Archive logs by year
net avtoraFederal Law "On Water Supply and Sanitation", 8 February - Day of Russian Science
Two important events are selected for our round-up: the adoption of Federal Law "On Water Supply and Sanitation", and the celebration of Russian Science day (the 8th of February)
Tavastsherna K. S.An integrated approach to the design of effective CBS. Modern solutions
In the past decades western design companies have achieved an enormous technological success in the field of ecology and waste water treatment and the most advanced technologies were implemented in Russian cities. Consequently, nowadays the problems relating to application of most recent and most effective technical decisions are of greatest significance. The article considers some principal aspects of modern integrated approach to designing of treatment facilities of any complexity, which are based on advanced European approaches and methods.
Lapshev N. N., Fedorov S. V., Sergienko O. L.Scattering study of the functioning of production in the water body
A nonstationary model of forecast of water quality for watercourse,which can be successfully utilized for designing of pointed and dissipating outlets is presented. Various outlet designs may be considered in the course of simulation and outlet disposition may vary for the purpose of searching the most optimal decision for the process of essential waste water dilution.
Kim A. N., Utin A. V.Pressure testing of advanced wastewater drainage granular filters
One of a number of principal components of water purifying granular filters is the drainage head which must ensure required quality of water during filtration and predetermined regime of loading-unloading during regeneration of the filter. The characteristics of drainage heads employed in water conditioning systems are presented. A description of the pilot plant is given and it is shown that according to recent studies it is not quite correct to utilize flow coefficient μ as major characteristic of modern drainage heads of advanced design made of new materials.
Galkin S. M.,Ochkovskii I. I.The modern technology of treatment of domestic wastewater using the station "BioMaster"
The authors show that it is impossible to meet the requirements of Russian legislation on water treatment by the use of simple one-stage techniques. Moreover, at the majority of the facilities the disposition of treatment plant must meet specific requirements determined by architectural and landscape particularities of these installations. A compact arrangement of the edifices including residential structures requires a rigid observance of sanitary protection zones, and the absence of negative actions on man and environment. These features were taken into account when designing the station of integrated waste water biological treatment "BioMaster". Each module of this station represents technologically completed stage of treatment so as to permit the realization of various water treatment flow sheets in the shortest possible time and the organization of systems of various capacities. The efficiency of "BioMaster" station for different stages of waste water treatment is presented.
SHishkina I. YU., Uglova E. S.Corrosion-diagnostic monitoring of urban pipe water systems with automatic control
Actual pipeline systems of municipal infrastructure exhibit poor reliability and high service wear. It is shown that the principal conditions for assurance of water supply and sewage facilities safe operation are as follows: permanent laboratory monitoring of environment aggressivety and careful selection of effective reagents ensuring an adequate protection against corrosion and salt deposition, as well as the usage of advanced systems of automated emergency controls for before-the-fact prevention of economical and ecological catastrophes.
Merta E., Serebrjakov D. V.FINNCHAIN ® system and FinnFlow ® original decision to remove the sand and floating contaminants
An original technical decision of Finnish company Finnchain is presented. This engineering solution is aimed at sand collection in horizontal sand collectors and at the removal of the sand and floating contaminants from any rectangular basin (sand collectors, settlers etc). The special features of presented systems are a high energy performance of the equipment and a high efficiency, a high operational reliability and a long-term service of the equipment, these performances being provided through utilization of the components manufactured from high quality corrosion-resistant materials.
net avtoraThe seminar "Removing nutrients, performance management, finding and eliminating problems in the CBS"
The article presents the annotations of the most interesting reports submitted to the seminar held at International Center of Advanced Aquatic Technologies (GUP Vodokanal’s SPb base) for the specialists of design, building end operating organizations.
CHernikov N. A. Begunov, P. P., Dyuba K. M.Once again the question of the legal framework in the field of water and wastewater supply
It is shown that the disregard of scientific background when developing the regulatory documents and the analysis of environmental action financing during last decades have led in our country to serious imbalance in this area. An analysis of the requirement of various Russian and European regulatory documents was carried out. It was concluded that in order to meet existing rigorous requirements it would be necessary to significantly increase the financing of water-protective measures, whereas nowadays the investments in this area decrease constantly. Moreover, it is quite necessary to convert numerous separate regulatory documents to a single systematic normative base with differentiated approach to treated waste waters quality considering the amounts of financing.
SHalaev V. V. Features of surface waters intake facilities use at water treatment plants of high capacity
The main regulatory documents and the laws governing the actions related to water supply facilities are specified, and a lot of issues and the causes of efficiency reducing and emergency situation in the course of water supply intake are presented. A survey of advanced technological and engineering decisions and of methods of application of the water intake slotted head-filters is given with the description of the technology and the design patented by JSC “Technology Economics Resource” as applied to St.Peterburg’s central water station.
