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Water supply: water purification and disinfection

O.D. Lukashevich Environmental and technological aspects of natural water quality assessment for industrial and domestic use.

The article presents issues on water quality regulation and classification (drinking and waste waters, surface and ground waters). The author listed parameters which are the most important in ecological, sanitary hygienic and technological regulation of water quality. The issues of legislative water quality control in Russia, Ukraine, EU and the USA are observed. The systematization of some types of underground waters which are used for domestic water supply and industrial water supply in Tomsk, Kemerovo and Tyumen Regions is carried out. Chalybeate underground waters classification on compositions and cleaning methods is developed by means of conventional indexes and in accordance with them the selection of the underground water purification technological scheme option is offered.
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3. Sanitary regulations and standards 2.1.5. 980-00. Water disposal of populated localities, sanitary protection of water bodies.Hydienic requierements to surface waters protection. M., Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,2000.
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21. Goncharuk V.V., Zhukinskij V.N. Chernjavskaja A.P., Skubchenko V.F. Razrabotka jekologo-gigienicheskoj klassifikacii kachestva poverhnostnyh vod – istochnikov centralizovannogo pit'evogo vodosnabzhenija [Development of ecological hygienic classification of quality of surface waters - source of the centralized drinking water supply],Himija i tehnologija vody [Water chemistry and technology],journ., 2003, volo.25.,№2, pp. 106-157.
22. Lukashevich O.D. Klassifikacija prirodnyh vod dlja celej pit'evogo vodosnabzhenija (po ih sposobnosti k ochistke) [Surface waters classification for drinking water supply networks (according to their cleanability], Voda i jekologija. Problemy i reshenija [Water and ecology:problems and solutions],magazine, №4, 2005, pp. 3-16.

P.S. Sudilovskii, V.P. Vyrelkin, E.P. Panishev, YU.A. KaramnovComparative analysis of economics of seawater desalination plant by reverse osmosis and vapor compression distillation

A brief review of the main methods of seawater desalination is produced. The comparative analysis of two the most common desalination technologies: reverse osmosis and vapor compression distillation is carried out. For comparison of economic indicators the integral performance index calculated on the basis of life cycle cost model was used. Source water salinity and performance of purified water distillers served as the main comparison parameters. The fields of the each desalination method preferable use as well as prospective of combined application were defined.
References: 1. Semiat R. Desalination: Present and Future. Water International. Volume 25, Number 1, 2000, pp. 54-56.
2. Fjurop R. Problema vody na zemnom share [Water problem in the Earth], L., Gidrometeoizdat,publ., 1990.
3. Web site of GE Water & Process Technologies
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5. Krivobok S.M., Starikov E.N., Sudilovskij P.S. Perspektivy primenenija baromembrannyh tehnologij v VPU. Malaja jenergetika[Prospectives of using baromembrane technologies at water treatment plants. Small power engineering],works of the international research and practice conference, 11-14 of October 2004, Moscow, Russia, 2004, pp. 59-65.
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K.G. Babi, K.M. Koumenides, A.D. Nikolaou, C.A. Makri, F.K. Tzoumerkas, T.D. LekkasPilot-scale studies on removal of trihalomethanes and organic carbon from drinking water by adsorption on granular activated carbon

The drinking water tertiary treatment efficiency of the city of Athens, Greece, using the filter-absorber with granular activated carbon in regard to removal of two main groups of coloration by-products (trihalomethanes (THM) and halo acetic acid (HAA) as well as dissolved organic carbon (DOC)) was defined. Before the DOC slip the capacity of granular activated carbon considerably exceeded that indicator for HAA which in its turn was higher than for the sum of THM. The removal of THM and the greater part of HAA and DOC is explained by adsorption to granular activated carbon whereas the removal of the minor part of HAA and DOC can be explained by tbiodestruction in a sorbent layer where dechlorination proceeding cataltically on the surface of carbon created favorable conditions for development of bacteria. Besides, granular activated carbon filter-absorber working at the stage of tertiary water treatment (after rapid filter) discovered a much higher absorption capacity in comparison with filer-absorber installed after tanks as result of the smaller size of coal grains and much higher hydraulic loading. Examined cases of THM (mostly) and HAA desorption, especially during the filter-absorber work at the stage of tertiary water treatment, were caused by the same reasons. THM mass balance amount in a full cycle of the process is one more reason of THM development in the granular activated carbon layer.
References: 1. P. Singer, J. Environ. Eng., 120 (1994) pp. 727–744.
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4. P. Singer, A. Obolensky and A. Greiner, J. AWWA, 87 (1995) pp. 83–92.
5. P. Singer, Water Sci. Technol., 40 (1999) pp. 25–30.
6. A. Nikolaou, S. Golfinopoulos and T. Lekkas, J.Environ. Monitoring, 4 (2002) pp. 910–916.
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8. A. Nikolaou, S. Golfinopoulos, T. Lekkas and M. Kostopoulou, J. Environ. Monitoring Assessment, 93 (2004) pp. 301–319.
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Ceyda Senem Uyguner, Serif Altan Suphandag, Aslihan Kerc, Miray Bekbolet Evaluation of adsorption and coagulation of humic acid treated with advanced oxidation technology.

Features estimation of adsorption and coagulation of humid acid exposed to processing with the use of advanced oxidative technologies. Features of adsorption and coagulation of humid acid in the water after it pre-processing by photocatalytic oxidation and ozonation are defined. The changes that happened to humid acid after the oxidation were defined by changes in spectrums during the ultraviolet and luminescent spectroscopic analysis. After each oxidation processing features of humid acid adsorption and coagulation were estimated by indicators of color removal efficiency (Color436) and flavors (UV254)). Comparative examination of key purification parameters of such as types of coagulants (aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride), types of polymeric flocculants used along with coagulants (anionic and nonionic) and coagulant optimal dose was carried out. Adsorption proprieties of powered and granular activated carbon are examined.
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Arapov O. V., Kopylova E. A., Karavan S. V., Mudzhikova G. V.Chemical water purification using ferrate technology.

On the basis of the new reagent “FERROKSIN” whose main active substance is a mixture of natrium ferrate in the degree of oxidation (+6) and (+4) the different ways of natural and waste waters reagent processing at the stage of tertiary wastewater treatment were offered. In the process of chemical water purification the reagent simultaneously oxidizes, disinfects and coagulates. The main advantages of this reagent in comparison with the most commonly used oxidants are examined.
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Water supply: supervision and metrological support issues

Shterner S.R., Luzgin S.L., Kirilova T.S.New computerized equipment for operational control and reagent water treatment process control

For optimization of current water treatment technologies applied at water treatment plants by means of automized process control systems the “Koagulant-Osvetlitel” (coagulant-clarifier) instrument modules and control modules for automatic dosing of coagulant and flocculant, alkaline agent and “Khlor-Monitoring” (Chlorine-monitoring”), which automatically monitors the activated chlorine concentration in purified water, are offered. They jointly form a control analytical set “UNITOK-1”. Exclusively modules represent a separate measuring and computing complex which easily integrate into any automatic control system and can be applied at any water treatment plant regardless of its performance and technical condition.
References: 1. Shterner S.R. Celevoj proekt po resheniju problem povyshenija kachestva pit'evoj vody na ochistnyh sooruzhenijah predprijatij «Vodokanal», a takzhe vody dlja tehnologicheskih celej, ochishhaemoj v vodopodgotovitel'nyh cehah promyshlennyh predprijatij. Koncepcija programmy - «Voda pit'evaja - chistaja voda» [Target project on solving problems of drinking water quality increasing at waste water treatment plants of "Vodokanal" as well as water for technological purposes treated in water treatment shops of industrial enterprises], Rebuplic of Kazakhstan, Vodnye resursy i vodopol'zovanie,journ., 2005, №8(20), pp. 27-30.
2. Shterner S.R. Metody optimizacii dejstvujushhih tehnologij reagentnoj ochistki vody sredstvami ASU TP [Methods of optimization of current technology of reagent water treatment by means of automatic process control system],materials of the research and practice seminar "Modern technologies of water supply and water disposal reliability control" , 19-21 of April, 2005, Novosibirsk, pp. 39-40.
3. Shterner S.R., Luzgin S.L. Optimizacija tehnologii reagentnoj ochistki vody sredstvami ASU TP [Optimization of current technology of reagent water treatment by means of automatic process control system], materials of the 2nd international research and practice conference "Solving water management problems in Siberian region], 27-28 of October 2005, Novosibirsk,pp. 41-43.
4. Shterner S.R. Avtomaticheskij korrektor tehnologii vodopodgotovki - kontrol'no-izmeritel'nyj modul' «Koaguljant-Osvetlitel'» [Self-correcting equalizer of water treatment technology - instrumentation module «Koaguljant-Osvetlitel'»],Vodosnabzhenie i sanitarnaja tehnika [Water supply and sanitary techniques],journ., 1997, №7, pp. 21-23.
5. Steblevskij V.I., Domnin K.V., Arhipova E.E., Bilecij A.G. Rabota oborudovanija OOO «Nauchno-vnedrencheskij centr UNITOK» g. Ekaterinburga na «golovnyh» i «gorjachih» ochistnyh sooruzhenijah g. Habarovska [Work of the equipment of LLC «Nauchno-vnedrencheskij centr UNITOK» of the city of Ekatherinburg at "head" and "hot" waste water treatment plants of the city of Khabarovsk], Republic of Kazakhstan, Vodnye resursy i vodopol'zovanie,journ., 2005, №10(22), pp. 37-42.

