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References: 1. Fuggle R.W. Biological wastewater treatment - an introduction. paper presanted at Biological Treatment of Industrial Wastewater Conference< Loughborough University of Technology, UK 1995.
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N.M. SHegolkovaRegularities of formation of the environmental conditions of the modern river metropolis

V.D.Nazarov, M.V.NazarovNatural and waste waters using electrochemical methods

The possibility of natural and waste waters using coagulant obtained electrochemically. As the generators of coagulant used two types of devices: electrochemical coalescers and electrochemical filters. The mechanism of electrochemical devices, the directions of the intensification of the process of formation of coagulant. Through the organization of electrode processes in these devices occur oxidation-reduction reactions, phase-dispersed transformation. The possibility of using electrochemical devices in technological schemes structures intended for natural and waste water treatment. Experimental results have proved the effectiveness of the developed methods. These processes are energy-saving technologies.

YU.M. Meshengisser, A.I. SHetinin, M.A. EsinNitrogen and phosphorus removal activated sludge

Questions of removal from wastewater nitrogen and phosphorus biological way. The generalization of the literature and our own experience to determine the main estimates of the treatment process to remove nitrogen and phosphorus. Shows the effect of sludge age on the removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus.

S.Ja. Macov, O.A. TorhovaBiological treatment facilities Perm: current situation, development strategy

Describes the current status of biological treatment works in Perm. The data on the intensity of the contamination of water sources of raw sewage. Describes the measures taken by the company "Novogor-Kama", exploiting the water and sewerage system in Perm, the reconstruction of biological treatment plants in order to improve the ecological situation in the region. The reconstruction is planned to increase the design capacity and structures to achieve the regulatory treatment for problem indicators by introducing modern technologies nitrification-denitrification.

Raimo SapyskaA new solution for the collection of sediment in the radial settling tanks - scraper

The design of a scraper to collect sediment in the radial primary and secondary sedimentation tanks. The advantage of these systems over standard scraper. Described the original design resulting chain scraper is designed to work in circular tanks.

L.I. Leibovich, N.V. KorchevskiiThe closed circulation of process water for electroplating

The recommendations for the closed circulation of process water for electroplating industries. A comparison of different methods of water treatment in electroplating industries. The analysis of the technological parameters of the closed loop circulation of water in the bath washing parts after plating by using different methods of purification. The analysis is performed on two indicators - profitability and sustainability. As a result of generalization of experimental data the nomogram for determining the multiplicity of water circulation in the "tub for washing parts - cleaning plant." As a result of the complex studies of electrochemical water treatment equipment in closed water circulation systems, electroplating, and combined electrosorption systems, and draw conclusions about what are the most cost-effective installation of electrochemical water treatment.

Young-O Kim, Hai-Uk Nam, Jong-Hyun Lee, Tae-Joo Park, Tae-Ho Lee Managing the process of oxidation of Fenton's reagent by measuring the redox potential in the processing of pigment-containing waste water

The oxidation of Fenton's reagent (H2O2 and iron ion) is used in the pre-treatment of waste water containing pigment to break down biodegradable organic matter before the water in the biological treatment. To assess the relationship between the concentration of organic substances, expressed through the COD and the amount of Fenton reagent needed for sufficient oxidation of organic substances tested in batch and continuous mode with measurements of the oxidation-reduction potential. The concentration of organic substances in the oxidation reactor, calculated using the control program, in good agreement with the actual concentration (expressed in terms of COD) and COD variations in the treated water significantly decreased compared with those in the system without having to adjust dosage. The results show the effectiveness of the regulatory system with Fenton's reagent dosage metering AFP by Fenton reagent dose optimization and maintenance of a relatively stable quality of the treated water, it is possible to reduce organic pollution in order to facilitate the subsequent biological treatment.

G.V. Vorobev, D.M. BudnickiiPayment for use of the water body as a mechanism of the effect on water quality in the water body

As a way of ensuring adequate water quality in drinking water sources, drinking water supplied to the population and, thus, maintain the financial stability of the water sector organizations offered to release water user fees for the use of water bodies for drinking water supply for the period when the water quality in the water body does not meet the requirements.

A.N. Bratcev, V.E. Popov, S.V. SHtengel, A.A. UfimcevSolid waste by plasma gasification

The technology, which allows not only to destroy or reduce the waste volume, but get them out of products for future commercial use (synthesis gas, fuel gas, ceramic silicates, metals). Principle of operation - High plasma pyrolysis or gasification to produce electricity or possible disposal of residual heat, followed by a multi-stage flue gas cleaning in accordance with environmental protection. The data show that plasma technology is more advantageous compared to the traditional methods of waste treatment. The creation of such systems is made possible by the emergence of reliable and efficient plasma generators.