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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.3–8

The separation of water-oil emulsions in gravity sedimentation tanks is the simplest in the instrumental design process. However, when using hollow containers as settlers, the efficiency of the separation process is limited by a number of factors. The method of separation of water-oil emulsions for cleaning oily wastewater in gravity sedimentation tanks by analogy with the separation of emulsions during oil extraction is considered in the article. Experimental studies have been carried out, according to which the dependence of the ascent has been obtained, consistent with the analogous works of other authors. To intensify the separation process, the possibility of adding a surfactant, which increased the efficiency of gravity deposition from 50 to 75 %, was considered. The efficiency was also evaluated when the acidity of the medium and salt content changed. The obtained positive results can be used on the existing standard equipment for separation of oil products from sewage with the help of surfactants, as well as in the modernization of industrial settling apparatus.
Key words: wastewater treatment, water-oil emulsions, sedimentation, demulsified, surfactant, MPC.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.9–16

This work is devoted to study of the physico-chemical properties (abrasion, crindabitity, heterogeneity, etc.) wastes of oil shale processing shale fines and shale ash and a detailed analysis of their chemical and mineral compositions to determine the possibility of using this material as a filter material for water purification from organic pollutants. Determined that shale fines and shale ash meet the requirements of GOST R 51641–200 “granular filter Material”. According to this GOST growth of solids should not exceed 20 mg/dm3 (shale fines — 4 mg/dm3, oil shale ash — 10 mg/dm3), the value of work should not exceed 4 % of shale fines by 0,3 — 0,5 %, shale ash — 0,7–0,8 %), and the value of resistance to abrasion — 0,5 % (shale fines — 0,1 %, the oil shale ash — 0,4–0,5 %. Shale ash and oil shale fines that are rich in oil or mineral oil after the sorption process, it is advisable to utilize as a fuel because they are adsorbed product will have a high calorific value.
Key words: oil shale ash, shale fines, mineral sorbents, sorbtion capacity, hoding capacity, organic pollutants, filter material.
References: 1. Vatin, N. I., Petrosov, D. V., Kalachev, A. I. (2011). Primenenie zol i zoloshlakovyh othodov v stroitel’stve. [Use of ashes and ash-and-shad wastes in construction], Inzhenernostroitel’nyj zhurnal, № 4, pp. 16–21. (in Russian).
2. Gerasimov, A. N., Syroezhko, A. M., Dronov, S. V. (2012). Vliyanie mineralnoj chasti goryuchego slanca na process ego sovmestnoj termoximicheskoj pererabotki s gudronom [The influence of the mineral part of oil shale on the process of joint thermochemical processing of tar], Koks i himiya, № 4, pp. 37–47. (in Russian).
3. Isaeva, I. E., Kaminsky, Yu. D. (2011). Kyzylskij zolootval kak istochnik neblagoprijatnogo vozdejstvija na okruzhajushhuju sredu. [Kyzylskij ash-dump as a source of adverse effects on the environment]. Sibirskij jekonomicheskij zhurnal, № 6, pp. 885–892. (in Russian).
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.17–21

The town of Armyansk, located on the Crimean peninsula, can receive water only from artesian wells. Underground waters of the Republic of Crimea have high rigidity and mineralization, and can not be used for domestic purposes without deep processing. The work is devoted to the development of the underground water cleaning station of the city of Armyansk, the technological scheme consists of filtration, desalination by reverse osmosis and conditioning, by mixing desalted and filtered water. Concentrate from reverse osmosis plants is discharged into the Black Sea via a deep-water outlet.
Key words: treatment facilities, groundwater, reverse osmosis, desalination.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.22–30

The article presents data on the mineralization of distillate filtration through granular natural minerals: marble, dolomite, gypsum, dolomite mixture and gypsum, the effect of filtration rate, temperature and carbon dioxide content on the enrichment of distillate ions Ca2+, Mg2+. Filtration of distillate without preliminary introduction of CO2 through marble, dolomite loading provides its saturation with hardness salts up to 0,2–0,3 mg-eq./l. The best results in mineralization of the distillate to the requirements for drinking, obtained by filtration through loading of a mixture of dolomite and gypsum, the fractional composition of the grains of dolomite 1–3 mm, plaster 60–70 mm. On the basis of the research developed and tested a prototype of the filter-mineralizer with the capacity of 1 m3/h, ensuring the saturation of the distillate with ions Ca2+, Mg2+ to the requirements of GOST–01 “Drinking Water...”. Filter mineralizer is designed for use on oil and gas drilling platforms, as well as other autonomous objects.
Key words: mineralization, distillate, dolomite, gypsum, autonomous object, drinking water.
References: 1. Azarov, I. I., Batukov, S. S., Zholus, B. I. (2016). Pit’evaya voda mor’yakov. Istoriya I sovremennost. [Drinking water for seafarers. History and modernity]. Morskaya medicina, vol. 2, № 3, pp. 25–29. (in Russian).
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.31–38

The complex task of removing high concentrations of contaminants in ground water originating from infiltration of runoff into surface water drains of a territory that used to be industrial in the past is solved in the paper. This problem is actual as it leads to violation of rules of reception of sewage in the municipal sewerage and involves payment of large penalties by the owner of the territory. This problem was solved by employees of the Department of water use and ecology of SPSUACE at one of office complexes in St. Petersburg. Purpose: bringing the concentrations of pollutants in the surface water drain systems to the regulatory requirements of municipal sewerage system, provided that lower capital and operating costs for water treatment are ensured as compared to the plug and play sewage treatment solutions that are widely presented on the market. Results: The technological scheme of wastewater treatment using sorption filters placed in special “geo-containers” (large volume geotextile bag) that enable fast replacement of regeneration of the sorbent is developed. The technological scheme is implemented. Adjustment works are carried out. Recommendations on effective work of treatment facilities are offered, based on the researches of quality of the treated water Practical relevance: technological and constructive solutions of treatment facilities and operation recommendations presented in the article can be used at similar industrial sites in Russia. The arrangement of the sorption filter placed in soft “geo-container” sufficiently simplifies the operating process of a local surface water treatment plant.
Key words: surface water treatment, geo-container, geotextile bag, sorbent.
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12. Komitet po ehnergetike i inzhenernomu obespecheniyu Pravitel’stva Sankt-Peterburga (2012). Rasporyazhenie ot 06.09.2016 № 163 «O vnesenii izmenenij v rasporyazhenie Komiteta po ehnergetike i inzhenernomu obespecheniyu ot 08.11.2012 № 148» [About modification of the order of Committee on energy and engineering № 148] (in Russian).
13. Instrukciya po primeneniyu Adsorbenta Glint [Sorbent Glint application instruction]. Available at: http://kvantmineral. com/filtruyushhij-material/instrukciya-adsorbent. (in Russian)


DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.39–47

Introduction: The article presents the results of a study of vortextype gas-burning devices, without any reconstructions that allow burning both natural gases and biogas. The ecological characteristics of such burners have not been sufficiently studied, and therefore the results of the study of the amount of harmful impurities in the combustion products of gases burned in the vortex flow are of interest. The purpose of the study is to reveal the geometrical dimensions of the burner and the combustion chamber to create vortex flows ensuring flame stabilization during the combustion of natural gas and biogas. The authors determine the twist intensity for the investigated vortex burners with internal flame stabilization, depending on the geometric characteristics of the gas burners and carry out a study of the completeness of combustion of gases with a minimum amount of nitrogen oxides and benz (a) pyrene produced in combustion products. Results: Comparative analyzes of harmful components in combustion products of traditional and ring torches have shown that the ecological characteristic of a ring flame is much higher than that of a traditional one. The content of nitrogen oxides decreases several times, since the twist of the gas and air flows makes it possible to obtain a homogeneous mixture necessary for burning gases without chemical undersoil, with a minimum amount of benzo (a) pyrene and nitrogen oxides. Vortex combustion of gases in a ring flame allows simultaneous use of several methods of reducing harmful substances in order to reduce harmful components in combustion products. Practical significance: the optimum values of the ratio of the nozzle diameter and the chamber diameter are obtained, as well as the ratio of the inlet cross section and the cross section of the tangential vortex swirler, at which a flame is created in the form of a closed volumetric ring of the “torus” type with internal stabilization. The authors emphasize that the ring flame allows to increase the ecological efficiency of gas burners.
Key words: vortex combustion of gases, gas burner, ring flame, environmental safety.
References: 1. Tyukin, K. K. (2005). Effektivnost’ ispol’zovaniya topliva v vihrevyh besfuterovochnyh topkah [Efficiency of fuel use in whirling bezfetrovorichnyh furnaces]. SPb.: Nedra, 176 p. (in Russian)
2. Lyahovskij, D. N. (1958). Issledovanie aehrodinamiki ciklonnoj kamery [Study of the aerodynamics of a cyclone chamber]. In Voprosy aehrodinamiki i teploperedachi v kotel’notopochnyh processah. M.: Gosehnergoizdat, pp. 114–150.(in Russian).
3. Havkin, Yu. I. (1990). Metodika rascheta ehnergeticheskih topochnyh kamer [Method for calculating energy combustion chambers]. In Racional’noe ispol’zovanie gaza v ehnergeticheskih ustanovkah. L.: Nedra, pp. 91–142. (in Russian).
4. Marinenko, E. E., Komina, G. P. (1990). Ekologicheskie aspekty ispol’zovaniya biogaza v SSSR i za rubezhom [Ecological aspects of the use of biogas in the USSR and abroad]. M.: VNIIEgazprom, 45 p. (in Russian).
5. Glavnyj gosudarstvennyj sanitarnyj vrach Rossijskoj Federacii (2017). Gigienicheskie normativy GN Predel’no dopustimye koncentracii (PDK) zagryaznyayushchih veshchestv v atmosfernom vozduhe gorodskih i sel’skih poselenij [Hygienic standards of GN The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of urban and rural settlements]. (in Russian).
6. Verboveckij, E. H. (ed.). (2013). Metodicheskie ukazaniya po proektirovaniyu topochnyh ustrojstv ehnergeticheskih kotlov [Methodical instructions for designing furnace equipment of power boilers]. SPb: VTI-AOOT «NPO CKTI», 257 p. (in Russian).
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13. Minzdrav Rossii (2003). GN Predel’no dopustimye koncentracii (PDK) zagryaznyayushchih veshchestv v atmosfernom vozduhe naselennyh mest [Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of populated areas]. (in Russian).
14. Gosudarstvennyj komitet Rossijskoj Federacii po ohrane okruzhayushchej sredy (1999). Metodika opredeleniya vybrosov zagryaznyayushchih veshchestv v atmosferu pri szhiganii topliva v kotlah proizvoditel’nost’yu menee 30 tonn para v chas ili menee 20 Gkal v chas[Methodology for determining the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere when burning fuel in boilers with a capacity of less than 30 tons of steam per hour or less than 20 Gcal per hour] № 335/33–15. (in Russian).
15. Volikov, A. N., Shavrin, V. I, Prohorov, S. G. (2012). Energoehkologicheskaya ehffektivnost’ prirodoohrannyh tekhnologij i apparatov pri szhiganii topliva (Chast’ 1) [EnergyEcological Efficiency of Environmental Technologies and Apparatuses for Combustion of Fuel (Part 1)]. SPb.: SPbGASU, 168 p. (in Russian).
16. Hudokormov, N. N, Komina, G. P, Kachanov, A. N. (2015) Szhiganiyu prirodnogo gaza — kompleksnyj podhod [An integrated approach for combustion of natural gas]. Berg kollegiya, № 3 (126), pp. 22–29. (in Russian).
17. Volikov, A. N., Novikov, O. N., Okat’ev, A. N. (2012). Energoehklogicheskaya ehffektivnost’ szhiganiya gazovogo i zhidkogo topliva v kotlah maloj i srednej moshchnosti [Energyefficient combustion efficiency of gas and liquid fuel in boilers of small and medium power]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya, № 4, p. 102. (in Russian).
18. Glebov, G. A. (2012). Vihrevoe gorelochnoe ustrojstvo. Klassy MPK: F23D5/12. Detali, konstruktivnye ehlementy [Vortex burner device. Classes IPC: F23D 5/12. Parts, structural members]. Patent RF № 2443941. (in Russian).

DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.48–58

Negative consequences of possible level variations in the Neva Bay by the end of the century due to the age-old level rise and extreme storm surges for St. Petersburg are discussed. These include flooding, submergence, erosion of shores and bogging of coastal areas. It is shown that the most realistic forecast of the level in Kronstadt by the end of the century is its rise up to 34–59 cm BS (the Baltic system of heights), and according to the “pessimistic” forecast there is a possibility of its rise to 80–90 cm BS. In this case, significant areas of the Admiralteysky, Vasileostrovsky, Kirovsky and Petrogradsky city districts will be flooded. The results of assessing the flood zone boundaries of the city’s territory for one-percent water levels are given. In case of extreme storm surges, the possible level rise north of Gorskaya may amount to 600 cm BS. Especially the effect of flooding caused by storm surges is pronounced near Sestroretsk. At an altitude of the 4-m surge wave the total area of possible flooding of Kurortny district exceeds 1260 hectares, all the beaches being completely lost.
Key words: sea level, Neva Bay, storm surges, forecast, underflooding and flooding of coasts.
References: 1. Gordeeva, S. M., Malinin, V. N. (2014). Izmenchivost’ morskogo urovnya Finskogo zaliva [Sea level variability of the Gulf of Finland]. Saint-Petersburg: RSHU publ., 178 p. (in Russian).
2. Zaharchuk, Е. А., Sukhachev, V. N., Tihonova, N. А. (2017). Mehanizmy opasnyh pod’emov urovnya vjhya v Finskom zalive [Mechanisms of dangerous sea level rises in the Gulf of Finland] St. Petersburg: Petersburg-XXI centure, 152 p. (in Russian).
3. Klevannyy, K. A., Averkiev, A. S. (2011). Vliyaniye raboty kompleksa zashchitnykh sooruzheniy Sankt-Peterburga ot navodneniy na podyem urovnya vody v vostochnoy chasti Finskogo zaliva [Operational effect of Saint Petersburg Flood Prevention Facility Complex on the sea level rise in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland]. Society. Environment. Development, № 1, pp. 204–209. (in Russian).
4. Malinin, V. N. (2012). Uroven’ okeana: nastoyashcheye i budushcheye [Sea level: the present and the future]. St. Petersburg: RSHU publ., 260 p. (in Russian).
5. Malinin, V. N., Gordeeva, S. M., Mitina, Iu. V. (2016). Izmenchivost’ nevskikh navodneniy i morskogo urovnya v sovremennykh klimaticheskikh usloviyakh [Variability of the Neva floods and sea level in modern climatic conditions]. Water resources, № 5, pp. 544–557. (in Russian).
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11. Pravitel’stvo Rossijskoj Federacii (2014). Pravila opredeleniya granic zon zatopleniya, podtopleniya [Rules for determining the boundaries of flooded areas, flooding](Utverzhdeny postanovleniem ot 18.04.2014 №360).
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15. Boschung J. (ed.) (2013). IPCC. Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental. Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press, 1535 p.
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18. The BACC II Autor Team (2015). Second Assessment of Climate Change for the Baltic Sea Basin. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 501 p.

DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.59–64

The article compares the quality of water with the magnitude of carcinogenic risk, which is determined by the content of known carcinogens — components of trihalomethanes, which are formed during the chlorination of water. An assessment of the carcinogenic risk to human health arising from the consumption of drinking water from surface and infiltration water intake is carried out in accordance with the guidelines (MR–11). The average annual concentrations of trihalomethane components (TMC) and standard values of exposure factors were used as initial data. It is established that drinking water obtained on surface water intake has a greater value of the total carcinogenic risk. This is explained by the chlorine dosing technology used and the chlorine dose, which is higher than that used for infiltration water intakes (IWI1 and IWI2). Thus, the values of the total carcinogenic risk for surface water intake (SWI) are 1.18 × 10–5 ÷ 3.25 × 10–6, and for IWI1 and IWI2 9.29 × 10–6 ÷ 5.99 × 10–6 and 5.08 × 10–6 ÷ 3.30 × 10–6, respectively. For the first time it has been shown that bromodichloromethane is the largest contributor to the total values of carcinogenic risk in drinking water at infiltration water intakes, on surface water intake of SWI-bromodichloromethane and chloroform. The obtained results testify to a somewhat higher quality of drinking water of infiltration water intakes in comparison with water withdrawals of surface type for such indicator as total carcinogenic risk. On the other hand, dibromochloromethane is the most dangerous among constantly present TMC in drinking water, and its content in water infiltration water intakes is higher than in surface water.
Key words: chlorination of drinking water, trihalomethanes, carcinogenic risk, surface water intake, infiltration water intake.
References: 1. Mazaev, V. T., Korolev, A. A., SHlepnika, T. G. (2005). Kommunal’naya gigiena [Communal Hygiene]. M.: GEHOTAR-Media, 304 p. (in Russian).
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3. Sulejmanov, R. A., Valeev, T. K., Egorova, N. N. (2016). Ekologo-gigienicheskie riski zdorov’yu cheloveka pri upotreblenii pit’evyh vod v usloviyah promyshlennogo goroda [Ecological and hygienic risks to human health when drinking water is used in an industrial city]. Ufa: Ufimskij NII mediciny truda i ehkologii cheloveka, 19 p. (in Russian).
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5. Malkova, M. A., Kantor, I. V., Kantor, E. A. (2015). Ocenka zagryaznennosti trigalogenmetanami pit’evoj vody [Assessment of contamination of drinking water by trihalomethanes]. V: Fundamental’nye i prikladnye issledovaniya v tekhnicheskih naukah v usloviyah perekhoda predpriyatij na importozameshchenie: problemy i puti resheniya, UGNTU, pp. 409–411. (in Russian).
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10. Malkova, M. A., Huziahmetova, A. A., Zhigalova, A. V. (2017). Sopostavlenie kachestva pit’evoj vody po soderzhaniyu trigalogenmetanov s zabolevaemost’yu naseleniya [Comparison of the quality of drinking water with respect to the content of trihalomethanes with the incidence of the population]. Sovremennye problemy nauki i obrazovaniya, № 3, p. 145. (in Russian).
11. Minzdrav Rossii (2002). SanPiN–01. Pit’evaya voda. Gigienicheskie trebovaniya k kachestvu vody centralizovannyh sistem pit’evogo vodosnabzheniya [Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality of centralized drinking water supply systems]. (in Russian).
12. Federal’nyj centr gigieny i ehpidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora (2012). Metodicheskie rekomendacii MR–11. Integral’naya ocenka pit’evoj vody po pokazatelyam himicheskoj bezvrednosti [Methodical recommendations of MP Integral assessment of drinking water according to the indices of chemical harmlessness]. (in Russian).
13. Vozhdaeva, M. Yu., Cypysheva, L. G., Kantor, L. I. (2005). Effektivnost’ sochetaniya mass-selektivnogo i atomnoehmissionnogo detektirovaniya pri hromatograficheskom analize kachestva vody [Efficiency of a combination of massselective and atomic-emission detection in the chromatographic analysis of water quality]. Mass-spektrometriya, vol. 2, № 3, pp. 229–235. (in Russian).
14. Vozhdaeva, M. Yu., Cypysheva, L. G., Kantor, L. I. (2001). Analiz organicheskih zagryaznitelej vody metodami gazovoj hromatografii s razlichnymi vidami detektirovaniya [Analysis of organic pollutants of water by gas chromatography with various types of detection]. Analitika i kontrol’, vol. 5, № 2, pp. 171–185. (in Russian).
15. Holova, A. R., Vozhdaeva, M. Yu., Vagner, E. V. (2017). Soderzhanie organicheskih soedinenij v pit’evoj vode, transportiruemoj po raspredelitel’noj vodoprovodnoj seti g. Ufy [The content of organic compounds in drinking water, transported through a water distribution network in Ufa]. In: Aktual’nye napravleniya fundamental’nyh i prikladnyh issledovanij materialy XI mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoprakticheskoj konferencii. NIC «Akademicheskij», pp. 172–175. (in Russian).

DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.65–70

The article deals with hydotechnical measures for the renewal of ecological state of eutophicated water bodies such as: the increase of flow caracity and water exchange, washing, aerating, etc. The biological methods of combating the water blooms are also discussed: the breeding of herbivorous fish, introduction of phytoplankton antagonist organisms and the use of macrophytes for nutrient accumulation.
Key words: eutrophication, biogenic substances, secondary pollution, aeration, reservoir hydrodynamics, reclamation, biological methods.
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17. (2014). Reshenie XI sezda GBO RAN [Decision of the XI congress of the GAO RAS]. Availble at:
18. Cvetkova, L. I. (ed.) (2012). Ekologiya [Ecology]. SPb.: Izd-vo OOO «Novyj zhurnal», 452 p. (in Russian).

DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.71–82

Introduction: a multiple-use water management complex is currently functioning in the Upper Ob River basin. Drinking, industrial, agricultural water supply and energetic are the main participants in it. The long-term use of water resources of the Novosibirsk reservoir along with positive aspects had a number of negative consequences for the existing water ecosystems, while the ecosystem of the reservoir itself was affected by anthropogenic pressure, which could not been reflected on its functioning. Purpose of the study: analysis of the long-year water management situation in the Upper Ob basin to develop recommendations for the management and rational use of water resources in the reservoir. Results: the main characteristics, purpose of construction and use of water resources of the Novosibirsk reservoir — the only artificial reservoir in the Ob River basin — are discussed. As a result of the analysis and generalization of long-term investigation the features of the hydrological and hydrochemical regimes of this large reservoir, considered as a source of water supply and drinking water of normative quality, are described. The socio-economic role of the reservoir in the development of the region’s economy is shown. Its “pain points” associated with a small useful volume and the need to transform flood waves and rain floods to exclude processes of flooding the territory of the city of Novosibirsk are noted. An intensified anthropogenic press on the water resources of the reservoir, including the development of negative processes: the ongoing processing of shores, increasing the concentrations of some chemicals in water and the recession of water levels below the dam of the hydroelectric power station has been identified. The positive role of the reservoir in ensuring the navigable situation on the area of the Ob River from Novosibirsk to the mouth of the Tom River is indicated. The limiting factors for water management in low-water years and seasons, due to the low flow of the river are established. Practical relevance: recommendations for improving the water-ecological and water management situation on the Upper Ob are given.
Key words: reservoir, water use, priority water supply, water level, run-off control.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.23.1.83–90

The researches executed under the grant of SPSUACE present that a biochemical process of Cr(6+) recovery in a biomembrane reactor with immobilized bacterial cells is significantly more efficient in comparison to using the free-floating microorganisms. The possibility of chrome-reduction using the immobilized bacterial cells in biocatalytic membranes is proved. It is discovered that the efficient Cr (6+) recovery comes at the equal rates of diffusion and biochemical process. It is found that Cr(6+) reduction in the membrane bioreactor may be achieved at the portion injection of Cr(6+) but the compound concentration should not exceed 20 mg/dm3. Р. mendocina Р–13 immobilized bacteria reduces Cr (6+) content from 20 up to 0 mg/dm3 at its five-time introduction with a linear velocity after which the reaction ceases due to the cell metabolite formation. The treatment process continuation is only possible after the cultural medium replacement with fresh solution. The biochemical process can be controlled by ORP monitoring. It is found that using the Р. mendocina cells immobilized on membranes, the chromate-reduction process is efficient at the ORP values below 400 MV, that is, within the range of aerobic process course. Thus, Cr (6+) can be recovered by the agents of different genera and types of both optionally and obligatory anaerobic bacteria as well as the aerobes capable of anaerobic respiration. Moreover, some of them can be successfully used for the contaminated water treatment from this toxic compound.
Key words: biochemical process, membranes, immobilized microorganisms, chromate-reduction, oxidation reduction potential
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.2.3–9

Introduction: Russia has been intensively building high-rise buildings, multifunctional complexes, warehouses and car parks, including underground ones, where ignition sometimes leads to human casualties and large material losses in recent decades. Therefore it is important to efficiently solve the task of equipping buildings and structures with automatic fire protection systems to suppress fires with automatic fire extinguishing installations using water or solutions based on it as a fire extinguishing agent. The designed automatic fire extinguishing systems should provide the required irrigation intensity for a certain time and prevent excessive exposure to fire extinguishing substances in rooms where there is no fire to avoid damage to property and equipment. Methods and materials: the mathematical model of flow distribution in automatic fire extinguishing systems and water curtains is considered in the article, on the basis of which the problem of flow distribution with non-fixed selection from consumers is put. The proposed model allows to obtain more realistic values of water sampling through the nozzles (sprays) and pressures in the nodes. An algorithm for solving the considered flow distribution problem is presented in the form of a system of nonlinear algebraic equations, as well as a numerical example. A short characteristic of web-based software for modeling of water supply system and fire extinguishing is given. Results: a flow distribution model with non-fixed selections in the form of a system of nonlinear algebraic equations is proposed. It simultaneously allows finding all the required flow distribution parameters in multi-ring automated fire extinguishing installations. Conclusion: the proposed statement of the problem can be used for the hydraulic calculation of combined fire-fighting water pipes (internal fire-fighting water supply and automatic fire-extinguishing installation) and water curtains. The flow distribution model used in the article was used in the software package “ISIGR” and was tested on numerous examples.
Key words: the task of flow distribution, non-fixed nodal selection, automatic flow distribution system, water curtains, sprinklers, piezometric pressure, pressure, software.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.2. 10–16

Introduction: subject of researches of authors were technological parameters of process of ozonization as steps of preliminary processing of underground waters before filtering in the technological scheme of their water treatment. Methods and materials: entered a research problem: to establish doses (concentration) of the dissolved ozone necessary for oxidation of the iron forms dissolved in water (Fe 2+) and manganese (Mn 2+ ) in various concentration; to define limit doses of the dissolved ozone depending on concentration of iron and manganese; experimentally to establish quality of the received conditioned water by ozonization with the subsequent filtering depending on initial concentration of iron and manganese and a dose of ozone. Results: influence of temperature on efficiency of removal of iron at ozonization considerably affects at ozone doses to 1,5–1,8 mg/l, at higher doses of ozone influence of water temperature not considerably. In the studied contact duration intervals from 2 to 8 min and doses of ozone from 2,5 to 1,2 mg/l efficiency of removal of iron makes 86,4–99,8 %, respectively. Manganese rather easily is removed low doses of ozone with the subsequent filtering if its concentration don’t exceed 0,3 mg/l, practically at any concentration of the dissolved Fe 2+. The necessary dose of ozone for removal of manganese to the demanded norms (0,1 mg/l), made 2,1–2,8 mg/l. At ozone doses in the conditioned water to 5,5 mg/l and its filtering with a speed not higher than 12 m/h, residual concentration of manganese decreased up to the “trace size”. Conclusion: in certain conditions at oxidation by ozone the iron dissolved in water (Fe 2+) has the competing effect concerning the dissolved manganese (Mn2+) which thus completely isn’t oxidized and, as a result, completely isn’t extracted from water at the subsequent filtering. The increase (over 3 mg/l) in a dose of the dissolved ozone when processing the underground waters containing the dissolved iron in concentration to 3,5 mg/l and manganese in concentration to 0,3 mg/l leads to a boomerang effect — deterioration of the conditioned water according to the residual content of manganese.
Key words: underground waters, water processing by ozone, oxidation of impurity ozone, a dose of the dissolved ozone, ozonization parameters.
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Karmazinov F. V., Ignatchik S. Yu., Kuznecova N. V., Kuznecov P. N., Fes’kova A. YaMETHODS FOR CALCULATING THE SURFACE RUN-OFF
DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.2.17–24