Getmancev S. V., Ilin S. I., Limarenko A. E., Novikov M. G., CHesnokov V. A.Comprehensive approach to the problems that occur during upgrading of existing surface water treatment plants
The analysis of operation efficiency of the most Russian stations for surface water treatment showed that these stations were put into operation in 60th – 80th of the past century, therefore the employed technologies and the structures of utilized facilities must be considered nowadays as morally obsolete techniques and installations. The information on some proven technologies is given and it is shown that the use of these technologies would furnish a low-cost solution of all major problems arising when choosing the ways of modernization of existing treatment facilities.
Laptev B. I., Sidorenko G. N., Gorlenko N. P., Sarkisov YU. S., Antoshkin L. V. Processes of structure formation in water and aqueous solutions
It is shown that electric capacity of distilled water becomes many times lower with reducing of electric current frequency from 1 kHz to 300 kHz. The capacity of NaCl, KCl, СaСl2 and MgCl2 aqueous solutions as compared to that of distilled water increases in proportion to the increase of their concentration within the range from 10-4 М up to 10-1 М. In case when liquid level is above the capacitor sheets the tuned circuit Q-factor decreases by many times at the frequency of 30 kHz within the range of concentrations (10-4-10-3) М and at the frequency of 100 kHz within the range of concentrations (10-4-10-2) М, and increases by many times with the increase of solution concentration. It is suggested that these changes occur due to the dynamics of water cluster structure.
Zagorodnyuk K. YU., Omelchuk S. T., Zagorodnyuk YU. V.The effect of stability and corrosivity of water on the biological activity of organochlorine compounds, through the consumption of drinking water
Using the results of the research, the effect of stability and corrosivity of drinking water on biological activity and on toxicity level of organochlorine compounds entering into human body is established. It is shown that further investigations in this direction are necessary.
Gavrilyuk T. V.Water treatment systems for country cottage settlements
Currently the premises in country cottage settlements enjoy great popularity. But in the absence of water supply line here emerges the question of providing the potable water for existing premise or for the house in the course of building. The author gives an answer to this question and to the other ones related to the problem of new cottage settlements water supply. Special attention is given to the required capacity of water conditioning system, to dimensions and to schemes of water treatment facilities, to minimal dimension of treatment plant room, to operational costs and to other important features. Author’s conclusions are based on a number of practically realized projects.
Vasilev V. M., Stolbihin YU. V.Select design receiving and unloading chamber (quenching) after pressure conduits and their calculation
The organization of receiving and discharging (stilling) chambers downstream pumping plants at the tail of pressure water conduits is necessary for dissipation of effluent stream energy. A lot of stilling chamber designs is considered and the methods of calculating and designing are presented. The analysis of these examples showed that the choice of the optimal design and the type of the chamber depends on the initial design database including the follows: flow rate and pressure values, water conduit amount and flow pattern inside these conduits, number of pipelines connected to a single inlet chamber etc. It is shown that in conditions of variable flow the use of stilling chamber with slotted outlet and round-crested weir is economically reasonable.
Ivanov V. G., Amelichkin S. G., Medvedev A. N. Constructive upgrading solutions of existing secondary clarifiers using thin modules
The studies of thin-film module technique were carried out during live environment testing on pilot plant mounted on secondary clarifiers existing at the central aeration station of Saint-Petersburg (ЦСА СПб). It was established and experimentally proved that the level of active sludge washout may be reduced by 30-40% through installation of radial thin-film modules with upward flow at the tail part of the plant. The authors focus attention on the problem of module fouling and the necessity to counteract this phenomenon. It is shown that this problem calls for further investigation keeping in mind recent data on importance of periphyton at terminal stage of the treatment. It is also shown that very important saving of electric power and operational costs may be gained through implementation of the program of secondary clarifier modernization according to the principle of thin-film clarifiers using floating filter disposed above thin-film modules at the tail part of the plant together with the system of continuous sucking wash out of filter medium. It is concluded that more substantive linkage is necessary between various requirements on treated effluent with regional conditions and background contamination of water bodies in order to optimize the costs of efficient environmental protection.
M. Margraff, T. Buyеr, G. Herbst Modernization of wastewater aeration stations activated sludge by installing plate separators in the aeration basins and secondary clarifiers
The costs associated with the enhancement of activate sludge plants directed to improvment of the process of biogeneous matters removal may be appreciably reduced through the use of advanced technologies instead of simple construction of additional reactor volume. The authors remind the operating principles of lamella separators and present the comparison of two upgrading techniques that were utilized at operating municipal sewage treatment plants through installation of lamella modules: at the outlet of the activated sludge tank and in the inlet zone of the secondary clarifier. For the first time the technologies involving the use of lamella separators were practically realized in secondary clarifiers of waste water treatment plant in the city of Simmerath and in the round aeration tanks at the plants of low capacity. It is shown that the maximal increase of active return sludge content was as high as 6 g/l.
