev, V.M. Malyshev, E.A. MoralovaModel of the distribution of impurities in the two-phase system atmosphere - hydrosphere of the chemical reactions in the liquid phase

A generalized model of the calculation of the distribution of impurities between the ambient air and the hydrosphere of the chemical reactions in the liquid phase, which allows to predict the behavior of impurities when the physical and chemical composition of the hydrosphere as a result of human technological .. A good agreement with calculations for the individual impurity components (CO2, SO2, NO2, NH3). Shown that changes in the content of impurity components in the atmosphere by man-made human will be determined not only releases these impurities, but also their interaction with the surface of the hydrosphere.

A.D. Bashkatov, D.A. Petrosov, G.A. ProkopovichGroundwater ecology of the city

The analysis of trends in the deterioration of groundwater quality industrial centers. The main factors of pollution of aquifers. Defined the problem of irrational use of groundwater resources associated with the imperfection of single well water-accounting small subsoil. Proposed solutions to the problem, based on the ordering of the existing system of exploitation of groundwater and inventory of all city artesian wells, as well as streamlining the design and construction of new wells.

T.V. Perednja, E.G. Rizo, V.S. Timoshuk, F.N. SHikalenkoThe main directions and measures to reform the electroplating industry of St. Petersburg

Given the strategic interests of the economic, social and urban development of the St. Petersburg based approaches and the main directions of reforming the electroplating industry. For immediate reform in electroplating, in the historical center of the city, in accordance with the law "On technical regulation" asked to prepare "action plan to prevent harm to the environment and municipal sewerage systems of St. Petersburg" and their implementation in the development of feasibility studies and related investment projects . The focus is on solving the problems of increasing safety and efficiency of the systems "galvanic production - environmental facilities" in view of the integration process, facilitating the creation of a new type of competitive structures. Taking into account that 50% of electroplating industries located within the historic center of the preparations and their proposed reform as a separate "program of reform electroplating industry of St. Petersburg" (hereinafter - the Program). For the effective implementation of the program and projects developed on the basis of appropriate action plan, it is proposed to improve the mechanisms of financial and economic support to the implementation of effective environmental projects and activities, and the use of modern financial instruments for collective investment. Currently, as effective tools are mutual funds.


E.M. Galperin Modalities of the ring systems of water supply and distribution

Based on data on pipeline failure rate in the systems of water supply and distribution proved that most of the time, and often all the time, these objects function of whack. It is concluded that the current practice and regulatory requirements to count the normal operation of ring systems supply and distribution of water only in working order is erroneous. It is suggested that such objects nadezhnostnye calculations, during which provide reserve capacity in the system to ensure normal water supply consumers with faulty water mains.

B. G. Mishukov, E. A. SolovevaAssess the effectiveness of the primary radial pits

The methods of calculation of the primary clarifiers at the average parameters.

V.G. Ponomarev, I.S. CHuchalin, R.R. ZilbermanSurface runoff

The analysis of the work and the characteristics of a number of treatment facilities for runoff in Moscow. These results indicate that the choice of methods and facilities for treatment of surface runoff can not be unique. Are some options recommended technological schemes designed Ltd. "STROYENGINEERING SM" with FSUE VODGEO, for specific treatment of surface runoff. The necessity of an overall program to the problem of surface runoff, including and integrating all tasks in one single method.

A.B. Golovanchikov, V.A. Kozlovcev, D.V. HodyrevImproving the efficiency of flocculation in wastewater treatment reagent method

The possibility of increasing the flocculating properties of cationic polyelectrolyte due to the impact of an external electric field on the shared suspension or flocculants in wastewater purification processes reagent method. The effect of prior exposure to the external electric field on the model, followed by a suspension of cationic polyelectrolyte flocculation of 1,2-dimethyl-5-винилпиридинийметилсульфат (SF-91). Investigated flocculating properties of aqueous solutions of flocculant, previously treated by external electric field in a diaphragm cell. The implementation of the studied processes electroprocessing dispersed phase and cationic polyelectrolyte can intensify the process of flocculation of suspensions of different nature and can serve as a scientific basis for the development of optimal modes of accelerated deposition processes of wastewater treatment and sludge dewatering.