Kargapolcev V.P., Kosolapov A.V., Sidenko A.A. Some approaches to the problem solution of metrological housing support

Possible selection criterion of calibration rigs for flow meters and their suppliers are offered as well as approaches to technical requirements identification (development requirements specification) for calibration rigs to develop an individual calibration base.

Waste water treatment

Beljak A.A., Gerasimov M.M., Hohlova A.D., Smirnov A.D., Kuznechik O.A.Waste water treatment after chemical-photographic color film processing

For waste water treatment after chemical-photographic color film processing reagent and sorption methods were selected and tested after the pollution composition investigation of the Mosfilm shop actual sewage. The optimal conditions of actual sewage treatment by each of a selected method were practiced. The technological scheme of the manufacture total sewage treatment plant which enables to obtain water that can be discharged into an urban sewage was developed.
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5. Volynkin N.I., Zheleznjakova Z.P., Nikolaev O.K. Ochistka stochnyh vod kinokopiroval'nyh fabrik ot projavljajushhih veshhestv [Treatment of printing station waste waters from developing substances], works of Leningrad insitute of film directors, issue 19, L., 1972.
6. Agafonova L.P., Volynkin N.M., Denisova N.E. Izuchenie vozmozhnosti primenenija metoda obratnogo osmosa dlja izvlechenija tiosul'fat- i sul'fit-ionov [Study of reverse osmosis method application for extraction of thiosulfate and sulfite ions], materials of the scientific and technical conference ofLeningrad insitute of film directors, L., pp. 91-93, 1985.
7. Beljak A.A. Razrabotka tehnologii ochistki promyvnyh vod posle fiksirovanija metodom jelektrodializa na jeksperimental'noj ustanovke NIKFI [Development of treatment technology of rinse waters after fixing by method of electrodialysis using pilot installation of science-and-research institute of still and motion picture], works of science-and-research institute of still and motion picture, issue 123, p. 22, M., 1985.
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11. Lur'e Ju.Ju. Analiticheskaja himija promyshlennyh stochnyh vod [Analytical chemistry of industrial waste waters], M., Himija, 1984.
12. A.A.Beljak, O.V.Judina. Ispytanija adsorbentov dlja izvlechenija organicheskih primesej iz promyvnoj vody posle fiksirovanija [Testing of adsobents for extraction of organic impurities from rinse waters after fixing], collection of scientific works of science-and-research institute of still and motion picture, M., 1988.


Wastewater treatment and transferring

A.A. Hohrjakov, A.A. Ezhelev, S.V. Polovcev, S.A. Kernozhickaja, V.B. Moshkovskii New efficient sorbents (sinks) on the basis of rice husk to collect spills and water purification

Describe new types of sorbents for water obtained by processing the previously non-utilizable agricultural waste. It is heat-treated rice husk (TSHR) and active silica (ADC). Heat treatment of rice husk leads to carbonization of polysaccharides and the formation of active carbon in the active silica. Evenly distributed in the rice husk mass colloidal silica according to the catalyst carbonization process. Thus, heat treatment (carbonization) is formed under relatively mild conditions unique sorbent combines the properties of the activated carbon is widely used in industry for the sorption of small and srednepolyarnyh substances and active ultraporistogo and ultrafine silica - polar sorbent products, alkaline earth cations and heavy metals.

Electrochemical water treatment

P.M. Solozhenkin The theoretical basis and practical aspects of electrochemical wastewater treatment.

The article presents an analysis of the theoretical basis of electrochemical wastewater treatment from the position of advanced physical-chemical concepts. The following aspects are observed in detail: ferritization process, role of different galvanic couples, and change kinetics of metal cation concentration in the process of wastewater treatment. Electrochemical wastewater treatment technology is characterized by brand new technological solutions which provide the efficiency and ease of process instrumentation. Treatment of solutions, wastewaters and circulating waters is performed in the flow drum-type equipment in a continuous mode by using magnetic form of iron compounds which electrochemically generate in the same equipment in a mode of galvanic couples without introducing chemical reagents. Besides, there is no need in using external supply source of current.
References: 1. Chanturija V.A., Solozhenkin P.M. Gal'vanohimicheskie metody ochistki tehnogennyh vod: Teorija i praktika [Electrochemical method of technogenic waters treatment: theory and practice], M., engineering and consulting center «Akademkniga», 2005, p. 204.
2. Feofanov V.A., Dzjubinskij F.A. Gal'vanokoaguljacija: teorija i praktika besstochnogo vodopol'zovanija [Electrocoagulation: theory and practice of internal-drainage water use], Magnitogorsk, LLC «MiniTip», 2006, p. 368.
3. Kovalev V.V., Kovaleva O.V. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty jelektrohimicheskoj obrabotki vody: Monografija [Theoretical and practical aspects of electrochemical treatment of water:monography], Chisinau, poligraphic center of the Moldova State University,publ., 2003, p. 415.
4. Solozhenkin P.M. Perspektivy gal'vanohimicheskih metodov ochistki tehnogennyh vod [Prospectives of electrochemical methods of technogenic waters treatment], Jekologija proizvodstva. Himija i neftehimija [Industrial Ecology],journ., 2006, №3 (5), pp. 14-16.
5. Malyshev V.V. Teorija i praktika gal'vanokoaguljacionnogo metoda ochistki [Theory and practice of electrochemical treatment method], Jekologija proizvodstva,[Industrial Ecology],journ., 2006, №3, pp. 42-46.
6. Patent 2014285 RF S 15 S 02F1/461.Sposob izvlechenija metallov iz rastvorov [Method of metalls extraction from solutions], Kurdjumov G.M., Chernova O.P.,Kulikova A.V.,Samsonov A.K., Vazherkina T.A.,Pohvisneva V.B.; published 15.04.94, bulletin 11.
7. Rjazancev A.A., Batoeva A.A.,Batoev V.B., Tumurova L.V.Gal'vanokoaguljacionnaja ochistka stochnyh vod [Electrochemical waste waters treatment], Himija v interesah ustoichivosti razvitija [Chemistry for Sustainable Development],journ., 1996, vol.4,3, pp. 233-241.

Water supply

Kerry J. Howe, Mark M. Clark Effect of coagulation pretreatment water membrane on filtration process