Serafimov V. K.Thin-film modules 2H TUBEdek ®, design and specifications
A survey of the fields of application of thin-film modules 2H TUBEdek ®, produced by the company GEA 2H Water Technologies GmbH is presented. The precipitation on thin-film modules offers the advantage in the field of separation of solid matters and liquids as well as many other suspensions. The operating principle, basic performance characteristics of the modules and the scope of their application are described. The techniques of module mounting in plant reservoirs by means of special corrosion-resisting structures are shown. The use of such mounting allows minimizing of the maintenance costs.
Skrjabin A. YU., Serpokrylov N. S., Posuponko S. V. Thin settlers appliance experience
The negative experience of secondary clarifiers modernization at treatment facilities in the city of Rostov-on-Don with the use of the tubes made of low pressure polyethylene is described. The efficiency of station operation after installation of thin-film modules TUBEdek instead of LPPE tubes is demonstrated. The main operational parameters and the results of thin-film clarifiers operation after modernization are given.
Cypkin V.YU Promising cleaning methods and equipment for neutralization of hazardous gaseous fetid substances at water disposal facilities
The article deals with the problems of water purifying and gives a description of the equipment for removal of hazardous gaseous fetid substances at water disposal facilities by means of various techniques (sorption-plasma-catalytic and biological treatment). The author presents the experience of his own project implementation at operating pumping stations, in the well of tunnel collectors, at treatment facilities and at several other plants, and puts a question of air-cleaning in operating space and at sludge burial sites.
Protasovskii E. M., YUdin M. YU., Mezencev A. F., Pavlova T. P.The concept of water supply and drainage system in Sochi
The objectives of the modernization of water supply and water disposal systems in the city of Sochi result from the General plan and operating development program which must wholly take into account both the needs of the Olympiad and subsequent utilization of this sport and tourism center. The main purposes of water supply and water disposal systems and the ways of achieving these goals are presented. Enlarged simulation of water supply system made it possible to determine the main parameters of the system of water balance and water supply control and of water distribution on the basis of the creation of zonal monitoring subsystem. The realization of these problems in the field of water disposal requires the accomplishment of large-scale works on existing installation renovation and construction of the new ones. Along with the construction of treatment facilities examined in details by the example of Bzugu treatment facilities, the largest investments are directed to dismantling of direct outlet and organization of rural settlement water disposal, as well as to the utilization of settled sludge.
M. IikkanenSt. Petersburg plans to generate electricity from sediments obtained by urban waste water treatment
By the example of two St.Petersburg’s large treatment plants the results of selection and evaluation of process flow sheets for sludge digestion with the view of biogas production and electricity generation are described. The efficiency of the process is shown and the costs of the best selected schema implementation as well as the estimation of payback period are presented for the case of its realization within the frame of the program on Energy Efficiency of Russian enterprises.
Serafimov V. K.2H GEOdek ® system infiltration of rain, storm and drainage water, the design and specifications
The author presents the innovated systems for rain water, storm and drainage water infiltration offered and employed in Europe instead of conventional drain return systems and central drainage of surface water into sewerage network. Module structures, the methods of module installation and assembling depending on traffic load are explicitly described. An example of installation of infiltration system at the stock park of the company GEA 2H (the factory in the city of Vetrigen) is presented.
Semenov V. A., Zagrebelnyi V. G.The "Renlayner" technology
An innovative method of trenchless repairing of pressure water conduits is explicitly described. The principle of this technology consists in laying a new polyethylene pipe inside the old one while the former has the walls pressed closely against the walls of the latter. The same aim is pursued by other techniques for pipe repair but this technology allows to considerably simplify the process due to the maximal use of the equipment and the tools commonly employed in civil engineering, to reduce force actions on polyethylene pipe during the process and to improve the service life of piping.
Jakovlev P. I. Estimation of groundwater inflow of the Upper Volga in the area from its source to the city of Tver using hydrometric and hydrochemical methods
The problem of groundwater inflow rating for regulated and lake rivers is discussed by the example of the Upper Volga. The methods of underground inflow estimation for basic and estimated zones of the river are presented. It is shown that the determination accuracy for underground inflow increase often depends on the change of underflow amount which is resulted from the differences between lithological characters of river alluvial deposits. Hydrometric and hydrochemical methods should be employed for adjustment of groundwater inflow increase at separate river stretches.
D. A. DanilovichTechnological regulation of municipal water discharge on the basis of the best available technologies
The article deals with the elaboration of the principles of the concept of best available technology (BAT) application in municipal water disposal and with the justifications of operating standards on waste water treatment quality through the use of BAT. The proposal relating to step-by-step BAT implementation at water disposal facilities and to techno-economic issues of this process are presented. Working costs are shown for BAT implementation to the level of commercial fishing standard requirements at existing treatment facilities of Moscow water disposal system.