B.G. Mishukov, Hatem M. MatarAccounting processes of nitrification and denitrification in the calculation of aeration

Provides a formula for calculating the maximum specific rate of treatment (rmax) and half-saturation constant (K1) at close to 0 values ​​of dissolved oxygen in the availability of nitrate in interstitial waters return activated sludge. It is shown that appropriate design value of BOD treated water linked to the depth of the nitrification and efficiently use this information to control the course of treatment

Y. Jaffer, P. PearcePotential sedimentation and control over the enterprises on wastewater treatment

The article deals with the problem of extracting phosphorus from wastewater and related educational opportunities precipitation (scale) on the example of three plants wastewater treatment in the UK - in the cities uorgreyv, Reading and Slough. We also discuss the economic aspects of the use of precipitation for sale.
References: 1.Battistoni P., Pavan P., Cecchi F., and Mata-Alverez J., (1998), Phosphate removal in anaerobic supernatants: modelling and performance of a fluidized bed reactor. Water Science and Technology, 38(1), p275-283.
2.Cooper P., Day M. and Thomas V., (1994), Process options for nitrogen removal from wastewater, Journal of 'CIWEM , 8, p84-91.
3.Council of the European Communities, (1991), Directive concerning the collection, treatment and discharge of urban wastewater and the discharge of wastewater from certain industrial sectors. (91/271/EEC). Official Journal of the European Communities, series L 135/40.
4.Driver J., Lijmbach D. and Steen I., (1999), Why recover phosphorus for recycling and how? Environmental Technology, 20, p651-662
5.Jaffer Y., Clark Т., Pearce P. and Parsons S.A., (2002), Potential phosphorus recovery by struvite formation. Water Research, 36, pi 834-1842.
6.Jardin N.and Popel J., (1994), Phosphate release of sludges from enhanced biological P-removal during digestion. Water Science and Technology, 30(6), p281-292.
7.Levin G.V. and Shapiro, J., (1965), Metabolic uptake of phosphorus by wastewater organisms. Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation, 37, p800-821.
8.Loewenthal R.E., Kornmuller U.R C. and van Heerden E.P., (1994), Modelling struvite precipitation in anaerobic treatment systems. Water Science and Technology, 30(12), pi 07-116.
9.Mamais D., Pitt P.A., Cheng Y.W., Loiacono J. and Jenkins D., (1994), Determination of ferric chloride dose to control struvite precipitation in anaerobic sludge digesters. Water Environment Research, 66(7), p912-918.
10.Mohajit K..K., Bhaattarai E., Taiganides P. and Yap B.C., (1989), Stmvite deposits in pipes and aerators. Biological Wastes, 30, pl33-147.
11.Munch E.V. and Ban- K., (2000), Controlled struvite crystallisation for removing phosphorus from anaerobic digester sidestreams. Water Research, 34, 1868-1880
12.Pitman A.R., Deacon S.L. and Alexander W.V., (1991), The thickening and treatment of sewage sludges to minimise phosphorus release. Water Research, 25(10), pi 285-1294.
13.Plant L.J. and House W.A., (2001), Precipitation ofcalcite in the presence of inorganic phosphate. Proceedings of Second International Conference on the recovery of phosphorus from sewage and animal wastes. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 12th and 13th March 2001
14.Webb K.M., and Ho G.E., (1992), Stmvite (MgNH4P04.6H20) solubility and its application to a piggery effluent problem. Water Science and Technology, 26(9-11), p2229-2232.
15.Wild D., Kisliakova A. and Siegrist H., (1996), P-fixation by Mg, Ca and zeolite A during stabilization of excess sludge from enhance biological P-removal. Water Science and Technology, 34(1-2), p391-398.
16.Williams S., (1999), Struvite precipitation in the sludge stream at Slough wastewater treatment plant and opportunities for phosphorus recovery. Environmental Technology, 20, p743-747.
17.Yeoman S., Stephenson Т., Lester J.N. and Perry R., (1988), The removal of phosphorus during wastewater treatment: a review. Environmental Pollution, 49, p183-233.