In this investigation the coagulant effect on processes of ultra- and microfiltration was estimated. In the investigation the changing factors effecting on the filtration process were different water supply sources, coagulant type, coagulant dose, conditions of coagulant behavior and membrane material. Colmatage was estimated by using a flat membrane. Liner relations between dissolved organic carbon removal assessed by ultraviolet absorption with the wavelength of 254 nm and membrane pollution level were observed. Besides, it turned out that the conditions of coagulant behavior effect on filer cycle duration of microfiltration membrane, but does not have an effect on ultrafiltration. Prefiltration was used for separate estimation of coagulant behavior effect on removal of suspended substances and dissolved organic carbon. According to given results it can be supposed that the dissolved substances are responsible for membrane colmatage by more than 80 %.
References: 1. Aiken, G., D.M. McKnight, K.A. Thorn, and E.M. Thurman (1992). “Isolation of hydrophilic organic acids from water using nonionic macroporous resins.” Organic Geochemistry 18(4):567-573.
2. APHA, AWWA and WEF (1999). Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. Washington, D.C., APHA.
3. ASTM (2001). D5090-90 - Standard practice for standardizing ultrafiltration permeate flow performance data, in Annual Book of Standards, Vol. 11.01. Philadelphia, PA, American Society for Testing and Materials.
4. AWWA (2000). Operational control of coagulation and filtration processes, second edition (Manual M37). Denver, CO, AWWA.
5. Best, G., D. Mourato, M. Singh, M. Firman and S. Basu (2000). "Application of immersed ultrafiltration membranes for color and TOC removal." Unpublished manuscript distributed at the AWWA 2000 Annual Conference.
6. Bian, R., Y. Watanabe, N. Tambo and G. Ozawa (1999). "Removal of humic substances by UF and NF membrane systems." Water Science & Technology 40(9): 121-129.
7. Braghetta, A., M. Price, C. Kolkhorst and J. Thaxton (2001). "Use of physical and chemical pretreatment ahead of ultrafiltration for surface water treatment in San Antonio, Texas." 2001
8. AWWA Membrane Technology Conference., San Antonio, TX, AWWA.
9. Carroll, T., S. King, S.R. Gray, B.A. Bolto and N.A. Booker (2000). "Fouling of microfiltration membranes by NOM after coagulation treatment." Water Research 34(11): 2861-2868.
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11. Fu, L.F. and B.A. Dempsey (1997). "Effect of charge and coagulant dose on NOM removal and membrane fouling mechanisms." 1997 AWWA Membrane Technology Conference., Denver,CO, AWWA.
12. Howe, K.J. (2001). Effect of coagulation pretreatment on membrane filtration performance. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Urbana, IL.
13. Howe, K.J. and M.M. Clark (2002a). Coagulation pretreatment for membrane filtration. Denver, CO, AWWA Research Foundation.
14. Howe, K.J. and M.M. Clark (2002b). "Fouling of microfiltration and ultrafiltration membranes by natural waters." Environmental Science & Technology 36(16): 3571-3576.
15. Jack, A.M. and M.M. Clark (1998). "Using PAC-UF to treat a low-quality surface water." Journal American Water Works Association 90(11): 83-95.
16. James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers. (1985). Water treatment principles and design. New York, Wiley.
17. Judd, S.J. and P. Hillis (2001). "Optimisation of combined coagulation and microfiltration for water treatment." Water Research 35(12): 2895-2904.
18. Karanfil, T., I. Erdogan and M.A. Schlautman (2003). "Selecting filter membranes for measuring DOC and UV254." Journal American Water Works Association 95(3): 86-100.
19. Karimi, A.A., J.C. Vickers and R.F. Harasick (1999). "Microfiltration goes Hollywood: The Los Angeles experience." Journal American Water Works Association 91(6): 14.
20. Kawamura, S. (2000). Integrated design and operation of water treatment facilities. New York, Wiley.
21. Kelly, R.F., F. Colas, V. Bonnelye and S. Tarallo (2003). "Impact of ultrafiltration membrane material and pre-coagulation strategy on an enhanced clarification process." 2003 AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, Atlanta, GA, AWWA.
22. Lahoussine-Turcaud, V., M.R. Wiesner, J.Y. Bottero and J. Mallevialle (1990). "Coagulation pretreatment for ultrafiltration of a surface water." Journal American Water Works Association 82(12): 76-81.
23. Laine, J.-M., J.P. Hagstrom, M.M. Clark and J. Mallevialle (1989). "Effects of ultrafiltration membrane composition." Journal American Water Works Association 81(11): 61-67.
24. Lee, J.D., S.H. Lee, M.H. Jo, P.K. Park, C.H. Lee and J.W. Kwak (2000). "Effect of coagulation conditions on membrane filtration characteristics in coagulation-microfiltration process for water treatment." Environmental Science & Technology 34(17): 3780-3788.
25. Maartens, A., P. Swart and E.P. Jacobs (1999). "Feed-water pretreatment: methods to reduce membrane fouling by natural organic matter." Journal of Membrane Science 163(1): 51-62.
26. Mourato, D., G. Best, M. Singh and S. Basu (1999). "Reduction of disinfection by-products, dissolved organic carbon, and color using immersed ultrafiltration membranes." 1999 AWWA Membrane Technology Conference., Long Beach, CA, AWWA.
27. Pappas, K.R., J. Pressman and Z.K. Chowdhury (2003). "Use of in-line coagulation with microfiltration at Canyon Lake, Texas." 2003 AWWA Membrane Technology Conference, Atlanta, GA, AWWA.
28. Robert, C., J.S. Taylor, C.R. Reiss and N. Langenderfer (1999). "Surface water treatment by integrated membrane systems with in-line coagulation." 1999 AWWA Membrane Technology Conference., Long Beach, CA, AWWA.
29. Schafer, A.I., A.G. Fane and T.D. Waite (2001). "Cost factors and chemical pretreatment effects in the membrane filtration of waters containing natural organic matter." Water Research 35(6): 1509-1517.
30. Shorney, H.L., W.A. Vernon, J. Clune and R.G. Bond (2001). "Performance of MF/UF membranes with in-line ferric-salt coagulation for removal of arsenic from a southwest surface water." 2001 AWWA Membrane Technology Conference., San Antonio, TX, AWWA.
31. Shrive, C.A., J. DeMarco, D.H. Metz, A. Braghetta and J.G. Jacangelo (1999). "Assessment of microfiltration for integration into a granular activated carbon facility." 1999 AWWA Membrane Technology Conference., Long Beach, CA, AWWA.
32. Thurman, E.M. and R.L. Malcolm (1981) "Preparative isolation of aquatic humic substances." Environmental Science & Technology 15(4): 463-466.
33. U.S. EPA (1999). Enhanced coagulation and enhanced precipitative softening guidance manual. Report No. 815-R-99-012. Washington, D.C., Environmental Protection Agency.

G.G.Babajan Some approaches to the assessment of groundwater quality for domestic and drinking purposes

The data of 25 years systematic observations of the Armenian 103 domestic water supply sources water quality are summarized in order to predict the deterioration of water quality as a result of their long and intensive use. The investigation was carried out on the basis of developed methodical scheme of ecological and hydro-chemical water quality estimation. Physical-chemical models of researched waters designed for application were worked out.
References: 1. Water code of the republic of Armenia / Law of the republic of Armenia from 1 of July 2002. (in Armenian)
2. Sanitary regulations and standards N2-III-А2-1 "Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control over the centralized systems of domestoc and drinking water supply], Yerevan, 2002, p. 46. (in Armenian).
3. Methods of geochemical modeling and foreseeing in hydrogeology. Edited by Krajnov, Nedra,publ., 1988, p. 254.
4. Tokarev D.V. Korreljacionnyj i regressivnyj analiz [Correlation and regression analysis], M., 2005, p. 322.

E.M. Galperin, A.B. Gostev, A.K. Strelkov, A.G. Plehanov On reliability of the sewerage network

The analysis of sewer network functioning conditions with the regard to maintainability enables to distinguish the most unreliable part of it. In this part of sewer network the repair with the sector work suspension (that is, its draining) causes a long discharging of waste waters in the environment. This part of sewer network includes collectors of large diameter (approximately d  600 mm). In the left part of the network the repair with the draining does not cause the decreasing of functioning reliability. It is suggested to supply the sewer network of d  600 mm with a duplicate one, if it is possible in existing, conditions in order to provide a high reliability functioning. It is proved that this decision is approved from the point of view of technology, reliability and economy.
References: 1. GOST 27.002.-89. Industrial product dependability. Fundamental concepts.Terms and definitions. M., 1990.
2. Gal'perin E.M., Strelkova A.K. Vybor pokazatelej nadezhnosti kanalizacionnoj seti [Choice of sewage system reliability rate], Vodosnabzhenie i sanitarnaja tehnika [Water supply and sanitary techniques],journ., 2000, №12.
3. Jakovlev S.V., Voronov Ju.V. Vodootvedenie i ochistka stochnyh vod [Water disposal and waste waters treatment], M., 2002.
4. Evilevich A.Z. Oshibki v jekspluatacii vodoprovodov i kanalizacii [Mistakes in waterworks and sewerage operation], L., Izd-vo literatury po stroitel'stvu,publ., 1972.
5. Jakovlev S.V., Karelin Ja.A., Zhukov A.I., Kolobanov S.K., Kanalizacija: Uchebnik dlja VUZov [Sewerage: study guide for higher educational establishments], 5th edition, revised and enlarged edition, M., Strojizdat,publ., 1975.
6. Lukinyh A.A., Lukinyh N.A. Tablica dlja gidravlicheskogo raschet kanalizacionnyh setej i djukerov po formule akad. N.N. Pavlovskogo [Table for hydraulic calculations of sewerage systems and inverted syphons by formula of N.N. Pavlovsky], M., Strojizdat,publ., 1974.
7. Neparidze R.Sh., Mordjasov M.A., Aleksandrovskij B.G., Klement'ev A.A., Trusov F.N., Lebedev K.N., Isaev V.P., Hrupov A.I., Svetlopoljanskij A.V., Husainov U.G., Chuev A.V., Safin M.D. Rekonstrukcija bol'shih kanalizacionnyh kollektorov krupnyh gorodov [Reconstruction of big sewage collectors of large cities], Vodosnabzhenie i sanitarnaja tehnika [Water supply and sanitary techniques],journ., 2002, №6.
8. Karamzinov F.V, Tazetdinov G.M., Il'in Ju.A., Ignatchik V.s., Ignatchik S.Ju.,Nadezhnost' transportirovki stochnyh vod sistemoj vodootvedenija Sankt-Peterburga [Reliablity of waste waters transportation by water disposal system of Saint-Petersburg], Vodosnabzhenie i sanitarnaja tehnika [Water supply and sanitary techniques],journ., 1999. №7.
9. Otvedenie i ochistka stochnyh vod Santk-Peterburga [Water disposal and waste water treatment in Saint-Petersburg], team of authors, Saint-Petersburg, Strojizdat Spb.,publ., 1999.
10. Drozd G.Ja. Nadezhnost' kanalizacionnyh setej [Reliability of sewerage systems], vodosnabzhenie i sanitarnaja tehnika [Water supply and sanitary techniques],journ., 1995, №10.
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12. Territorial unit costs 81-02-23-2001. Cost estimate department. Sewerage - external networks. Samara, 2001.