Water supply
V.V. SHalaevFiltering equipment for high capacity systems of water supply from underground sources
The author discusses the issues and the causes capable to reduce in the shortest time or to nullify the capacity of water intake from the operating wells. The comparative analysis of practicable methods of prophylactic treatment and protection against various troubles arising during the operation is carried out. A survey of technological decisions relating to design and application of well tube filters is given. Key words: wells, mechanical impurities, well filter colmatation, submersible separator, sludge trap, V-shaped slot articles, effective life.
E.D. Hecuriani, A.YU. Dushenko, R.S. Bechvaja Artificial spawning ground in the conditions of a ladleman water intake
An integrated structure that allows preventing fry entering into water intake facility is presented. This installation protects intake facility against blue-green algae and provides the rehabilitation of stream ecosystem. It also allows the organization of prepurification of the stream water at intake facility and maintains its fish protection function up to moment of water delivery to treatment plant.
B.I. Laptev, G.N. Sidorenko, N.P. Gorlenko, YU.S. Sarkisov Effect of heating and solution concentration on structuration processes in water and aqueous solutions
It is shown that at temperature of 20o C electrical capacity of distilled water becomes many times lower with reducing of reactive current frequency from 1 kHz to 300 kHz. On heating up to 40o C its capacity on frequencies of 10 and 30 kHz increases. Thereby the tuned circuit Q-factor decreases by many times on the frequencies of 30 and 100 kHz. As the concentration of NaCl, KCl, СaСl2 and MgCl2 aqueous solutions increases from 10-5 М up to (10-2–10-1) М their electrical capacity increases by many times initially on low frequencies and then on high frequencies. On the frequencies of 30 and 100 kHz the value of tuned circuit Q-factor initially decreases and increases with further increase of solution concentration. On heating up to 40o both the capacities on the frequencies of 100 and 300 kHz and the tuned circuit Q-factor on the frequencies of 30 and 100 kHz increase. It is suggested that these changes are conditioned by ion hydratation processes and by the occurrence in water of interlinked clusters, the amount and the dimensions of these groupments decreasing on heating or in presence of salt ions.
Water disposal
YU.F. Davydov, Kim A.N.Experimental study of effluent discharge outlet performance
The processes of sewage dilution in water bodies are very complicated and poorly predictable and the laboratory studies are needed for its practical investigations and long-term forecasting. The article presents laboratory investigations of dilution process where flow eddy diffusion in drainage outlets, floating up of free ascending current and free convective spreading were studied. The most indicative sections were chosen from these experiments. These sections correspond to flow rate distribution which is responsible for stream pattern organization and for the most important overgrowth of Irtysh river bed.
N.S. Serpokrylov, I.A. Kulik, A.B. Krasnyi, V.P. Tarasovskii, A.A. Madzhitov Aerators of new generation made of porous permeable ceramics
New porous permeable ceramic materials have been developed in Russia during two last decades. These ceramics offer physicotechnical and operational properties which are vastly superior to those of existing analogs. Now it is possible to create purposefully permeable ceramic materials offering predestined properties (for example, ceramics generating the bubbles of desired diameter on air passage through this material) and to produce large-size article of complex shape so facilitating assembling of various systems. From laboratory experiments results got by equivalent percentage technique the major product of ceramic aerators product family was chosen (module unit Bacor-750, produced by CJSC Bacor). Key words: aerators, ceramic plates, porosity, aerator controlled properties, equivalent percentage technique.
Vasilev B.V., Rublevskaja O. N., Leonov L. V.Processing and disposal of sewage sludge at the city of Saint-Petersburg
The authors discuss the approach utilized by GUP Vodokanal SPb in regard to the treatment of the sludge generated during sewage treatment at aeration plants of the city and its neighborhood under conditions of contaminants deep removal. A special attention is given to technological schemes of atmospheric discharges purification at incineration plants, to the problem of ash utilization and to the problem of waste storage at waste disposal site when using Geotube technology.
M.A. GAZAEV, L.Z. ZhINZhAKOVA, Ye.A. AGOEVA, F.A. ATABIEVA, M.M. GAZAEV Hydrochemical data for Cherek-Balkarsky river’s waters at principal phases of hydrological regime
High-mountain area of the river Cherek basin was explored during main phases of hydrological regime (low-water (winter) period and summer flood). This river is an example of snow-glacier-fed streams. The background concentrations are given for high-mountain conditions. An environmental assessment of water source quality is presented for the case of quality standard exceedence. Key words: Kabardino-Balkarian high-mountain wilderness area, water source, glaciers, snow-glacier-fed stream, environmental assessment of quality, high-mountain river-waters, basic variables, background concentrations.