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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.3-9

Basic parameters affecting efficiency of flotation wastewater treatment, such as bubble size and their quantity, are considered. Main types of aeration methods used for flotation water treatment are briefly described. Special attention is paid to pneumohydraulic flotation. Two ways of efficiency increase in pneumohydraulic flotators are considered. The first one is air supply upstream of the pump, the second one is the use of a disperser. A laboratory setup for investigation of those methods is described. Probability density functions of bubble size for different experimental conditions and gas volume fraction of 2 %, 5 %, 7.5 % are presented. In conventional pneumohydraulic aeration systems, the major portion of air is released in the form of large bubbles (in size more than 500 μm). When air was supplied upstream of the pump, normal distribution with bubble average size of 75 μm was obtained. The use of a disperser allows significantly decreasing the fraction of bubbles in size more than 500 μm and obtaining polymodal distribution with two peaks (60–70 and 90–120 μm). The aeration method should be chosen with the consideration of bubble size, needed for different types of contamination, that is better to be defined experimentally.
Key words: flotation, wastewater treatment, pneumohydraulic aeration system, bubble size, disperser, aerator, pneumohydraulic flotator, gas volume fraction.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.10-16

Frequent need for silica removal from water represents one of the issues preventing large-scale use of underground water sources both for drinking water supply and to satisfy the needs of industrial consumers. Definite imperfection of the methods used calls for ways to upgrade the existing technologies of silica removal from water, and improve efficiency of reagent treatment related to the technologies used. The purpose of the present study is to intensify the process of silica removal from water of underground sources using magnesium oxide by additional exposure to hydrodynamic cavitation in a flow-type reactor. To assess the impact of the cavitation component in the process of silica removal from water using magnesium oxide, a series of field experiments was carried out. Cavitation water treatment was performed in a cyclic mode, with the number of cycles from 1 to 30. A dependence between the silica removal rate and temperature, the gradient of which decreases with increasing number of cavitation flow treatment cycles, is revealed. Areas of temperature and cavitation components of the silica removal process are determined. It is established that the rate of silica removal from water using magnesium oxide with additional cavitation treatment increases by 17.1%. The results of the study can be useful for specialists in the field of water treatment at thermal power facilities, chemical and pharmaceutical as well as pulp and paper enterprises, and for drinking water supply.
Key words: water treatment, silica removal from water, hydrodynamic cavitation.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.17-22

During combustion of watered (30–40 %) viscous fuel, it is possible to dispose of not more than 60 % hydrocarbons. Incomplete combustion of watered hydrocarbons affects not only air quality and climate. The major part of incomplete combustion products is brought back to soil and water with precipitations as hydrocarbon pollutions. To avoid environmental contamination, it is suggested to dewater watered fuel in advance. The separated water shall be re-used in the same industrial cycle where the watered hydrocarbons were generated. A station for dewatering of watered hydrocarbons, developed by the authors, will allow resolving the issue and making a nice profit.
Key words: combustion of watered fuel, environmental contamination, combustion gases, hydrocarbons, dewatering station, combustion temperature and completeness.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.23-29

Wastewater disposed by combined sewerage systems are characterized by high irregularity and random character caused by the random nature of rainfall and intensity of snow melting. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent situations when, during intense and over-estimated rainfall, a mixture of untreated urban (domestic and industrial) wastewater and surface runoff will be discharged through storm water outlets. However, according to legislative and regulatory documents, such conditions are unacceptable for combined sewerage systems. The first direction in reducing discharges is introduction of flow control units designed for transfer of wastewater between sewage catch basins in the event of emergencies or in case when the actual wastewater flow in one of them exceeds their available capacity, e.g. during over-estimated rainfall. The second direction is introduction of “virtual” regulatory tanks, the volume of which is equal to the free volume of tunnel sewage collectors. The third direction is associated with an increase in the actual capacity of the main pumping stations, which ensure pumping of water from the drainage system. However, the existing methods for design of combined sewerage systems do not allow accounting for the influence of each of those factors on the volume of wastewater discharged through storm water outlets. Therefore, it is necessary to develop such method. The purpose of the study is to improve methods to design combined sewerage systems with the aim to reduce discharges of untreated wastewater to the environment through storm water outlets. As a result, a probabilistic and statistical method is developed to determine the volume of wastewater discharged through storm water outlets of combined sewerage systems depending on the capacity of the main pumping station located in the sewage catch basin, total capacity of its “virtual” regulatory tanks and designed capacity of inter-basin flow control units. Practical significance of the study lies in providing grounds for decisions with the minimum impact on the environment upon adjustment of master plans for water disposal.
Key words: combined sewerage system, flow control units, sewage pumping station, capacity, probabilistic and statistical methods, non-stationary random flow.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.30-34