Ecology and microbiology

O.A. Torhova, G.V. Kapitonova Bioestimating supervision- a way to manage the process of biological wastewater treatment

A new hydrobiological method of wastewater treatment supervision and natural water self-purification named “bioestimation” is described in the article. This method enables to increase the stability of purification process due to possibility to diagnose and predict it. Demonstrative groups of organism-bioestimators which warn about purification process violation by changing its number (flash) were defined. The total number of detected ecological groups is ten which include organisms which are similar in responding to environment change but different in systematic location.
References: 1. Zhmur N.S. Metodicheskoe rukovodstvo po gidrobiologicheskomu i bakteriologicheskomu kontrolju processa biologicheskoj ochistki na sooruzhenijah ajerotenkami.[Methodological guideline on hydrobiological and bacteriological control of biological treatment process at plants by aerotanks], PND F SB 14.1.77-96 [Environment normative documents, federal], M., 1996, p. 4.
2. Nikitina O.G., Semenova G.A., Chibisova o.I. Novyj vid rakovinnoj ameby i ego ispol'zovanie v bioindifikacii processa ochistki stochnyh vod [The new species of testate amoeba and its use in bioidentification of waste waters treatment process], Biologicheskie nauki,journ., 1981, №5.
3. Nikitina O.G. O vspuhanii aktivnogo ila [Activated sludge foaming], Zhilishhno-kommunal'noe hozjajstvo,jourm., 1991, №2, p. 34.
4. Nikitina O.G. Netradicionnye metody kontrolja raboty ochistnyh sooruzhenij [Non-traditional control methods of treatment plants work], materials of the seminar, Moscow, 1-3 of February, 2000.
5. Nikitina O.G. Jekspress-sposob kontrolja ochistki stochnyh vod s aktivnym ilom [Express-method of treatment of waste waters with activated sludge], matherials of the seminar, Zelenograd, January, 2003.
6. Recommendations on carrying out the efficient hydrobiological control at biological treatment plants with aerotanks], M., CBNTI Mivodhoza SSSR [Head office of the scientific and technical information of Ministry of Land Reclamation and Water Management of the USSR], 1987, p. 18.

M.V. Kevbrina, A.YU. Kallistova, B. Verli, A.N. NozhevnikovaUsing different methods of cells quantifying to study microbial ecology

The article observes the appliance of methods of different groups of microorganism’s number determination (domains of Bacteria and Achaea, sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanotrophs) in natural (meromictic lakes) and anthropogenic ecosystems (refuse dump). The methodic features of samples fixation, preliminary treatment and storage are observed. Comparison analysis of methods of microorganism’s number determination such as ex situ (the method of limiting dilution) and in situ (methods of indirect immune fluorescence and in situ hybridization fluorescence) was carried out. Modifications of the methods for their specification increasing are offered.
References: 1. Amann R., Fuchs B.M., Behrens S. 2001. The identification of microorganisms by fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, V.12, p.231-236.
2. Giavanonni S.J., Britschgi T.B., Moyer C.L., Field K.G. 1990. Genetic diversity in Sargasso Sea bacterioplankton. Nature, V. 345, p. 60-63.
3. Muyzer G., Smalla K. 1998. Application of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and temperature gradient gel electorphoresis (TGGE) in microbial ecology. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, V. 73, p.127-141.
4. Murrell J.C., McDonald I.R., Bourne D.G. 1998 Molecular methods for the study of methanotroph ecology. FEMS Microbiol.Ecol., v. 27., p. 103-114.
5. Кондратенко Г.П., Николенко Ю.И., Безрукова Л.В., Нестерова А.И., Гальченко В.Ф., 1981. Идентификация метанотрофных бактерийй методом иммунофлуоресционции. Микробиология. Т. 50, №2, с. 320-325.
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8. Schonhuber W., Fuchs, B., Juretschko S. and Amann R. 1997. Improved sensitivity of whole-cell hybridization by the combination of horseradish peroxidase-labeled oligonucleotides and tyramide signal amplification. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., V.63, p.3268-3273.
9. Pernthaler A., Pernthaler J., Amann R. 2002. Fluorescence in situ hybridisation and catalyzed reporter deposition for the identifiaction of marine bacteria. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.,v.68, №6, p, 3094-3101.
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13. Amann R.I., Binder B.J., Olsen R.J., Chrisholm S.W., Devereux R. and Stahl D.A. 1990.Combination of 16S rRNA-targeted oilgonucleotide probes with flow cytometry for analyzing mixed microbial popultions. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., v, 56, p.1919-1925/
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15. Гальченко В.Ф., Абрамочкина Ф.Н., Безрукова Л.В., Соколова Е.Н., Иванов М.В., 1998. Видовой состав аэробной метанотрофной микрофлоры Черного моря. Микробиология, Т. 57, №2, с. 305-311.
16. Schonhuber W., Zarda B., Eix S., Rippka R., Herman M., Ludwig W. and Amann R. 1999. In situ identification of cyanobacteria with horseradish peroxidase-labeled r-RNA-targeted oilgonucleotide probes. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., v.65,№3, p.1259-1267.
17. Кужиновский В.А., Мицкевич И.Н., Поглазова М.Н. 1991. Метод учета численности микроорганизмов в морских донных отложениях. Микробиология, Т. 60, №2, с. 377-382.
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19. Glchner F.O., Amann R., Alfreider A., Pernthaler J., Psenner R., Trebesius K., Shleifer K. - H. 1996. An in situ hydridization protocol for detection and identification of planktonic bacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol., v.19., p.403-406.
20. Glkner F.O., Amann R., Alfreider A., Pernthaler J., Psenner R., Trebesius K., Shcleifer K. - H. 1996. An in situ hybridization protocol for detection and identfication of plankton bacteria. System. Appl. Microbiol., V.19, p. 403-406.
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22. Zepp Falz K., Holliger C., Grosskopf R., Leisack W., Nozhevnikova A.N., Muller B., Wehrli B. amd Hahn D. (1999) Vertical ditribution of methanogens in the anoxic sediment of Rotsee (Switzerland). Appl. Environ. Microbiol. V.65,p. 2402-2408.
23. Perntahler A., Preston C.M., Pernthaler J., De Long E.F., Amann R. 2002. Comparison of fluorescently labeled oilgonucleotide and polynucleotide probes for detection of pelagic marine Bacteria and Arhcaea. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. V. 68., p. 661-667.


Industrial wastewater treatment

P.M. SolozhenkinThe theoretical basis and practical aspects of electrochemical wastewater treatment. Post 2. Removal of toxic metals

The article represents the investigation results on removal of arsenic, chromium and cadmium using electrochemical method. The arsenic removal process parameters by electrochemical method are described; results of different galvanic couples use are produced. It is proved that there is a high efficiency of internal electrolysis process in a mode of such galvanic couples as graphite-iron and cooper-iron for cooper and arsenic precipitation from the solution and obtained cooper arsenic product exclusion in metallurgical conversion. The chromates removal kinetics from man-made waters using zero-valent iron is described. The high efficiency of cadmium extraction from solutions by electrochemical water treatment is represented. The chrome wastewater treatment trials show the possibility to remove from the solution of up to 96% of cooper, 99 % of chromium, and 75% of zinc in one stage. The article represents the investigation results on industrial wastewater purification from cation of copper, molybdenum, wolframium, vanadium, lead and zinc by galvanic coagulation method. The experimental results on cuproammonium solutions purification using such galvanic couples as iron-coke and aluminum-coke are represented. The analysis of conducted experiments results showed the principle possibility of galvanic coagulation method use for solution purification from molybdenum and wolframium. It is represented that the degree of vanadium extraction from solutions of different acids by galvanic coagulation method remains essentially the same ~ 99, 9% and almost does not depend on processing time and number of revolutions of equipment working capacity. The regularities of zinc ions extraction from standardized solutions depending on flow rate and pH of the initial solution with the content of zinc-ions in the range of 10-300 mg/l are described. The investigations results on lithium removal by galvanic coagulation method are represented.