Introduction: the requirements for treatment and discharge of surface run-off have been tightened lately. For this reason, refusals of State Expertise and Federal Agency for Fisheries (Rosrybolovstvo) territorial divisions to approve activities related to designed capital construction projects based on Article 60 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, prohibiting the discharge of waste waters that have not undergone sanitary purification and neutralization into bodies of water, have become common. Under these circumstances, information on the actual rate of run-off resulting from rainfall, differing from the estimated run-off rate, becomes important. Such run-off primarily results from overestimated rainfall when it is impossible to measure the run-off rate due to drainage systems operating in the forced flow mode and flooding of flow rate meters. The purpose of the study is to improve methods for calculating the surface run-off rate, aimed to increase estimate reliability and justification of reserves in such systems to cut costs at construction and operation stages. Purpose of the study: to justify methods for calculating the run-off rate in combined water discharge systems, experimental studies were conducted in one of the Saint Petersburg water discharge basins with a total area of 96.97 ha, a maximum surface slope of 0.006, and weighted average run-off coefficient ψav = 0.46. Results: it has been established that the use of simplified hydraulic simulation with account for street drainage systems only (without household ones) leads to an overestimation of the estimated run-off rate by up to 20 %. An express method for estimating the run-off rate in combined water discharge systems was experimentally justified. The method allows using hydraulic simulation taking into account street drainage systems only, being a basis for the simulation of virtual reservoirs, volumes of which are equal to the volume of household drainage systems connected to such reservoirs. The possibility of using standard methods for determining the maximum run-off rate at the operation stage depending on the actual q20a rainfall intensity was experimentally confirmed. To increase calculations reliability, it is mandatory not to use coefficient β as a constant but calculate it depending on actual q20a rainfall intensity according to the following equation: β = 1,2915∙q20а –0,055. Conclusion: the use of the methods developed makes it possible: to justify design stage solutions reducing the estimated performance of rainwater and combined water discharge systems by 12 %; to reduce the labor input and duration of initial data preparation for hydraulic simulation of water discharge systems and water collectors.
Key words: water discharge systems, sewage pumping stations (SPS), waste waters, surface run-off, flow rate meters, drainage area.
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12. Karmazinov, F. V. (2000). Povyshenie ehkspluatacionnoj nadezhnosti, upravlyaemosti i ehffektivnosti sistemy vodootvedeniya krupnogo goroda [Increase of operational reliability, controllability and efficiency of a water drainage system of a large city]: avtoreferat diss. d-r tekhn. nauk. SanktPeterburg, 87 p. (in Russian).
13. Ignatchik, S. Yu., Kuznecov, P. N. (2017). Metody ocenki i puti snizheniya sbrosov stochnyh vod v okruzhayushchuyu sredu. Chast’ 1. Metody ocenki i puti snizheniya sbrosov stochnyh vod pri zasoreniyah ili avariyah na uchastkah vodootvodyashchih setej [Estimating methods and ways of reducing waste water decrease in the environment. Part 1. Assessment methods and ways of reducing wastewater discharges when clogging or accidents at drainage network sites]. Water and Ecology, № 1, pp. 13–23. (in Russian).
14. Karmazinov, F. V., Pankova, G. A., Mihajlov, D. M., Ignatchik, S. Yu. (2016). Metodika ocenki ob`emov avarijnyh sbrosov stochnyh vod v okruzhayushchuyu sredu [Methodology for assessing the volume of emergency discharges of sewage into the environment]. Water Supply and Sanitary Technique, № 6, pp. 49–54. (in Russian).
15. Ignatchik, V. S., Kuznecov, P. N. (2016). Optimizaciya sistem vodosnabzheniya i vodootvedeniya [Optimization of water supply and sewerage systems]. Water and Ecology, № 4, pp. 26–35. (in Russian).
16. Ignatchik, S. Yu. (2010). Obespechenie nadyozhnosti i ehnergosberezheniya pri raschyote sooruzhenij dlya transportirovaniya stochnyh vod [Ensuring reliability and energy saving in the calculation of facilities for the transport of waste water]. Water Supply and Sanitary Technique, № 8, pp. 56–62. (in Russian).

DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.2.25–31

Introduction: the article describes the results of the development of an installation for vacuum cleaning of sewage wells and testing it in laboratory and field conditions. In it, unlike the existing methods, evacuation is carried out by using the exhaust gas energy of the base tractor with the help of an ejector pressure-vacuum device installed on the exhaust pipe. Methods and materials: based on the test of the ejector device, it was found that for small values of the relative pressure drop, increasing the suction depth leads to a decrease in the water ejection coefficient, and when the pressure drop increases, the value of the coefficient increases. With a stable ejector operating mode, the ejection ratio of the suction gas is normalized, which positively affects the suction capacity of the device by the pulp. Reducing the compression ratio does not particularly affect the suction capacity of the ejector. Results: it is established that the proposed design is operable and can be used to clean manholes from sand-gravel deposits of fineness up to 10...15 mm with a degree of purification up to 96–98 %.
Key words: inspection wells, cleaning, exhaust gas energy, vacuum-ejector unit, test.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.2.32–39

Introduction: the article is devoted to the technology of creating sorbents based on bentonite clays. The urgency of development is determined by the growing interest in the creation of new environmentally friendly sorbents from natural aluminosilicates. However, a deterrent to the widespread use of bentonites for water purification is the lack of efficient granulation technologies, since clay minerals are susceptible to dispersing in aqueous media. Methods and materials: to substantiate the possibility of using the developed technology of granulation of bentonite, as well as the obtained samples of sorbents in the course of water preparation, their mineralogical composition was studied by X-ray phase analysis, the specific surface area, porosity (pore volume, pore radius distribution) was analyzed by sorption and capillary condensation of gases, chemical and mechanical durability of granules was determined. After studying the physical properties, the sorption capacity of the samples was evaluated for color and turbid solutions, as well as solutions containing heavy metals. Results: a detailed analysis of the physical and chemical properties of the developed sorbents showed that they meet the requirements of Russian National Standard and are effective for use both as an independent filtering material and as a component in water treatment systems.
Key words: sorbents, bentonite granules, sorption capacity, water purification, aluminosilicates.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.2.40–50

Introduction: the modern methodology of bioassay is developing in the following areas: the development and implementation of new methods bioassays, the development of special devices for bioassay, the detection of new informative test functions based on the accounting of sublethal effects in laboratory organisms, the evaluation and interpretation of the results of toxicological analysis of environmental components. Methods and materials: the experience of world scientists has been analyzed in order to identify the methodological aspects of the development of a group of methods in studies using biotesting. New approaches to optimizing biotesting methods are developed using accumulated material of toxicological analyzes. Results: we offer three directions for evaluation and optimizing of approaches and methods bioassays. First, we propose an algorithm for selecting protocols of bioassay. The second direction of optimization of methods bioassays is the control of health in test cultures throughout the life cycle of individuals of a biological species. The third part of our work is the development of a system of test functions for laboratory animals that consistently evaluated during a toxicological experiment. The system allows to estimate pre-lethal, lethal, chronic and delayed toxicological effects. Conclusion: the proposed optimization of bioassay takes into account the multifactorial nature of obtaining objective results of toxicological analyzes. Researchers can consistently use three parts of evaluation and optimizing of approaches bioassay at the planning stage of environmental studies and continue to implement them in the research process.
Key words: bioassay, bioassay methodology, methods of bioassay, test function, laboratory test-organism.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.2.51–58

Introduction: the ramified sewerage system for receiving and transferring household and industrial sewage typical for a large city is considered. Consideration is restricted to the sub-system of sewage conveyance (sewer network). Methods and materials: the relative raw sewage volume that could be potentially discharged to the environment as a result of component failures in the sewer network is proposed as a measure of overall system reliability. Results: a simple method for quick and proper calculation of this volume is presented. The problem reduced to finding of the raw sewage volume potentially discharged from the sewer network, and is solved using the following assumptions and limitations: mathematically, an urban sewer network is a simply connected, acyclic, oriented graph (so-called tree-like graph); of a pipe fails, its capacity becomes equal to zero; all specific peculiarities of a pipe (material, diameter, age, operating conditions, etc.) manifest itself in its failure rate; the network pumping stations are taken absolutely reliable. The basis for this method is a representation of the sewer network by a combination of structure-forming fragments. Each such fragment is formally substituted by a fictitious equivalent sewer that has a failure rate leading to the same output for the same input. Conclusion: as a result, the problem reduces to a sequential consideration of elementary sub-problems the solution of which is easily accomplished.
Key words: sewer network, reliability, sewage discharge, Y-like network fragment, decomposition-equivalenting method.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.2.59–69

Introduction: the conceptual regulations of the theory of sustainable socio-economic development provide the creation of resource-saving environmental friendly production, the basis of which are the effectively operating resource-saving water-use chemical processes (WUCP) of industrial plants. So, the objective of this investigation was the development of the designing methodology for scientific-reasonable resource-saving chemical processes of water management system for textile enterprises, which use the basic dyeing-finishing technology of cloth. Methods and materials: the thermodynamic exergy and thermodynamic water pinch methods of synthesis of resource-saving WUCP of industrial plants have been used and refined upon by us. The efficiency of proposed wastewater purification techniques — electrocatalytic destruction, photocatalytic destruction, catalytic destruction by hydrogen peroxide, coagulation, clarification filtration, magnetic treatment was studied on model and real effluents. The metal oxides were used as catalysts. The special eperimental technique for development of technology of heavy metals ions utilization as useful products, such as mineral pigments, has been proposed. Results: a seven-steps scheme was investigated for project design: 1) the source data gathering: environmental-oriented analysis (inventory) of industrial enterprise’s technology; 2) the design of integrated resource-saving water management system of industrial enterprise; 3) the design of repeatedly-serial water integrated chemical process system of industrial enterprise’s shops (process lines); 4) the development of wastewater purification techniques; 5) the development of intelligence (computer) system of resource-saving water management system of industrial enterprise; 6) the technological risk assessment and safety management system; 7) the estimation of ecologic and economic efficiency of the project. Conclusion: the methodology of designing of resource-saving WUCP of textile enterprises has been developed. The functional diagram of resource-saving WUCP of dyeing-finishing production of textile plant has been proposed. The structure of intelligence system application and software of resource-saving WUCP designing and operation has been developed. Wastewater purification techniques have been investigated. The electrocatalytic plus photocatalytic destruction and coagulation methods are proved to be most perspective in practice of sewage treatment. The basic technical-economic parameters of the project were estimated.
Key words: methodology of designing water management systems, water-use technological processes, thermodynamic exergy method, thermodynamic water pinch method, wastewater purification techniques, electrocatalytic metod, technological risk, ecologic-economic effectiveness.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.2.70–86