A.F. Porjadin Environmental management system in urban water utilities Russia

Because with active work on the basic legislation governing the use of water in general, and drinking water supply in the Russian Federation in particular, a profound analysis of the water utilities as a special water users with long-term use rights. Shows the impact on water bodies and their biological resources. Excessive human impact on water sources for more than 50 years has made its earlier technology, equipment and engineering facilities are not effective water treatment, and the security of their own waste (washing, drainage water, etc.) - unfinished environmentally . There are inconsistencies of the water utilities to ISO 14000. Therefore, further development of the centralized water supply and sanitation with full sewage treatment utilities' poses fundamentally new environmental problems. The main activity in the water utilities should be uninterrupted water and environmental water use. In this regard, consider the priority, medium-and long-term objectives in the activity of water utilities.

K. Iohansson, R. KyurenseppjaSignificant cost savings from energy efficiency water utilities and water consumption metering

Company Soil and Water Ltd held a series of measurements of energy efficiency in Russian utilities. These measurements show that in the water utilities, there are many real opportunities to reduce energy costs. Measuring actual household water consumption conducted by Soil and Water Ltd, show that the population spends more water than you would normal. This places a heavy burden on water utilities, which should produce water in an amount greater than that for which they will receive payment. Measuring water consumption will explain the problem and the lack of capacity of existing systems for water and wastewater treatment. Considered full-scale examples of the effect of measurement of water consumption in its volume.

R. Kyurenseppja, K. Iohansson, I. Kopalin Accounting for water use and billing of its real value - the core WSS reform

Proposed reforms in the water sector to start with some water canals water consumption metering and billing for actual consumption. The current practice of billing the public in accordance with the norms of water use permits neither consumers nor businesses supplying services to manage the actual water consumption. Note the high water consumption in Russia compared to Western Europe. The results of measurements of water consumption in four Russian cities. Established, for example, in St. Petersburg, in-house leak, nearly 50% of the water consumed. Practical recommendations on the organization of accounting of water use and, as a consequence of the reforms are technical problems that can be solved as a result of her.

A.P. Bajanov, A.V. Lestovkin, V.S. TimoshukOrganizational and financial reform issues electroplating industry of St. Petersburg

To reform and relocation of industrial enterprises, bred in the historic center, the mechanisms of financial and economic support and implementation of effective investment projects. On the example of reform electroplating proposed approaches and organizational principles of their production on specialized high-performance corporate type. Prepared for the implementation of effective investment projects proposed to use modern financial instruments for collective investment, which is now starting to get more and more developed in the form of mutual funds. Mutual funds (SIF) is the collective form of property management, involving the union of a large number of investors and the professional management of a single capital. The article is devoted to the new financial instrument - closed-end mutual funds, their formation in the development of a feasibility study and create CUIT for implementation of the investment projects.

N.A. Kireeva, T.S. Onegova, N.V. ZhdanovaBiological treatment of oil-contaminated pond

The possibility of biological treatment of oil reservoir with a biological product belvitamil for one growing season. Application belvitamila helped increase the number of hydrocarbon-degrading microorganisms and increased activity, which intensified the expansion of oil.

A.N. Pahomov, D.A Danilovich, M.N. KozlovWorld experience soil sludge disposal: Status and Prospects

The analysis of wastewater experience in developed countries (the U.S., Britain, the EEC) and the trends of the various areas of recycling. More detail the characteristics and prospects of soil disposal of sewage sludge, which is still one of the most common methods of placing deposits in the environment. This method, along with the burning is currently the best prospects. Of greatest interest to Russia represents a weighted balanced approach American and British soil disposal SALT, the use of which allows the widespread use of sewage sludge in agriculture, forestry and urban construction. This approach will help to gradually resolve difficult environmental situation due to, on the one hand, the accumulation of huge masses of organic matter and, on the other hand, the loss of soil fertility.