P.M. SolozhenkinThe theoretical basis and practical aspects of galvanochemical wastewater treatment. Post 3. Removal of non-ferrous metal cations

The article represents the investigation results on removal of arsenic, chromium and cadmium using electrochemical method. The arsenic removal process parameters by electrochemical method are described; results of different galvanic couples use are produced. It is proved that there is a high efficiency of internal electrolysis process in a mode of such galvanic couple as graphite-iron and cooper-iron for cooper and arsenic precipitation from the solution and obtained cooper arsenic product exclusion in metallurgical conversion. The chromates removal kinetics from man-made waters using zero-valent iron is described. The high efficiency of cadmium extraction from solutions by electrochemical water treatment is represented. The chrome wastewater treatment trials show the possibility to remove from the solution of up to 96% of cooper, 99 % of chromium, and 75% of zinc in one stage. The article represents the investigation results on industrial wastewater purification from cation of copper, molybdenum, wolframium, vanadium, lead and zinc by galvanic coagulation method. The experimental results on cuproammonium solutions purification using such galvanic couples as iron-coke and aluminum-coke are represented. The analysis of conducted experiments results showed the principle possibility of galvanic coagulation method use for solution purification from molybdenum and wolframium. It is represented that the degree of vanadium extraction from solutions of different acids by galvanic coagulation method remains essentially the same ~ 99,9% and almost does not depend on time of processing and number of revolutions of appliance working capacity. The regularities of zinc ions extraction from standardized solutions depending on flow rate and pH of the initial solution with the content of zinc-ions in the range of 10-300 mg/l are described. The investigations results on lithium removal by galvanic coagulation method are represented.
References: 1. Chanturija V.A., Solozhenkin P.M. Gal'vanohimicheskie metody ochistki tehnogennyh vod: Teorija i praktika [Electrochemical method of technogenic waters treatment: theory and practice], M., engineering and consulting center «Akademkniga», 2005, p. 204.
2. Feofanov V.A., Dzjubinskij F.A. Gal'vanokoaguljacija: teorija i praktika besstochnogo vodopol'zovanija [Electrocoagulation: theory and practice of internal-drainage water use], Magnitogorsk, LLC «MiniTip», 2006, p. 368.
3. Kovalev V.V., Kovaleva O.V. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty jelektrohimicheskoj obrabotki vody: Monografija [Theoretical and practical aspects of electrochemical treatment of water:monography], Chisinau, poligraphic center of the Moldova State University,publ., 2003, p. 415.
4. Solozhenkin P.M. Perspektivy gal'vanohimicheskih metodov ochistki tehnogennyh vod [Prospectives of electrochemical methods of technogenic waters treatment], Jekologija proizvodstva. Himija i neftehimija [Industrial Ecology],journ., 2006, №3 (5), pp. 14-16.
5. Malyshev V.V. Teorija i praktika gal'vanokoaguljacionnogo metoda ochistki [Theory and practice of electrochemical treatment method], Jekologija proizvodstva,[Industrial Ecology],journ., 2006, №3, pp. 42-46.

S.B. Zueva, V.I. SHerbakovSorption wastewater treatment for dairy industry

Authors of the article offer to use the aluminum alloys etching by-product for food enterprises wastewater treatment. X-ray crystal analysis of a waste product drained at 100 C showed the presence in the basic structure of following aluminum oxide modification: – Al2O3∙3Н2О; Al2O3∙2Н2О (96–98%) and metal hydroxide admixture included in the alloy composition (2–4%). Currently this product is not used and does not accumulate at solid waste landfill. For use efficiency estimation of offered sorbent the investigations which helped to choose a mass fraction and prove an expediency of sorbent use were carried out. The investigations were conducted on industrial waste waters of several plants in laboratory conditions.

Water reservoirs treatment from oil products

N.V. Morozov, A.V. SidorovOil pollution in surface waters and their bioremediation methods

The main environment pollutants which are hydrocarbons considerably effecting on all living organisms life are observed. Employed methods of water treatment are listed; and the most priority method which is biological is indicated. The role of hydrocarbon oxidizing microorganisms in the process of biooxidation of oil pollution to the end product of carbon dioxide and water is represented. The dependence of hydrocarbon biodegradation speed in the water ecosystem on environmental factors and microorganisms’ quantity and species is defined.
References: 1. Nelson – Smith A. Neft' i jekologi morja [Oil and sea ecology], M., Progress,publ., 1977, p. 302.
2. Morozov. N.V. Jekologo – biotehnologicheskie puti regulirovanija i upravlenija kachestvom vodnyh resursov [Ecological biotechnological ways of regulation and control of water resources quality], synopsis of thesis of the cadidate of biological science, M., 2003, p. 57.
3. Rossija: vodno – resursnyj potencial [Russia: water - resource potential], Ekatherinburg, 1998, p. 231.
4. Nizamov H.N., Zvyshhinskij K.A., Derbunov E.I. Analiz avarijnyh situacij v truboprovodnyh sistemah [Analysis of emergenicies in pipeline systems], Jekologija i promyshlennost' Rossii,journ., 1996, № 2, pp. 135–142.
5. Jekologija Hanty – Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga [Ecology of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug], edited by Plotnikov V.V. , Tyumen, 1997, p. 286.
6. Mukatapov A.H. Vlijanie nefti na svojstva pochv [Effect of oil on soil properties], Neftjanoe hozjajstvo [Oil industry],journ., 1980, № 4, pp. 53-54.
7. Arens V.Zh., Gridin O.M. Jeffektivnye sorbenty dlja likvidacii neftjanyh razlivov [Efficient sorbents for oil spill liquidation], Jekologija i promyshlennost' Rossii,journ., 1997, №2, pp. 32-35.
8. Morozov N.V., Nikolaev V.N. Vlijanie uslovij sredy na razvitie nefterazlogajushhih mikroorganizmov [Effect of environment conditions on oil resolving microorganisms development], Hydrobiological Journal, 1978, vol. 14, №4, pp. 56–61.
9. Minor rivers of Russia (use, regulation, protection, methods of water management calculations), Sverdlovsk, 1988, p. 213.
10.Kul'skij L.A., Dal' V.V. Chistaja voda i perspektivy ejo sohranenija [Clean water and the prospects for its conservation], Kiev, 1978, p. 227.
11.Nizamov H.N., Zvanskij V.P., Derbukov E.I. Analiz avarijnyh situacij v truboprovodnyh sistemah [Analysis of emergenicies in pipeline systems], Jekologija i promyshlennost' Rossii,journ., 1996, №5, p. 41.
12. Vladimirov A.M. Ohrana okruzhajushhej sredy [Environment protection], Leningrad, Gidrometioizdat,publ., 1991, pp. 97–100.
13. Ismailov N.M., Pikovskij Ju.I. Sovremennoe sostojanie metodov rekul'tivacii neftezagrjaznennyh zemel'. Vosstanovlenie neftezagrjaznjonnyh pochvennyh jekosistem [Current state of methods of oil contaminated soil recultivation. Regeneration of oil-contaminated soil ecosystems], M., Nauka,publ., 1988, pp. 222–230.
14. Butorin N.V. Vlijanija zagrjaznjajushhih veshhestv na gidrobionty vodojomov [Effect of contaminators on water bodies hydrobionts], L., 1979, p. 113.
15. Morozov. N.V. Jekologicheskaja biotehnologija: ochistka prirodnyh i stochnyh vod makrofitami [Ecological biotechnology: natural and waste waters treatment by macrophytes], Kazan, Kazan State teacher's university,publ., 2001, p. 396.
16. Butorin N.V. Vlijanija zagrjaznjajushhih veshhestv na gidrobionty vodojomov [Effect of contaminators on water bodies hydrobionts], L., 1979, p. 113.
17. Arnol'd I.N. O vlijanii nefti na ryb [On oil effect on fish], Vestnik rybopromyshlennosti,journ., M., 1897, pp. 35-57.
18. Izrajel' Ju.A., Cyban' A.V. Antropogennaja jekologija okeana [Anthropogenic ecology of the ocean], L., Gidrometeoizdat,publ., 1989, p. 528.
19. Ivanov V.P., Sokol'skij A.F. Nauchnye osnovy strategii zashhity biologicheskih resursov Kaspijskogo morja ot neftjanogo zagrjaznenija [Scientific basis of security policy of the Caspian sea biological resources from oil contamination], Astrakhan, KaspNIRHa,publ., 2000, p. 181.
20. Terehova V.A. Jekotoksikologicheskaja ocenka biosorbenta nefti s cel'ju sertifikacii [Ecotoxicological assessment of oil biosorbent with the purpose of certification], Jekologija i promyshlennost' Rossii,journ., 2006, №3, pp. 34-37.
21. Lukinyh N.A., Lipman B.L., Krishtul V.P. Metody doochistki stochnyh vod [Method of waste waters tertiary treatment], M., Strojizdat,publ., 1974, p. 96.
22. Zhmur N.S. Upravlenie processom i kontrol' rezul'tata ochistki stochnyh vod na sooruzhenijah s ajerotenkom [Process management and control of waste waters treatment result at plants with aerotanks], M., Luch,publ., 1997, p. 172.
23. Shvecov V.N., Morozova K.M., Nechaev I.A., Pushnikov M.Ju. Sovremennye tehnologii biologicheskoj ochistki neftesoderzhashhih stochnyh vod [State-of-art technology of biological treatment of oil-containing waste waters], Vodosnabzhenie i sanitarnaja tehnika [Water supply and sanitary technique],journ., 2002, № 3, pp. 9-12.
24. Nadein A.F. ochistka vody i pochvy ot neftezagrjaznenij [Treatment of water and soil from oil contamination], Jekologija i promyshlennost' Rossii,journ., 2001, № 11, pp. 24-26.
25. Sidorov A.V., Morozov N.V. Biologicheskaja ochistka i doochistka uglevodorodsoderzhashhih stochnyh vod OAO «Kazan'orgsintez» na piolotnoj ustanovke. Izchenie vlijanija razlichnyh biogennyh jelementov i biokatalizirujushhih soedinenij na jeffektivnost' processov biookislenija [Biological treatment and tertiary treatment of hydrocarbon waste waters of the JSC "«Kazan'orgsintez» on pilot plant. Investigation of effect of different biogenic elements and biocatalyzing compounds on biooxidation process efficiency] materials of the 4th international conference "Cooperation for wastes problem solution" 31 of January- 1 of February 2007, Kharkov, 2007, pp. 253-258.
26. Jekologija Hanty – Mansijskogo avtonomnogo okruga [Ecology of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug], edited by Plotnikov V.V. , Tyumen, 1997, p. 286.
27. Chugunov V.A. Sozdanie i primenenie zhidkogo preparata na osnove associacii nefteokisljajushhih bakterij [Development and use of liquide preparation on the basis of oil oxidizing bacteria association], Prikladnaja biohimija i mikrobiologija [Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology],journ., 2000, vol. 36, № 6, pp. 666-671.
28. Gerber V. Biohimicheskaja ochistka stochnyh vod neftepererabatyvajushhih zavodov [Biochemical treatment of waste waters of oil refining plants], M., 1974, p. 78.