Introduction: ecosystem services can be defined as the benefits that humans obtain from ecosystems. Marine ecosystem services contribute to the prevention of such global environmental problems as climate change, ensure biodiversity conservation, etc. One of the important reasons for the degradation of marine ecosystems is the underestimation of their real economic value. Methods and materials: the developed method for the evaluation of marine ecosystem services substantiates the feasibility of using the costs of aquatic bioresources sold in auctions for the evaluation of ecosystem services of seas and oceans. It is proposed to use the auction price of the main fishing target (in this case, cod) as a benchmark price for the analysis of ecosystem services in fisheries. The costs of other aquatic organisms are differentiated by the relation of wholesale prices for fish products. Results: the studies conducted have shown that in 2016 the ecosystem of the Barents Sea and adjacent waters produced 1,475 thousand tons of provisioning services worth a total of USD 1,568.6 mln (RUB 61,709 mln). The share of Russia amounted to 610.4 thousand tons worth USD 666.2 mln (RUB 26,066.8 mln) which constitute 42% of the total volume of services. Supporting marine services were estimated at 22,667 thousand tons (according to Norwegian data: 25,958 thousand tons) by volume and at USD 22,827 mln (RUB 898,034 mln) and USD 24,251 mln (RUB 954,038 mln) at value, respectively, which is 14.5 times and 15.5 times higher than the cost of provisioning services. Conclusion: the analysis of the marine ecosystem services’ evaluation by foreign and domestic researchers shows that this process requires further research and improvement of methods.
Key words: marine ecosystems, services, ecosystem approach, precautionary approach, fishing stock, spawning stock, foreign and Russian experience, the Barents Sea and adjacent waters, commercial bioresources, assessment, biodiversity.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.2.87–94

Introduction: the migration features of a number of heavy metals in the water-soil-plant triad are studied using the example of the Debit and Araks River Basin. Analysis of river water, coastal soil and an annual plant (Maize Zea) was performed. Methods and materials: in the experiments, the maize samples differed in the main distribution area, in the different geochemical distinct regions of Armenia, and as a control plant — the inbred maize line B73. The modeling of drought was carried out by changing the relative humidity of the soil by the irrigation regime. In the case of a moderate drought, it was 43%, with no visible wilting of the leaves of the plant, during severe drought modeling — 34%, wilting was observed during the day. The content of heavy metals was carried out using a portable analyzer Thermo Scientific™ Niton™ XRF Portable Analyzer. Results: a certain spatial dynamics of the distribution of chemical elements has been revealed. It is shown that coastal soil acts as a natural filter when using anthropogenically polluted river water, which is an almost active source of distribution of hazardous microelements in the regions examined. Since the basic carrier of those elements in plants is water, the physiological response of plants differing in the region of plant growth which various degrees to drought stress was considered. In most points of observations (The River Debet — Odzun, Shnokh and Teghut) the level of heavy metals in drought conditions was in certain correlation dependence. Under the influence of the intensified drought (The River Araks — Hushakert), the growth of plants was inhibited against the background of an increased content of trace elements. Conclusion: the obtained results allow to accomplish a complex of measures for monitoring the level of pollution of river water, which is used for irrigation purposes.
Key words: river water, pollution, heavy metal, water quality, ecology.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.3–8

Introduction: the article is devoted to studying a possibily of extracting humic acids from aqueous solutions using sorption method. Methods and materials: Purolite A830W gel anion-exchange substance, a microporous low-basic anionic-ion exchanger with polyamines as functional groups and carbon-mineral sorbent produced by carbonization of organic slime and modified by means of polyhexamethyleneguanidine has been used as sorbent. Medicinal product Biopag-B corresponding to 20%-solution of polyhexamethyleneguanidine chloride has been used for modification. The surface of carbon-mineral sorbent acquires anionic-ion exchange properties as a result of application of polyhexamethyleneguanidine comprising amine groups to the surface. In order to study sorption processes, solutions of humic acids extracted from native organic slime have been prepared. Results: optimal conditions for sorption of humic acids under static conditions have been established. It has been demonstrated that the most complete extraction of humic acids is observed at рН = 7.0 ± 0.1. The value of static exchange capacity has been determined being 0.13 ± 0.01 mg/g for resin Purolite А 830W and 0.066 ± 0.003 mg/g for modified carbon-mineral sorbent. A degree of extraction of humic acids for anion-exchange substance and modified sorbent amounted to 88 % and 97 %, accordingly. The experimental kinetic curves have been processed following Boyd-Adamson method. It has been established that pore-diffusion stage of humic acids absorption in both sorbents is the limiting stage. Diffusion coefficients of 5.5∙10-12 m2/s for resin Purolite A830W and 5.8∙10-12 m2/s for modified carbon-mineral sorbent have been obtained. Conclusion: thus, both anion-exchange substance Purolite A830 W and carbon-mineral sorbent modified with polyhexamethyleneguanidine can be used for extraction of humic acids from water. The modified carbon-mineral sorbent is comparable with anion-exchange substance Purolite A 830 W with respect to efficiency and can be recommended for preliminary removal of humic acids from water before ion-exchange purification. The extraction of humic acids by means of modified carbon-mineral sorbent will help avoid decontamination of costly synthetic ion-exchange resins with humic acids reducing the exchange capacity thereof and increasing water consumption for regeneration of ion-exchange resins.
Key words: sorption of humic acids, anion exchanger, the modified carbon-mineral sorbent, kinetic properties.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.9–18

Introduction: the article briefly describes the current state of ecosystems. The problem associated with the introduction of micro-pollutants into the environment (including water bodies) is indicated. The main sources of these substances and the types of effects of individual substances on the human body are indicated. Methods and materials: the estimation of modern technologies of wastewater treatment is given, the necessity of their modernization is proved with the purpose of prevention of pollution of the aquatic environment by micro-pollutants. At the same time, the introduction of non-reagent water treatment technologies, in particular ultrasonic, exciting cavitation (cavitation treatment), and ultraviolet irradiation is considered as the main direction of modernization. The issue of the possibility of cavitation treatment for sewage treatment from micro contaminants is considered. Results: the theoretical and practical results of long-term studies of the effect of cavitation on water systems are briefly presented. Examples of the successful introduction of cavitation technologies into the practice of wastewater treatment are given. Conclusion: possible future directions of the development of wastewater treatment technologies are indicated.
Key words: micropollutants, cavitation, spiral camera, refining, wastewater, water bodies.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.19–23

Introduction: elements of water supply systems have a limited period of normal (serviceable) operation. Proper and reasonable organization of the maintenance of such systems is quite a challenge. The sequence of equipment replacement is significantly influenced by both the cost of replacement equipment purchased, as well as the cost of repairing worn out equipment, and the costs associated with downtime of the equipment itself and the overall system. Methods and materials: to justify the need for competent organization of the process of servicing complex water supply systems, the general algorithmic method of branches and boundaries is used. Results: a mathematical solution is proposed for choosing the optimal algorithm for organizing a sequence of replacing equipment in water supply systems. The strategies of substitutions are considered both after the development of the resource of one unit, and when all the aggregates are replaced simultaneously. Conclusion: the proposed substitution strategy can be used in the planning of repairs (substitutions) in the internal water supply networks of buildings.
Key words: essential condition, service of equipment, water supply systems, downtime of equipment, replacement of machines, strategy of replacements.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.24–31

Introduction: the urgency of developing problem-solving approaches of wastewater treatment based on the development of technologies based on the use of adsorption processes is growing nowadays. Methods and materials: the article deals with kinetic modeling of 2-methylaniline adsorption on bentonite, modified by surface-active substances. Results: it is found that the efficiency of adsorption was increasing in a series ethylene glycol-glycerol-polyepoxide. A kinetic model has been proposed to define the relationship between pollutant extraction from the water with the kinetic characteristics of the adsorption. This is because diffusion coefficient, dynamic adsorption capacity, adsorbent protection coefficient increases, and half-year period of absorbed capacity decreases. These consistencies are explained by interlayered distance increasing when modifying the adsorbent, decreasing of the adsorbate microenvironment polarity in the structure of the modified adsorbent and increasing the efficiency of the adsorbent and modifier interaction. The limiting capacity of the modified bentonite is increasing in comparison with the unaltered: in 2.1 times when the glycol is modifier; in 2.4 times when the glycerol is modifier; in 3.1 times when the polyepoxide is modifier. Conclusion: the practical significance of the work is that possible with its model to improve the adsorption process of industrial wastewater treatment from aromatic amines with modifying the aluminosilicates adsorbents by low polar surface-active substances.
Key words: adsorption, bentonite, modifiers, kinetics, water treatment efficiency.
References: 1. Anurov, S. A., Anurova, T. V., Seku, B. (2012). Kinetika adsorbcii avtomobil'nyh raskhodnyh zhidkostej iz vodnoj sredy glinistymi materialami [Kinetics of adsorption of vehicular consumable liquids from water medium by means of clayey materials]. Voda: himiya i ehkologiya, № 6, pp. 70–75. (in Russian).
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.32–38