S.N. Ilin, YU.I. Nefedov, M.G. NovikovThe effectiveness of the new wastewater treatment unit in Cherepovets

The analysis of defects used in cleaning surface water as one-step and two-step schemes. In St. Petersburg Institute of APS developed a new technological scheme of water treatment. Its main difference from the well-known two-stage scheme is that due to the continuous recirculation of sludge on the "inner loop" on the construction of the first stage of purification (ie in clarifiers-recirculator) flocculation process translates mode coagulation in volume (in traditional structures) in Contact coagulation, in which flakes are formed with high hydraulic size and sorption capacity. Experience of using clarifiers-recirculator on water pipes in Kostroma, Cherepovets, Perm, Daugavpils, Tikhvin and others confirmed the high quality water purification plants and showed that they are more productive (by 30-50%) than that used in the national practice.

O.D. Lukashevich, N.T. Usova The study of the adsorption properties of filter materials schungite

In order to identify the feasibility of schungite water purification Tomsk (in domestic terms) followed by chemical analysis of the water in contact with shungite, to study the migration of chemical elements on the boundary of the "mineral-water" and studied the adsorption properties shungit. The non-correspondence of the Karelian shungite sample properties of the investigated party mineral requirements of the filter materials. Only the fine fraction had adsorption capacity, comparable with activated charcoal. It is shown that with the help of the Kazakh shungite can effectively remove hydrocarbons from water. As adsorbate taken supplements in the form of petroleum diesel fuel or motor oil in certain concentrations, which were introduced in tap water. Even after three cycles with regeneration shungite maintained its good sorption properties comparable to activated carbon. The main drawback of adobe shungite - low strength. Calcination can significantly reduce the abrasion of the material, but it significantly (2-3) decreases porosity and associated with this characteristic sorption capacity shungite (shungizita). Thus, the results should be considered only preliminary, but encouraging, and paving the way for further research.

A.V. Harabrin, E.V. SHemagonova, L.I. KantorOn the correlation between the effectiveness of treatment in terms of permanganate oxidation and the degree of extraction of benzo (a) pyrene in the water treatment process

The article examines the relationship between removal efficiency indicator permanganate oxidation and degree of extraction of benzo () pyrene in water treatment process. It is shown that in cases where the benzo () pyrene water water source was detected, a correlation between the degree of its removal and cleaning performance in terms of permanganate oxidation.

A.M. Fridkin, N.R. Grebenshikov, V.M. Safin, M.I. Serushkin, V.F. Zaharenkov, S.M. Kochergin, O.G. Skotnikova, E.A. Ananeva, M.A. Glagoleva, S.V. CHepur, V.N. BykovSoftening drinking water using filters based on polymer space-globular structure and its effect on the human body

Investigated the softening of drinking water filters based on polymer space-globular structure (CBC). The decrease scaling filtered water after boiling with the absence of a change in its stiffness (quasi-softening effect). It was found that this phenomenon is due to the change of the crystalline form of calcium carbonate, the basis of sediment from calcite to aragonite, which is confirmed by the data of his study X-ray diffraction method. A possible mechanism to explain this phenomenon. Acute and subacute toxicity of filtered water in experiments with white rats allowed to establish its complete harmlessness to human health, as well as the ability to reduce the risk of kidney stones.

B. G. MishukovBiological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from municipal wastewater

Analyzes the most economical and environmentally friendly options for methods of biological nitrogen removal by nitrification and denitrification and phosphorus due to its high content in the excess sludge output from the cycle of biological treatment. Analysis of the results of the treatment plants in the nitrogen removal systems showed that for deep nitrification must first remove easily oxidized organic matter and reduce the load on the activated sludge on organic substances. If the regulations are advised to take the load on sludge 300-500 mg / g on day BPKP, for nitrification should be reduced by almost half. Phosphorus, unlike nitrogen more efficiently removed in the modes with high load and high growth in the sludge. It is therefore necessary to determine what kind of pollution is a priority, and what should be given preference. Reagent phosphorus removal due to significant costs, including for sludge treatment, apparently, will be developed in the long run.