N.A. Kireeva, T.S. Onegova, A.S. Grigoriadi Biological treatment of oil-contaminated waters using cellulose substrates.

The waste of cellulose and paper manufacture can be used for bioremediation of oil-contaminated water reservoirs. It is presented that applying of cellulose which contains substrates compositions made contribution in increasing of carbon dioxide oxidizing and saprotrophic microorganisms as well as stabilization of BOD (biological oxygen demand) and COD (chemical oxygen demand) indexes.
References: 1. Vel'kov V.V. Bioremediacija: principy, problemy, podhody [Bioremediation: principes,problems and aproaches], Biotehnologija,journ., 1995, № 3-4, pp. 20-27.
2. Pleshakova E.V. Dubrovskaja E.V., Turkovskaja O.V. Priemy stimuljacii aborigennoj nefteokisljajushhej mikroflory [Techniques of stimulation of native oil-oxidizing microflora],Biotehnologija,journ., 2005, № 1. – S. 42-50.
3. Kireeva N.A., Onegova T.S., Zhdanova N.V. Intensifikacija biodestrukcii nefti v pochve pri ispol'zovanii biopreparata [Intensification of Oil biodegradation in soil when using biological preparation], Neftjanoe hozjajstvo [Oil industry],journ., 2004, №5, pp. 128-130.
4. Technical requirements 2458-001-33782561-2001
5. Onegova T.S. Biotehnologija ochistki pochv i vodoemov ot neftjanyh zagrjaznenij na mestorozhdenijah Bashkortostana i Zapadnoj Sibiri [Biotechnology of oil and water bodies treatment from oil pollution at deposits of Bashkortostan and Western Siberia], abstract of thesisof the candidate of technical science, Ufa, 2006, p. 22.
6. Fashhuk Ju.Ja., Krylov V.I., Miroliks M.K. Zagrjaznenie Chernogo i Azovskogo morej plenkami nefteproduktov (po materialam aviacionnyh nabljudenij 1982-1990 g.g.) [Pollution of the Black sea and the Sea of Azov by oil slicks], Vodnye resursy [Water Resources], 1996, vol. 23, №3, pp. 361-375.

A.O. KasumjanDefinition of security for aquatic drug "Ruden» intended for the biological purification of water from oil

The Moscow State University biological department carried out a research on discovering an effect which biological product “Ruden” designed for biological water treatment from oil may have on fish and other aquatic organisms. As the main indicators of aquatic organisms state the criteria characterizing organisms’ behavior – the most unstable and integral indicator of the whole organism state - were used. Selecting the objects of research the priority was placed on the most massive and widespread species which are typical inhabitants of our freshwater reservoirs. Selected ones are daphnia, gastropod Physa and minnow. Part of the work is carried out on modal objects which are goldfish and zebra danio. It is found out that water containing “Ruden” does not change fish’s motion activity during its stay in there for 2 and 24 hours. The research results shows that there is no negative effect of biological product “Ruden” on fish’s behavior and its sensory system.

A.A. Hohrjakov, A.A. Ezhelev, S.V. Polovcev, S.A. Kernozhickaja, V.B. MoshkovskiiNew efficient sorbents (sinks) on the basis of rice husk for spills collection and water purification

New types of sorbents for water purification obtained by processing of previously non-unutilized agricultural wastes which are heat-treated rice husk and activated silica are described. The heat treatment of rise husk brings to polysaccharide carbonization and development of active carbon on silicon dioxide. Colloidal silica evenly distributed in the mass of rise husk is a catalyst of carbonization process. Thus, by the heat treatment (carbonization) in comparably soft conditions the formation of the unique sorbent which combines properties of absorbed carbon, widely used in a sorption technology of low- and medium-polarity substances and activated superdisperesed and ultraporous silica ( a sorbent of polar products, alkaline earth cation and heavy metals) takes place.

Methods of corrosion protection

V.I.Terentev, N.M.Pavlovec, S.V.Karavan Corrosion and biofouling in cooling water circulation

The article describes the reasons of galvanic corrosion and bio corrosion of metal constructions (pipeline, isolation valves, technological equipment and etc.). The comparative results on the Neva River water microorganisms’ effects on carbon steel corrosion rate are presented. The methods of corrosion protection such as source make-up water filtration, sorption, physical-and-chemical treatment by coagulants and flocculants, water disinfection by active chlorine, biocides and ultraviolet caused by microorganisms are listed. It is recommended to use multifunctional compounds which combine properties of corrosion inhibitor (CI) and dispergator, CI and salting inhibitor, CI and biocide or surface active substance (SAS) and biocide and etc.
References: 1. Vsjo o korrozii: Terminologicheskij spravochnik [All about corrosion: terminological guide book], Mamulova I.S., Suhotin A.M., Suhotina L.P., Florianovich G.M., Jakovlev A.D.; Pod red. Suhotina A.M., SPb, Himizdat,publ., 2000, p. 520.
2. Blagnik R., Zenova V. Mikrobiologicheskaja korrozija [Microbiological corrosion], M.– L., Himija,publ., 1965, p. 224.
3. Rudd T., Sterrit R.M., Lester J.N. Water Res.,journ., 1984, v.18, pp. 379–384.
4. Borshhevskij A.M., Velikova T.D., Pavlovec N.M. Zashhita metallov [Protection of metalls], 1994 vol.30, №4, pp. 364–368.
5. Zashhita ot korrozii, starenija i biopovrezhdenij mashin, oborudovanija i sooruzhenij [Protection from corrosion, ageing and biodeterioration of machines, facilitites and constructions], guide book, in 2 volumes, edited by Gerasimenko A.A.; M., Mashinostroenie,publ., 1987, vol.1 - p. 687, vol.2 – p. 783.
6. Jekologicheskie aspekty korrozii [Ecological aspects of corrosion], Tishhenko G.P., Alekseeva V.A., Tishhenko I.G. and others, M., NIITEKHIM, 1992, p. 68.