Introduction: in the Republic of Armenia for domestic and drinking water supply in settlements for the most part underground water sources are used which do not require cleaning. In regions where there are no underground water sources or these resources exist in insufficient quantities, mountain rivers are used as a water source. The existing design of intake units' structures, complex operating conditions of water-supply systems using water from mountain rivers, lead to the significant decrease in the quality of water supply. The operation experience of water intake units built on mountain rivers shows that particular qualities, of these rivers are: a large seasonal fluctuation of flow — up to 100 and more times; a large amount of suspended matter in the period of floods — water turbidity up to 10 000 mg/l and more, the content in the water stream bed sediment, fins, sludges, etc. create operational problems. The whole volume of the intake dam reservoir is filled all of a sudden with incoming sediment, preliminary water cleaning structures (sand catchers, sedimentation tanks) are chocked up. The purpose of the study: identification of shortcomings in design solutions of water intake facilities to work up rules for design and provide conditions for their normal functioning. Results: design of water intake facilities on mountain rivers for water-supply systems of settlements are not regulated by a special building code. On the basis of the existing literature on the problem under discussion and the experience of operation, a general scheme of water intake unit on mountain rivers has been developed. The recommended scheme is advisable to use for dam water intake facilities on upper mountain rivers. Conclusion: According to the developed scheme the river stream arriving to the intake reservoir and preliminary water cleaning structure can be regulated contributing to effective preliminary water cleaning and to raising the reliability of the water supply system as a whole.
Key words: headwater area, dam intakes, bed sediment, suspended particles, desilting of rivers, river flow control, upstream, downstream, retaining wall.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.39–47

Introduction: the interrelation between the level of availability of water in the reservoirs of the urban water cycle of the arid zone with the values of the standardized precipitation index (SPI) has been analyzed. The scientific novelty of the work is to reveal the opportunities for using SPI in order to provide adequate control actions that significantly limit the use of water resources. Methods and materials: water availability of the territory has been analyzed with usage of the standardized precipitation index, half of year and longer time scale intervals have been used. Results: by the example of the urban water cycle of the city of Simferopol the interrelation of the total deficit of the city's water balance and the periods of low SPI values is shown, especially in the joint analysis of the annual, biennial and a three-year cycle. Conclusion: the use of SPI along with the tools of hydrological and agrohydrological modelling was suggested for prediction droughts in the regions that suffer from water shortage. Joint use of 24- and 36-month SPI calculation scales is the most effective to simulate the periods of water-deficiency in the Simferopol reservoir.
Key words: probability, water resources, availability, reservoir, standardized precipitation index
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16. Qi, Z. , Kang, G. , Chu, C., Qiu, Y. , Xu, Z., Wang, Y. (2017). Comparison of SWAT and GWLF Model Simulation Performance in Humid South and Semi-Arid North of China. Water, vol. 9 (567), 19 p.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.48–53

Introduction: the progressive technogenic pollution of water bodies not only worsens the quality of water, but also creates a high level of environmental hazard due to the risk of man-made accidents on water treatment equipment, water disposal and water supply, pipelines. This requires the development of new protective compositions, not only with high efficiency of water treatment, especially heavy metals, but at the same time increasing the resistance of equipment, pipelines to the most dangerous corrosion-mechanical disruptions (the main cause of man-made accidents). Methods and materials: to develop such protective compositions, new synergistic polyfunctional additives have been investigated capable of reacting not only with water pollutants but also with surface metal atoms. The optimal synergistic supplement was determined by computer simulation. Results: a synergistic protective composition on secondary raw materials was proposed (with utilization of regional wastes). Conclusion: the proposed synergistic protective composition when used in a complex water treatment allows to ensure reliable operation of equipment, pipelines, improve the ecological safety of water bodies.
Key words: water treatment from heavy metals, protective composition, increase in equipment resistance to corrosion-mechanical destruction and technogenic accidents.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.54–62

Introduction: when operating techno-natural drainage systems, in particular silt areas, there are significant shortcomings associated with technological and structural disturbances, almost always associated with a negative impact on the environment. The reason for this is, in particular, the contradiction of regulatory and legislative requirements. Methods and materials: as an analysis method, an analysis of the conceptual apparatus of rational nature management, a number of environmental requirements and official comments of the supervisory bodies was used. Results: significant differences in the understanding of environmental activities in the operation of silt areas were identified. It is shown that the lack of clarity in this issue leads to a distortion of understanding by nature users of the existing legislation, which facilitates the transformation of the facilities of sanitation facilities for processing sewage sludge into the objects of accumulated environmental damage. Conclusion: the provisions of the article can be used in the development of methodology (measures) for identification, systematization and liquidation of objects of past environmental damage in housing and communal services, as well as in the search for technologically and economically acceptable ways of utilizing wastewater sludge.
Key words: sewage sludge, landfill sewage sludge, nature management, operation of structures, natural-economic systems, regulatory and legislative framework, past environmental damage.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.63–67

Introduction: the water captured by the hydrocarbon layer during the separation of the washing products can be completely separated at a special dewatering station. The composition of the used liquids used has practically no effect on the quality of washing and rinsing of the equipment. Given these features, there is no need to use highly efficient means of separating the washing products. Methods and materials: the formed product as a result of the previous washing, is taken as the basis of the working fluid. Results: the original way of internal washing of the equipment from hydrocarbon contaminations is offered. Conclusion: the proposed method makes it possible to significantly simplify the technological scheme of the washing complex, equipped with a dewatering station for watered hydrocarbons, to abandon the use of natural water, to reduce energy costs and to avoid pollution of the natural environment.
Key words: flushing complex, hydrocarbons, environmental pollution, dewatering station, emulsion separation.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.68–75

Introduction: coal dust formed during mining is the main harmful factor of production and is able to participate in the formation of explosive mixtures. One of the effective methods of dust suppression is wetting the dust with water. Purpose of research is to determine the optimal parameters of dust suppression: water pressure and diameter of spray nozzles, investigation of the level of dustiness with changing wind speed, determination of dust suppression efficiency. Methods and materials: creation of a laboratory installation for dust wetting, simulation of the process of hydro-dust suppression: changing the water pressure, spray nozzle diameter and wind speed. Results: it is established that the higher the water supply pressure and the larger the nozzle diameter of the spray, the lower the dust concentration in the laboratory bench. In this case, an essential role is played by wind speed: the maximum jump in the level of dustiness is achieved with an increase in wind speed from 2 m/s to 4 m/s. The dust suppression efficiency is increased from 82 % at water pressure of 60 bar and spray nozzle diameter of 0.2 mm to 92 % at water pressure of 120 bar and spray nozzle diameter of 0.6 mm. Further increase in pressure is not advisable, due to a significant increase in energy costs. Concluson: the proposed principle of dust suppression can be implemented in mines with a high content of groundwater. The cost of cleaning the quarry waters is pretty high. Using the simplest filtration of quarry water with the subsequent wetting of dust surfaces through the "pipe-hose-spray" system, it is possible to achieve effective dust suppression of the mining side and quarry roads. Thus, there is no need for an external source of water and treatment of quarry water, which causes an economic effect.
Key words: mine, dust suppression, dust, spray nozzle, wetting.
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Iurlov A. A., Suntsova N. A., Musikhina T. A., Zemtsova E. A., Koshkina N. A., Devyaterikova S. V., Kazienkov S. A. EFFECTS OF EFFLUENT PRODUCTION OF FLUOROPOLYMERS ON BIOTA
DOI: 10.23968/2305–3488.2018.20.3.76–84

Introduction: man's production activity, its impact on natural components, requires the study and development of scientifically based measures to reduce environmental consequences. A special place is occupied by questions of influence on the biota of industrial wastes containing a complex of new generation pollutants, whose impact on the environment has not been studied in many respects. To this kind of waste can be attributed mother liquor GFR-26 — liquid waste products of fluoropolymers. Now the issues of utilization of these wastes are acute because of their chemical and biological inertness. Methods and materials: the effect of MR SKF-26 on the test objects of different systematic groups was studied. The toxicity assessment was carried out according to scientific developments and the current standards in the field of phytotesting, the viability of cyanobacterial cells was studied by the tetrazol-topographic method. Anaphase-metaphase method of analysis and micro-nuclear test of micropreparations were also used. Results: it is shown that the germination of white mustard seeds (Sinapis alba L.), the survival rate of Daphnia Magna Straus and cyanobacteria (Nostoc paludosum Kutz) decrease under the influence of the stock solution of SKF-26 with a decrease in the dilution ratio. In Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) mitotic activity decreases, and the proportion of cytogenetic disorders increases with a decrease in the dilution rate of said mother liquor. Conclusion: the negative effect of MR on biota and the need to recycle MP, which excludes its release into the environment, is proved.
Key words: pollutants, fluoropolymers, mother liquors, biotesting, cytogenetics, anaphase-telophase method.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.3-8

Waste waters of woodworking enterprises contain such high-toxic substance as phenol. However, the issue of their treatment using new methods is understudied. Therefore, it is of scientific and practical interest to consider oxidative breakdown of toxic organic compounds in such waste waters. The purpose of the research is to study water treatment with such available oxidant as Fenton’s reagent (hydrogen peroxide: iron sulfate (II)). Optimal conditions for treatment are defined experimentally, according to kinetic models of phenol breakdown. The following optimal conditions for oxidation are selected: the mass ratio of hydrogen peroxide to iron sulphate (II) per one cubic decimeter of waste water is 1.82:0.08 (mg), the time of treatment being 60 minutes. Aftertreatment is carried out with 1% aluminum oxychloride coagulant at a dose of 165 mg/dm3 and with 0.1% REF FC cationic polyacrylamide flocculant at a dose of 40 mg/dm3 to achieve regulatory quality limits. The maximum degree of purification after oxidation is 89%, and after treatment with the coagulant and flocculant it goes up to 94% (according to chemical oxygen demand). Physical and chemical parameters of original waste water and aftertreatment water are given. The toxicity level of the water analyzed is considered acceptable, the toxicity index being 0.40. Major advantages of this technique are cheap reagents and the absence of a concentrate polluting the environment.
Key words: oxidative breakdown, phenol, Fenton’s reagent, waste waters of woodworking enterprises.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.9-19