D.V. UngurjanuOn management of the complex biological treatment "aeration tank-secondary clarifier"

One of the most important parameters that affect the operation of the complex aeration tank, secondary clarifier is precipitability sludge, ie his capacity for separation and compaction of the secondary sedimentation tanks. It is shown that to obtain reliable data on the sedimentary characteristics of the activated sludge and using them to determine loads on the secondary clarifiers, not limited to a predefined standard measure of sludge index and correct curves were settling activated sludge formed in the aeration conditions, and on that basis determine the speed his deposition. Recommended theory to determine the mass flow of the surface load to the secondary clarifiers. A method for determining this figure.

YU.P. SedluhoA new approach to the extraction technology of industrial wastewater treatment

Based on the contact process, the author studied the coalescence of emulsified in an aqueous medium hydrocarbon extraction technology offers a new waste water treatment, which for a number of key parameters is fundamentally different from traditional methods of extraction. Original design registration process using solvent extraction and coalescing devices allows you to combine the steps of providing an interface developed, in fact extraction and separation of the extractant in a finished process. The advantages of the proposed technology are as compact extraction apparatus, lack of devices needed to disperse and subsequent separation introduced extractant, high thermal load (20-25 m3/m2 h).

V.G. PonomaryovModeling framework of mechanical treatment of waste water

The analysis used in practical calculations for selection of mechanical treatment of waste water. Authors' experiments and analysis of the results of other authors have established the following: between the parameters characterizing the nature of particulate contaminants in wastewater and sediment properties, there are complex interactions, which can be created by defining a common method of calculation of mechanical treatment. We propose a conceptual method of experimental determination of the calculated hydraulic size using the program processing of the data by computer.

YU. P. SedluhoThe influence of dissolved gases in the process of filtering and coalescence in cleaning oily waste

The results of studies that confirm rather intense selection of dissolved gases on the surface of fibrous and granular hydrophobic filter material. This happens in a mind altering the equilibrium concentrations of dissolved gases from changes in pressure, temperature, surface tension and other factors. Evolved gases significantly influence the processes of filtration, adsorption and coalescence, cutting of large amounts of filter loading. The measures to combat it by choosing the direction of filtration or drainage water to be treated. Taking this into consideration is needed for a design registration wastewater treatment processes discussed methods.

L.N. Gubanov, A.V. Kotov, D.V. Bojarkin, O.A. DobrynskiiExperience of implementing technology disposal of sewage sludge in wastewater treatment plants of small settlements

Specificity of a problem of neutralization sludge small communities, and the main task of processing and recycling. In accordance with these objectives NNGASU draft site disposal and recycling in pochvouluchshayuschuyu composition of sewage sludge, the Sergachev to allow use of sludge as fertilizer on agricultural land. A scheme for waste water treatment and sludge treatment using for neutralization precipitation antibacterial agent - gidroksoaminokislotnyh copper complexes derived from protein-containing waste products. Using the amino acid composition of the sediment becomes biologically contaminated hazardous waste in an environmentally safe materials.

SA. OstroumovOn the ecological mechanism of water quality in water bodies. Elements of the theory and its applications

Formulated by generalizing the situation, which together make up the elements of the theory of the multifunctional role of the biota in the self-purification of aquatic ecosystems. This theory includes a provision is as follows: the basic processes of self-purification of aquatic ecosystems, energy mechanisms of self-purification of aquatic ecosystems, the main functional blocks of the system of self-purification processes, the degree of involvement in the self-cleaning of the main large groups of organisms (taxa), the degree of reliability of the system of self-purification and mechanisms providing , self-regulation of the biota; attitude of the system to external influences, the analogy between ecosystem and a bioreactor; implications for environmental practices


L.V. Maksimova, A.S. Selivanov, R.I. AyukaevSimulation modeling of the ring with the water supply network emergencies on their various areas of

The analysis of available water leak detection for different types of damage. We propose a model of the water supply network, which allows one to obtain the theoretical solution to the problem. On the basis of the constructed model has developed a program that allows to produce hydraulic calculations of water supply systems of any configuration and simulate the network in case of emergency.