P.I. JakovlevIdentification of prospective areas of underground water sources using thermal infrared satellite imagery and ground-based hydrological work

It is showed that in terms of water supply producing from underground and surface sources the rivers sections where underground water unloading modulus are a few times or significantly higher than a background values are more promising. The methods of identification of underground waters intensive unloading sections by distance and hydrological methods which considerably simplify the conducting of underground waters exploration works are described. In a given technique the separate methods and methods of water environment investigation which are used by Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation, The Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring of Russia (Roshydromet) and Russian Academy of Science are summarized.
References: 1. Hydrometrical estimation of interaction of river waters and underground waters (methodological instructions), L., Russian State Hydrological Institute, 1973.
2. Investigation of underflow during water balance studies (methodological recommendations], L., Russian State Hydrological Institute, 1968.
3. Estimation of underground inflow in the river and natural resources of underground waters in conditions of river flow disturbance (methodological recommendations], L., Russian State Hydrological Institute, 1971.
4. Use of space survey materials during regional geological investigations (methodological recommendations], Ministry of Geology of the USSR,publ.,1986.
5. Mihajlov A.E. Strukturnaja geologija i geologicheskoe kartirovanie [Structural geology and geological mapping] , M., Nedra,publ., 1984.
6. Kalinin G.P., Kolosov P.S., Kurilova Ju.S. Kosmicheskie metody v gidrologii [Space methods in hydrology], L., Gidrometizdat,publ., 1977.

Another view at water

M.V. KurikDrinking water

The author represents the water analysis as the basis of human organism and structural component of all living things in the planet. It is showed that natural, structurally balanced and ordered drinking water is a fractal and dissymmetrical structure, water which corresponds to the properties of human organism intercellular water above all. The methods of “healthy” water obtaining in domestic conditions are represented.
References: 1. Korobkov A.V., Chesnokova E.A. Atlas po normal'noj fiziologii [Atlas on normal physiology], guide book for students, edited by N.A. Agadzhanjan, M., Vysshaja shkola,publ., 1986, p. 351.
2. Batmanghenidzh.Voda i zdorov'e [Water and health], translated from English by Mn. Popurri, 2006, p. 544.
3. Braun G., Uolken dzh. Zhidkie kristallly i biologicheskie struktury [Liquid crystals and biological structures], Mir,publ., M., 1982, p. 198.
4. Minc R.N., Kononenko E.V. Zhidkie kristally v biologicheskih sistemah [Liquid crystals in biological systems], research institute "VODGEO", M., 1982, p. 150.
5. Kurik M.V. Izvestija AN SSSR [News of the Academy of Science of the USSR], ser. fiz. 55(9), 1798-1803, 1991.
6. Golubeva N.G., Kurik M.V., Osnovy biojenergoinformacionnoj mediciny [Bases of bioenergoinformational medicine], Ukrainian Institute ecology of man, Kiev, 2007, p. 192.
7. Jemoto M. Poslanie vody [Water message], Sophia, 2006, p. 97.


Water supply

I.A.BaturinaThe use of gaseous ozone for disinfection of surface water in the city of Perm

At head constrictions of Perm water supply system – Chusovoy wastewater treatment plants – the scheme of water disinfection by ozone was introduced. The trials on following issues were carried out: water disinfection by gaseous ozone or ozone dissolved in water; determination of disinfectant effect duration and rate dependence on the point of entry, source water quality, ozone process effect on pollution coagulation process and etc. Color of water alteration dynamics by chlorine and ozone disinfection is represented. First of all, ozone treatment leads to water color index decreasing; secondly, increasing of water saturation of oxygen as well as improvement of organoleptic properties of water such as scent, taste and smack. During the water treatment by ozone there is not only disinfection process but also humic admixture structure destruction takes place. Therefore the process of coagulation proceeds more efficiently with economy of coagulant.

Erica Mahar, Andrew Salveson, Nicki Pozos, Shawn Ferron, Charles BorgHydrogen peroxide and ozone: a new technology of water treatment for reuse in drinking and industrial water supply

The results of theoretic investigations and practical data on wastewater treatment from phenol, different coloring agents, and cutting fluid as well as fur and leathermaking manufactures wastewaters treatment are represented in the article. It is showed that electrocoagulation method enables to achieve a high rate of wastewater treatment of pulp and paper, chemical, coke, varnish, chemical-and-pharmaceutical industries enterprises from phenol; to provide an efficient wastewater treatment from flotation reagents and cutting fluids and different types of coloring agents; enables to treat wastewaters of fur and leathermaking enterprises to the standards which let treated water be recycled. In many cases for efficient oxidation of organic substrates it is reasonable to carry out a dosing of hydrogen peroxide in treated water for providing oxidation process by Fenton’s reagent.
References: 1. Ferguson, D.W., M.J. McGuire, B. Koch, R.L. Wolfe, and E.M. Aieta. (1990). Comparing Peroxone and Ozone for Controlling Taste and Odor Compounds, Disinfection By-products, and Microorganisms. Journal of the AWWA. 82(4): 181??191.
2. Glaze, W.H., H.S. Weinberg, and J.E. Cavanagh (1993). Evaluating the Formation of Brominated DBPs During Ozonation. Journal of the AWWA 85: 96.
3. Haag, W.R. and J. Hoigne (1983), Ozonation of Bromide Containing Waters: Kinetics of Formation of Hypobromous Acid and Bromate. Environmental Science and Technology. 17: 261.
4. Von Guten, U.A., J. Hoinge, and A. Bruchet. (1995). Water Supply. 13: 45
5. Von Gunten, U.A. Bruchet, and E. Costentin. (1996). Bromate Formation in Advanced Oxidation Processes. J.AWWA. 88(6): 53.
6. Von Guten, U.A. and Y. Oliveras. (1997). Kinetics of the Reaction between Peroxide and Hypobromous Acid: Implication Water Treatment and Natural Systems??. Water Research. 31(4): 900.
7. Von Guten, U.A. and Y. Oliveras. (1998) Advanced Oxidation of Bromide Containing Waters: Bromate Formation Mechanisms. Environmental Science and Technology. 32(1): 63.
8. Wasterhoff, P. K. Ozekian, Siddiqui, M, and G. Amy. (1994). Proceedings of the Annual AWWA Conference. 901.
9. Wolfe, R., M. Stewart, S. Liang, and M. McGuire (1989a) Disinfection of Model Indicator Organisms in a Drinking Water Pilot Plant by Using Peroxone. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 55(9), 2230??2241.
10. Wolfe, R. et al. (1989b) Inactivation of Giardia muris and Indicator Organisms Seeded in Surface Water Supplies by Peroxone and Ozone. Environmental Science and Technology, 23(6), 774.