The purpose of the research is to study the influence of anthropogenic activity on the ecological state and qualitative characteristics of Alma River waters. Several methods were used to achieve that purpose: water quality assessment according to results of a chemical analysis, calculation of an integral water quality index — water pollution index (WPI), and bio-assay techniques. As a result of studies, pollutants characterizing the watercourse, which were identified throughout its full length, were revealed. Those are phosphates (exceeded by a factor of 7–11.45), sulfates (exceeded by a factor of 1.4–3.2), biological oxygen demand BOD5 (exceeded by a factor of 1.6), water hardness salts (exceeded by a factor of 2.15) as well as such heavy metals as lead, cadmium and copper having direct or indirect toxic effect on water flora and fauna, and through those on a human body as well, when being present in water bodies. Bio-assay techniques revealed negative trends in water quality deterioration and presence of toxic substances in river waters. All test cultures showed good results in the tests (showed good test responses to presence of pollutants in water) and can be recommended for use as test objects in comprehensive geo-environmental studies. The combination of the methods applied in this research can be used when carrying out an integrated environmental assessment and determining the pollution degree of surface water bodies. The information on the current ecological state of the watercourse obtained during the research and its comparison with the historical data will facilitate the solution of problems related to river pollution and development of environmental measures to protect water resources against pollution and depletion.
Key words: Alma River, Bodrak River, ecological state, bio-assay, toxicity, monitoring, test culture.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.20-26

An experimental assessment of the accuracy of technical lignosulfonates’ determination in aqueous solutions is performed in the article. The determination was carried out using the Pearl-Benson method. The interfering effect of high-molecular components of the natural background of the reservoir receiving lignosulfonate-containing waste waters is described. It is shown that the presence of aromatic compounds (in particular, humic acids) in water bodies can introduce a significant error in the determined concentrations of technical lignins (lignosulfonates). Such error can reach 50%. The optimal value of the analytical wavelength (430 nm) for spectral identification of lignosulfonic acids in natural and waste waters rich in compounds of aromatic nature is experimentally justified. The coefficients of sensitivity and selectivity for the Pearl-Benson method regarding the analyzed components are calculated. The calculations show that the method is sensitive and highly selective to lignosulfonates in the presence of humic acids. It is also demonstrated that the photometric method of determining the content of lignosulfonates is applicable for monitoring of multicomponent aqueous media in limited ranges of analyte and natural impurities’ concentrations.
Key words: lignosulfonates, humic substances, Pearl-Benson method, natural waters, waste waters.
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16. Orlov, A. S. et al. (2015). Issledovaniye meshayushchego vliyaniya soyedineniy aromaticheskoy prirody na tochnost opredeleniya ligninnykh veshchestv po metodu Pirla-Bensona [Studies of the interfering effect of compounds of aromatic nature on the accuracy of the lignin compounds’ detection according to the Pearl-Benson method]. Materialy dokladov V Mezhdunarodnoy molodyozhnoy nauchnoy konferentsii “Ekologiya-2015” [Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Youth Conference “Ecology 2015”]. Arkhangelsk: Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Ecological Problems of the North of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences [Federalnoye gosudarstvennoye byudzhetnoye uchrezhdeniye nauki Institut ekologicheskikh problem Severa Uralskogo otdeleniya Rossiyskoy akademii nauk], pp. 39–40 (in Russian).

DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.27-33

The paper considers a method of creating an integrated hydraulic model of a water supply system, including a group of reservoirs with piping, a second lift pumping station, pressure water conduits and a city water supply network. The model was built in the EPANET 2.0 program. This temporary model allows considering water consumption irregularity and assessing changes of water levels in reservoirs, changes of pressure in assemblies, and flow distribution at network sections. Main stages of model designing are described, and a method of accounting for overflow in reservoirs is presented. The purpose of the research is to create a hydraulic model of a water supply system in the EPANET 2.0 program, which would allow measuring water levels in fresh water tanks (reservoirs), taking into account the changing water consumption in a settlement, and assess the mutual functioning of reservoirs. Based on model calculations, the data provided by the organization maintaining the facility in operation are confirmed, recommendations on optimization of system performance are made. The practical relevance of the research lies in the fact that the developed approach allows solving similar problems related to engineering of water supply systems at design companies and operating organizations.
Key words: EPANET 2.0, hydraulic model, fresh water tank, water consumption model, modelling, water supply.
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13. Gorev, N. B., Kodzhespirova, I. F. (2013). Noniterative implementation of pressure-dependent demands using the hydraulic analysis engine of EPANET 2. Water Resources Management, vol. 27, issue 10, pp. 3623–3630.
14. Abdy Sayyed, M. A. H., Gupta, R., Tanyimboh, T. T. (2014). Modelling pressure deficient water distribution networks in EPANET. Procedia Engineering, vol. 89, pp. 626–631.
15. Jinesh Babu, K. S., Mohan, S. (2012). Extended period simulation for pressure-deficient water distribution network. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, vol. 26, issue 4, pp. 498–505. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000160
16. Ignatchik, V. S., Sarkisov, S. V., Obvintsev, V. A. (2017). Issledovaniye koeffitsientov chasovoy neravnomernosti vodopotrebleniya [Research of water consumption hour inequality coefficients]. Water and Ecology, No. 2, pp. 27–39 (in Russian).


DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.34-41

The article presents results of laboratory and theoretical studies on aerodynamic characteristics of modern vacuum cleaning systems reducing dust concentration both in the air of production premises and in the territory of industrial enterprises. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of dust emission and concentration in the air of construction enterprises’ shops and in the atmosphere are performed. A test unit to study the terminal velocity of the assembly of solid particles typical for enterprises producing dry building mixes and cement is designed. Results of experimental studies to design vacuum cleaning systems for production premises, where production is characterized by formation of wastes and spills, are presented. Based on a three-factor experiment, a regression equation to determine the terminal velocity depending on the diameter, density and mass concentration of particles is obtained. A criterion equation to find the Reynolds number determined on the basis of the terminal velocity of spherical particles is suggested.
Key words: assembly of solid particles, terminal velocity, vacuum cleaning system, criterion equation, Reynolds number.
References: 1. Belyayeva, V. I., Klassen, V. K. (2008). Energosberezheniye i snizheniye vybrosov zagryaznyayushchikh veshchestv pri obzhige tsementnogo klinkera [Energy saving and reduction of pollution emission when firing cement clinker]. Life Safety, No. 6, pp. 26–28 (in Russian).
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.42-50

Causes of surface water pollution with oil products, heavy metals and other pollutants coming from railway transport facilities are considered in the article. It is noted that this is often due to violations in handling petroleum products, lack of measures and special means to prevent leaks and spills, as well as surface runoff affecting railway tracks. Fuel depots and objects of past (accumulated) environmental damage are particularly dangerous. In the meantime, small rivers represent water bodies most vulnerable to external effects, and large rivers accumulate the total pollution of catchment areas. Given the compact arrangement of potentially hazardous facilities (depots, stations) and their proximity to natural water bodies, significant investments are required for construction of stationary treatment facilities. For instance, in the territory of the repair locomotive depot Bugulma-Gruzovaya, construction of treatment facilities based on the ECO-LS-10/6 complex for treatment of storm and snowmelt waste waters required significant investments and allowed transferring waste waters in the amount of 26.7 thousand m3/year from the category of “insufficiently treated” to the category of “regulatory clean”, and mitigating risks of possible compensation for damage caused to the environment and the water body (up to 900 thousand rubles/year). Ecological and economic efficiency of using the accumulative phytofilter providing several stages of treatment based on physical and chemical methods (sedimentation pond, thin-layer sedimentation tank) complemented by destruction and disposal of contamination by higher aquatic plants and microbiota in the growing season, is shown. Filter strips (as components of railway embankments) provide 98.5–99.0% effect of cleaning from oil with the annual prevented environmental damage regarding the considered section of the embankment of 8,094.7 thousand rubles.
Key words: surface runoff, treatment technologies, railway embankment, oil products, heavy metals, ecological and economic efficiency, accumulative phytofilter, filter strip.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.51-60

The article discusses results of studying geo-ecological conditions for the development of the Berezovsky gold ore deposit in the Sverdlovsk Region and its impact on the environment. It is established that environmental deterioration is closely related to the long-term operation of the deposit and discharge of large amounts of mine waters into surface water bodies. A survey of mine waters was performed, the composition and concentrations of pollutants, including heavy metals, petroleum products and suspended particles, were studied. To assess the environmental damage caused to the Berezovka River, main theoretical and methodological provisions of the theory of analysis of geo-ecological risks and assessment of environmental damage caused to the water body as a result of discharging contaminated mine waters were used. A quantitative assessment of the environmental and economic damage caused to the Berezovka River as a result of discharging poor-quality mine waters during the operation of the Berezovsky mine was carried out. Practical significance of the research lies in the fact that the calculated environmental and economic damage can be used to develop compensatory environmental measures for implementation of innovative technologies of deep mine-water treatment, the use of which will provide drinking water for the population and improve the environmental situation in the region under consideration.
Key words: gold ore deposit, environment, geo-ecological risk, mine waters, water inflows, environmental and economic damage, drinking water supply, environmental technologies.
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22. Chief Public Health Officer of the Russian Federation (2002). SanPiN Zony sanitarnoy okhrany istochnikov vodosnabzheniya i vodoprovodov pityevogo naznacheniya [Sanitary Rules and Regulations SanPiN Sanitary protection zones of water supply sources and drinking water supply systems]. Moscow: State Committee on Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Russian Federation, 16 p. (in Russian).
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24. Suprun, V. A., Karpenko N. P. (2018). Obsledovaniye shakhtnykh vodopritokov i khimicheskogo sostava shakhtnoy vody na zolotorudnoy shakhte “Yuzhnaya” dlya pityevogo vodosnabzheniya [Survey of mine water inflows and chemical composition of mine water at the gold ore mine “Yuzhnaya” for drinking water supply]. In: 4-ya mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya “Aktualnye voprosy v nauke i praktike” [4th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current Issues in Science and Practice (part 4)”]. Ufa: Dendra, pp. 257–263 (in Russian).

DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.61-69

The Sestroretsky Razliv reservoir is the largest artificial water body in Saint Petersburg, having great environmental, as well as historical and cultural importance. In 1963–2000, it was used as a source of drinking water supply for the town of Sestroretsk. Data on phytoplankton abundance and species composition, characterizing the ecological state of the reservoir in 1993–1998, not published earlier, is presented in the article. During that period, the phytoplankton biomass varied in wide limits (1.3–65.3 mg/l), with seasonal mean values reaching 14.2–18.3 mg/l. The main contribution was made by diatoms and blue-greens (cyanobacteria). The ratio of those algae in the total phytoplankton biomass depended on hydrometeorological conditions and varied from year to year. Water bloom formed by Aphanizomenon flos-aquae cyanobacteria and Microcystis species was regularly noted in July–September. Concentration of chlorophyll a reached 226 µg/l. Based on the obtained results, the Sestroretsky Razliv was characterized as a highly eutrophic water body. It currently maintains the status. The submitted data is important for assessment of negative changes in the ecosystem and development of environmental measures.
Key words: Sestroretsky Razliv, ecological state, phytoplankton, biomass, species composition, eutrophication.
References: 1. Government of Saint Petersburg (2011). Postanovleniye No. 169 ot 15.02.2011 Ob obrazovanii gosudarstvennogo prirodnogo zakaznika regionalnogo znacheniya “Sestroretskoye boloto” [Resolution No. 169 dd. 15.02.2011 Concerning establishment of the state natural reserve of regional significance “Sestroretsk Swamp”] (in Russian).
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13. Voyakina, Ye. Yu., Chernova Ye. N., Russkikh, Ya. V., Zhakovskaya, Z. A. (2015). Sezonnaya dinamika tsianobakteriy i ikh metabolitov v evtrofnykh vodoyomakh g. Sankt-Peterburga [Seasonal dynamics of cyanobacteria and their metabolites in eutrophic water bodies of Saint Petersburg]. In: Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya “Aktualnye problemy planktonologii” [International Conference “Topical Issues of Planktology”]. Kaliningrad: Publishing Office of the Kaliningrad State Technical University, pp. 37–38 (in Russian).
14. Neva–Ladoga Basin Water Management Department (2015). Skhema kompleksnogo ispolzovaniya i okhrany vodnykh obyektov (SKIOVO). Kniga 2. Otsenka ekologicheskogo sostoyaniya i klyuchevye problemy basseynov rek i ozyor basseyna Finskogo zaliva (ot granitsy Rossiyskoy Federatsii s Finlyandiey do severnoy granitsy basseyna reki Neva) [Plan of multi-purpose utilization and protection of water bodies. Book 2. Assessment of the ecological state and key issues of river and lake basins of the Gulf of Finland basin (from the border between Russia and Finland to the northern border of the Neva River basin]. Available at: (in Russian).
15. Gerasimov, A. V., Golubkov, S. M., Zadonskaya, O. V., Pedchenko, A. P., Pozdnyakov, Sh. R., Reshetov, V. V., Ryabchuk, D. V., Filippov, N. B. (2017). Rekomendatsii po ekologicheskomu ozdorovleniyu ozera Sestroretsky Razliv [Recommendations for environmental improvement of the Sestroretsky Razliv Lake]. Okruzhajushhaja sreda Sankt-Peterburga, No. 2 (4), pp. 62–64 (in Russian).

DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.70-81

The paper presents testing of an algorithm for selecting the most sensitive bioassays based on the example of natural waters pollution with mineral forms of nitrogen. The approach is different in that it compares the informativeness of methods under the conditions of specific pollution, rather than biological species of test organisms. Biodiagnostics of selected toxicants is relevant for many surface and ground waters. The presence of ammonium ions in excess doses indicates fresh pollution and the proximity of a source of pollution. Nitrates without nitrites and ammonium indicate long-standing pollution. Nitrite ions represent a final product of oxidation of nitrogen-containing organic substances. The study consisted of a bioassay of natural water with increasing additions of nitrites, nitrates and ammonium ions. Solutions with one substance (as well as their mixtures) introduced were tested. The sensitivity of bioassays by the mortality of Daphnia magna, Ceriodadhnia affinis, chemotaxis of Paramecium caudatum, changes in the bioluminescence of Escherichia coli was compared. Additives of nitrites and nitrates in the doses of 5 and 10 MPC (maximum permissible concentrations) did not cause the death of more than 50 % D. magna and C. affinis organisms but inhibited the fertility of crustaceans. The maximum toxic effect in the doses of 5 and 10 MPC was established for ammonium ions: the fertility of D. magna decreased by 4.4 times compared to pure water, and for C. affinis those doses were lethal. With a further increase in concentrations of active substances, the sensitivity of crustaceans was ranked by the time of death of all individuals. According to the Ecolum test system (E. coli), effects of mineral forms of nitrogen increased in the following series: (NO2-) < (NO3-) < (NH4+), with nitrates stimulating bioluminescence in all tested doses (from 5 to 100 MPC). The assay for chemotaxis of infusorians P. caudatum was more sensitive than the bacterial bioassay. Mixtures of nitrites and ammonium ions, as well as nitrates and ammonium ions have confirmed those trends. It is shown that mineral forms of nitrogen enhance the effect of each other in the joint presence. A series of bioassay sensitivity was built for separate pollution with nitrate and nitrite ions, as well as integrated pollution with nitrate ions and ammonium ions: bioassay for the mortality of C. affinis > bioassay for the mortality of D. magna > bioassay for changes in chemotaxis of P. caudatum > bioassay to reduce bioluminescence using the Ecolum test system. Upon pollution with ammonium ions or integrated pollution with nitrite ions and ammonium ions, it is recommended to use the following series of bioassays in order of decreasing sensitivity: bioassay for the mortality of C. affinis > bioassay for the mortality of D. magna > bioassay to reduce bioluminescence using the Ecolum test system > bioassay for changes in chemotaxis of P. caudatum.
Key words: bioassay, bioassay sensitivity, water pollution, nitrate ion, nitrite ion, ammonium.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.82-91

Molybdenum is one of the few heavy metals that are necessary for the normal functioning of hydrobiocenoses, and at the same time have quite high toxicity. The purpose of this research is to study the effect of additives of the molybdenum anionic form in concentrations ranged from 0.5 to 100 μg/L on phytoplankton, BOD5 and seston alkaline phosphatase activity in a laboratory experiment with natural waters of the Don River. Molybdenum was added as ammonium heptamolybdate (NH4)6Мо7O24·4Н2О. Its effect was noticed in reducing the phytoplankton growth rate and increasing its biomass. In three days after molybdenum was added, the phytoplankton abundance reduced by 11–55% (in all studied concentrations) compared to the control experiment. Blue-green and cryptophyte algae were the least resistant to molybdenum. The phytoplankton biomass increased by 59–94%. The greatest blue-green algae biomass increase (160–180%) was observed when low concentrations of molybdenum (0.5 and 5 μg/L) were added. The green algae biomass increased from 39 to 275% proportionally to the added molybdenum concentrations. Molybdenum did not have a reducing effect on the rate of BOD5. In one day after 0.5 and 5.0 μg/L molybdenum concentrations were added, BOD5 values increased by 15 and 46%, respectively, and in three days — by 24–35% in all studied concentrations. The influence of molybdenum on the alkaline phosphatase activity was noticed in its reduction by 20–30% in two days, and by 55–70% in three days compared to the control experiment. No dependence between the values of the alkaline phosphatase activity and studied molybdenum concentrations was detected. During the experiment, a significant decrease in the ammonium nitrogen concentrations (in all molybdenum concentrations) was established. At the same time, there was no shortage of nitrogen and phosphorus supply for phytoplankton.
Key words: molybdenum, phytoplankton, abundance, biomass, biogenic substances, BOD5, alkaline phosphatase activity.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2018.23.4.92-98

Production of building materials, based on processes of crushing, sorting, firing and transportation of raw and other materials, represents a source of significant dust at production facilities and in the environment. Due to high humidity of feedstock in dust-air flows of aspiration systems in the cold period of the year, solid deposits form on the inner surfaces of cyclones, leading to a decrease in their efficiency, and in some cases — to failure. Taking into account the availability of a limestone flour production shop at the industrial site, where the production process is related to firing of raw materials, it is proposed to mix hot process (exhaust) gases from the limestone flour production shop and cold dust-air flows to reduce the thermal effect on the atmosphere, improve the efficiency of cleaning ventilation emissions from the shop of non-metallic materials, and economic performance of the enterprise. Despite the significant amount of publications related to studies of aerodynamic processes in aspiration systems, processes of mixing low-temperature dust-air flows and high-temperature exhaust-gas flows require theoretical analysis methods based on the fundamental provisions of heat and mass transfer and aerodynamics, as well as modern computer programs. In this paper, on the basis of numerical simulation, using the STAR-CCM+ software package, data on distribution of temperatures and velocities in the flow mixing zone are obtained, and, as a result, a rationale for the optimal scheme of the flow mixing joint, as well as the ratio of cold and hot flow rates, is provided.
Key words: aspiration system, limestone flour, cyclone, dust-air flow, numerical simulation.
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