L.V. Maksimova, A.S. Selivanov, R.I. Ayukaev Information and technical data base on the reliability of water supply systems

An information system, established on the basis of the developed scheme of technological process of eliminating the consequences of accidents on water supply systems. Information system allows to solve several problems at once: by collecting the necessary information to construct a mathematical model of the process, it is possible to assess the amount "spent" in case of accidents on the networks of the water with the selection of this lost volume and technologically necessary water. Synchronization of data collection as the amount of leakage and data pipelines and equipment city water network allows its use, the information material in a special analysis - process of normalization, renovation strategy sections of the network, the primary statistical analysis.

V.P. KargapolcevCalibration rig for water and heat meters, used in housing and communal services

The classification of the heavy load cell systems for water and heat meters. To provide verification devices used in housing areas, Kirov OKB "Hydrodynamics" is developed and put into production a body-mass lightweight automated installation for laboratories small service businesses. Besides the technical advantages, the installation has a low operating cost and shortest payback periods.

N.Ja. Lyubman, A.U. Mahmudova, T.CH. Sydykova, R.Zh. Nurkenova, L.S. PisarenkoSynthesis of new polymers spatial globular structure for solving problems of ecology, water treatment, drinking water supply and hydrometallurgy

The possibilities of the use of innovative polymer and ion-exchange materials - polymers with spatially globular structure (ASG) in clean technology, in particular, water systems. Discusses the basics of synthesis, chemical nature, the benefits of ASG-polymers and the principles of treatment on the basis of their water systems.

N.Ja. Lyubman, A.U. Mahmudova, T.CH. Sydykova, R.Zh. Nurkenova, L.S. PisarenkoSynthesis of resorcinol-formaldehyde polymer-CBC

The problems of the synthesis of PGS-based polymers of resorcinol as the most studied polymer globular systems. Filter elements of the resorcinol-formaldehyde polymer FEL-8 and their modifications are made on an industrial scale and are widely used in household and industrial-sorption systems. For the synthesis of high-permeable polymer products, in particular, based on phenolic monomers, the authors proposed a new approach that provides a spontaneous globuloobrazovanie polymer material in the process of polymerization or polycondensation reactions in well-defined and controlled conditions. Detail the influence of factors and the process parameters in terms of their relative contribution to the final state of the CBC-redundant system (the original monomers, non-solvent, solvent, catalyst, additives, reaction temperature, reaction volume, etc.). The conditions for obtaining filters with different porosity, volume. The possibilities of chemical modification of polymers ASG-FEL-8 for advanced materials related to the types of sorbents and redoksitov kompleksitov.

K.N. Ohlinger, R.J. MahmoodDetermine the possibility of precipitate formation of struvite using computer models

Developed and tested a computer model to predict the mass of struvite with the potential to precipitate. The reliability of the model tested using data obtained from the treatment of wastewater in the precipitation of a fluidized bed reactor at the plant treatment of liquid effluents. The model will benefit engineering professionals and users of serving enterprise for waste water treatment, as a result of ever-increasing interest in controlled precipitation of struvite, as necessary to protect their infrastructure, and to extract nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater
References: 1.Conti, S.D. and de Boor, C. (1980). Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach. 3rd Ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
2.Doyle, J.D. and S.A. Parsons (2002) Struvite formation, control and recovery. Wat. Res. 36(16): 3925-3940.
3.Miles, A. and Ellis, T.G. (2001) Struvite precipitation potential for nutrient recovery from anaerobically treated wastes. Wat. Sci. and Tech. 43(11): 259-266.
4.Ohlinger, K.N., Young, T.M., and Schroeder, E.D. (1998). "Predicting struvite formation in digestion." Wat. Res. 32(12), 3607-3614.
5.Ohlinger, K.N., Young, T.M. and Schroeder, E.D. (2000) "Post Digestion Struvite Precipitation Using a Fluidized Bed Reactor," ASCEJ. ofEnv. Engr. 126(4), 361-368.
6.Russell, L.L. (1976) Chemical Aspects of Ground Water Recharge with Wastewaters. PhD Thesis, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley.


An enigma of water. Structural-informational features of water and phenomenon of the "aquacommunication"