Wastewater treatment

P.M. SolozhenkinThe theoretical basis and practical aspects galvanochemical wastewater treatment. Removal of organic compounds from wastewater galvanochemical method. Solution purification from the liquid

The main source of liquid radioactive waste contamination is nuclear power industry plants and radiochemical plants in industrial activity of which the great number of liquid radioactive waste (LRW) requiring the treatment of such long-lived nuclides of actinoid series as U238, Pu239, Am241 is formed. The article represents results on electrochemical treatment of water areas containing scrubbing solutions; results on removal of americium and plutonium from uranium solutions are represented; methods of removal of zinc isotope radioactive nuclides Zn65, arsenic isotope As73, and cesium Cs137 are described.
References: 1. Chanturija V.A., Solozhenkin P.M. Gal'vanohimicheskie metody ochistki tehnogennyh vod: Teorija i praktika [Electrochemical method of technogenic waters treatment: theory and practice], M., engineering and consulting center «Akademkniga», 2005, p. 204.
2. Feofanov V.A., Dzjubinskij F.A. Gal'vanokoaguljacija: teorija i praktika besstochnogo vodopol'zovanija [Electrocoagulation: theory and practice of internal-drainage water use], Magnitogorsk, LLC «MiniTip», 2006, p. 368.
3. Kovalev V.V., Kovaleva O.V. Teoreticheskie i prakticheskie aspekty jelektrohimicheskoj obrabotki vody: Monografija [Theoretical and practical aspects of electrochemical treatment of water:monography], Chisinau, poligraphic center of the Moldova State University,publ., 2003, p. 415.
4. Solozhenkin P.M. Perspektivy gal'vanohimicheskih metodov ochistki tehnogennyh vod [Prospectives of electrochemical methods of technogenic waters treatment], Jekologija proizvodstva. Himija i neftehimija [Industrial Ecology],journ., 2006, №3 (5), pp. 14-16.
5. Malyshev V.V. Teorija i praktika gal'vanokoaguljacionnogo metoda ochistki [Theory and practice of electrochemical treatment method], Jekologija proizvodstva,[Industrial Ecology],journ., 2006, №3, pp. 42-46.
6.Solozhenkin P.M. Perspektivy gal'vanohimicheskih metodov ochistki tehnogennyh vod [Prospectives of electochemical method of technogenic waters treatment], Jekologija proizvodstva. Himija i neftehimija [Insudtrial ecology. Chemistry and petrochemistry],journ., 2006 №3(5), pp. 14-16.
7.Malyshev V.V. Teorija i praktika gal'vanokoaguljacionnogo metoda ochistki [Theory and practice of electrocoagulation treatment method], Jekologija proizvodstva [Industrial ecology],journ., 2006, №3, pp. 42-46.
8.Patent № 2135419 RF, ICP 6 S 02 F 1/72, 1/46. Sposob ochistki stoch nyh vod ot organicheskih primesej [Method of waste water treatment from organic impurities], Rjazancev A.A., Batoeva A.A., Zhalsa nova D.B.; published 27.08.99. application № 24.
9.Patent 2075449 RF. S1 6C 02 F1/463. Sposob ochistki stochnyh vod ot nefteproduktov [Method of waste water treatment from oil products], Kim E.H. , Pribytkov L.D., Kuznecov V.F.
10. Patent 2045479 RF. S 1 6 S 02 F 1/46 Sposob ochistki stochnyh vod ot organicheskih krasitelej [Method of waste waters treatment from organic dyes], Hurzeeva S. Je., Gen' L. I.
11. Author's certificate 456793 USSR. C02 F1/463 C25 B1/00. Sposob ochistki stochnyh vod [Method of waste waters treatment], R. I. Ostroushko; publsihed 15.01.75. application №2.
12. Zhalsanova D.B. Issledovanie i razrabotka tehnologii gal'vanokoaguljacionnoj ochistki stochnyh vod ot organicheskih zagrjaznitelej ( na primere krasitelej i fenolov) [Investigation and development of technology of electrocoagulation waste water treatment from organic pollutants (by the example of dyes and phenols), synopsis of the thesis in candidacy for a degree of candidate of technical science, Novosibirsk, 2000.
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D.V. SerebrjakovTertiary treatment of waste water on treatment plants with low productivity by filtration

The issues of operation of filters with granular content during the wastewater treatment with high concentration of suspended materials are observed. The design of continuous filter aimed for wastewater treatment is described. The filter feature is a parallel work of filtration and content backwashing due to which there is no need to stop one operation for another. The experience of this filer use for tertiary treatment of oil wastewaters and biologically purified wastewaters after final treatment is described. The results of efficiency of wastewater treatment from suspended materials and oil products are represented.
References: 1. Jel' M.A., Jel' Ju.F., Veber I.F. Naladka i jekspluatacija ochistnyh sooruzhenij gorodskoj kanalizacii [Adjustment and explotiation of municipal sewerage WWTP], M., 1977.
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10. Methodology instructions Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance over water use in systems of technical water supply of indutrial enterprises.

S.S. Zarcyna, L.A. Haritonova, S.P. KalinkinaImprovement of food enterprises wastewater treatment technology

The technology of phenolic pollutants sorption allocation on polyurethane from food enterprises wastewaters is theoretically proved. The object of research was a water-polyatomic phenols system (hydroquinone and resorcinol). The sorption of phenols on polyurethane is not sufficiently efficient and does not exceed 40 %. With regard to this the modification of polyurethane surface by tributyl phosphate (TBP) was carried out which enabled to increase the extraction rate from 56% to 95%. The comparison of sorption and desorption constants results on hydroquinone and resorcinol showed that the irreversible adsorption share is 11% and 27% respectively, that enables to arrange sorption regeneration process. The regeneration of sorption capacity is provided by water washing with the subsequent material pressing.
References: 1.Dmitrienko S.G. Penopoliuretan. Staryj znakomyj v novom kachestve [Old friend in new quality], Sorosovskij obrazovatel'nyj zhurnal [Soros educational journal],journ., 1998, p. 25.
2. Plotnikova R.N., Zarcyna S.S., Shherbakova N.P. Issledovanie othodov penopoliuretana v kachestve adsorbentov [Investigation of polyurethane foam wastes as adsorbents], Jekologija i bezopasnost' zhiznedejatel'nosti [ Ecology and life safet],interuniversity collection of scientific works, Voronezh, 1999, p. 76.
3. Korenman Ja.I., Haritonova L.A., Zarcyna S.S., Gribanov A.V. Sposob koncentrirovanija gidrohinona iz vodnyh rastvorov [Method of hydroquinone concentration from water solutions], Patent №2267463; declared 29.11. 2004, published 10.01.2006, application №2.

Jasna HrenovičSulfates addition effect on the parameters of aerobic wastewater treatment

The possibility of aerobic biological wastewater treatment in a system with use of active sludge enriched with phosphorous-accumulating bacteria Acinetobacter calcoaceticus was investigated. After determining of system performance with a usual and enriched active sludge the experiments with the addition of sulphates in the form of ammonium sulfate solution (20 mg/l) were conducted. As a result of such biological enrichment of active sludge the level of phosphorous extraction increased and system performance improved. A sulfate adding to the system with biologically enriched sludge leads to a short-term inhibition effect (4 hours) of total phosphorous and orthophosphates removal. A sulphate adding does not have an effect on suspended materials concentration in the active sludge, on bacterial number for bacteria А.calcoaceticus and COD (chemical oxygen demand) decreasing. However six-days dosing brings to steady decreasing of pH average value and concentration of dissolved oxygen. The represented results are important from the point of view of practical application in aerobic systems of biological wastewater treatment where the admission to the input of wastewaters with high concentration of sulphate may lead to the system performance irregularities.
References: 1. APHA, 1992: Standard methods for examination of water and wastewater. American Public Health Association, New York.
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8. KERRNJESPERSEN,J.P.,HENZE,M., 1993: Biological phosphorus uptake under anoxic and aerobic conditions. Wat. Res. 27, 617624.
9. KORTSTEE,G.J.J.,APPELDORN, K. J., BONTING,C.F.C., VAN NIEL,E.W.J., VAN VEEN,H.W., 2000: Recent developments in the biochemistry and ecology of enhanced biological phosphorus removal. Biochemistry (Moscow) 65, 332340.
10. MINO,T., VAN LOOSDRECHT,M.C.M.,HEIJNEN, J. J., 1998:Microbiology and biochemistry of the enhanced biological phosphate removal process. Wat. Res. 32,31933207.
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Liquids expenditure account issues

V.P. Kargapolcev, A.V. Kosolapov, A.A. SidenkoProblems of liquids meter test in vicious mediums

The article observes methods of conducting of research works and tests during which it is necessary to use vicious fluids. The key difficulties appearing during designing and development of checking equipment for such kind of problems and ways of their solving are described. The key metrological characteristics of flowing facilities used in mediums with changeable parameter of kinematic viscosity are represented.

Ecology of water reservoirs

L.A. Margarjan, S.G. Minasjan, G.P. PirumjanUse of Oregon index of water quality for hydrochemical assessment of the environmental status of the river Sevjur, comparison with the variability of nutrient elements and presence of eutrophication process in the river according to multiyear and seasonal data.

The seasonal and annual dynamics of changes of biogenic elements in the river Sevjur had been defining for five years. Using Oregon index of water quality on a five-point scale the type and level of river pollution density was defined. The river ecological status for five years and tendency of eutrophication processes are represented. According to obtained data, the river Sevjur’s limitating biogenic element is phosphorus. River pollution is caused by domestic wastewater, surface wastewaters and partially atmospheric precipitation. On integral assessment using Oregon index the river Sevjur belong to the fifth group (very dirty) and pollution destiny level remains the same for five years. For this period of time the tendency of biogenic elements content increasing was observed that will inevitably bring to anthropogenic eutrophication.
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