Measures reducing thermal pollution of water bodies during discharge of treated sewage are considered in the article. The ecological state of the Neva Bay is analyzed, where plumes of discharges from the south-west treatment facilities, northern and central aeration stations in St. Petersburg are observed. It is suggested to decrease the temperature of sewage discharged using thermal pumps. At temperature decrease, qualitative indicators of sewage do not change. Utilizable heat of sewage is used to heat the heat carrier in heat consumptions (heating, ventilation and hot water supply) systems up to 50–60°C. Average monthly utilizable heat flux for the northern aeration station in St. Petersburg is assessed. Use of thermal pumps to cool water discharged allows preventing occurrence of thermal plumes in the Neva Bay. The difference between the temperature of water discharged and the temperature of surrounding background waters during cold season will not exceed 8–10°C.
Key words: sewage, thermal pollution, thermal pump.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.35-43

Anthropogenic load, changes in physical and climatic factors result in degradation of sanitary and technical systems for wastewater sludge treatment in drying beds. An increase in precipitation, neglected in design of drying beds, results in an additional load manifesting in flushing of loaded and piled wastewater sludge, drainage clogging in drying beds and, as a consequence, their complete performance loss. Arrays of meteorological stations located in the territory of the Russian Federation are analyzed. Proposed algorithms for calculating the climatic coefficient μ during the effective periods of regulations are assessed in terms of their adequacy and compared. Dynamics of climate changes, i.e. changes in air temperature and precipitation amount in the territory of the Russian Federation, shows that the previously introduced regulations related to determination of the climatic coefficient μ are not adequate and should be revised. In the previous 50 years, designs of drying beds might have errors in terms of territory gradation according to climatic characteristics (coefficient μ), which resulted in a significant decrease in operation and efficiency of drying beds and could cause their cluttering and eventually lead to their transformation into objects of accumulated environmental damage.
Key words: drying beds, wastewater sludge treatment, climatic factor μ, building codes.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.44-53

Within the framework of the present study, quality of drinking water (tap water and spring water) is analyzed. Water hardness and alkalinity were analyzed under laboratory conditions using the titrimetric method. Hardness and alkalinity trends in different seasons of the year (in autumn and spring) are studied. The water hardness values range from 3.4 to 9.89 mg-eq/L in autumn, from 3.25 to 9.8 mg-eq/L in spring. Moderately hard and hard water amounts to 92.9% of the total number of samples, which indicates the need for water softening. The values of water alkalinity range from 0.6 to 5.6 mg-eq/L in spring, from 0.8 to 5.7 mg-eq/L in autumn. In all samples, water alkalinity lies within the MAC limits. Graphic comparison of the analysis results is carried out. A dependence between the values of water hardness, obtained in autumn and spring, is observed: hardness of most water samples in autumn is somewhat greater than that in spring. A dependence between the values of water alkalinity, obtained in autumn and spring, is observed: alkalinity of most water samples in autumn is somewhat lower than that in spring. Methods for hardness and alkalinity removal are briefly described.
Key words: water hardness, alkalinity, titrimetric analysis.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.54-63

The article presents results of comprehensive assessment of the Biyuk-Karasu River pollution degree based on hydrochemical indices of water quality, results of bio-assay using crop seeds, and calculation of the water pollution index (WPI). Dynamics of watercourse pollution throughout its full length, including its main tributary — the Kuchuk-Karasu River, as well as trends of spatial and temporal changes in river water quality are analyzed. The choice of the river was triggered by the following fact: its waters, earlier used for irrigation of areas related to the Taigan irrigation system, are nowadays used for water supply of the south-east part of the Crimea through the system of the North Crimean Canal, since water resources in this region are insufficient to satisfy the needs of local population. Comprehensive researches showed elevated concentrations of sulfates, which reached 2.4 MAC (section No. 4) and 1.45 MAC (section No. 13). The elevated content of heavy metals in waters of the Biyuk-Karasu River was also observed: lead — up to 4 MAC, zinc — up to 3.6 MAC (section No. 3), copper — up to 2.73 MAC (section No. 2). Heavy metals in waters of the Kuchuk-Karasu River were not found. Bio-assay of Biyuk- Karasu and Kuchuk-Karasu Rivers’ waters did not reveal such acute toxic effects like stimulation or inhibition of root system development in test cultures. However, in river water samples, selected in the lower courses at section No. 6 (Biyuk-Karasu River) and section No. 14 (Kuchuk-Karasu River), an increase in root system development in test cultures, which amounts to 116–121% (at the limit up to 120%), is observed. The water pollution index (WPI) shows that the ecological state of the watercourse has deteriorated and now it is at the threshold stage of transition from class III (“moderately polluted”) to class IV (“polluted”).
Key words: Biyuk-Karasu River, ecological state, bio-assay, anthropogenic effect, water pollution index.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.64-74

Studying activated sludge biodiversity can serve as a basis for choosing alternative ways for disposal of excess activated sludge. The purpose of the study was to explore diversity of the activated sludge bacterial community at municipal and industrial biological wastewater treatment plants (BWWTPs) in Perm using the method of metagenomic sequencing and determine the possibility of accumulating polyhydroxyalkanoates with a biomass of mixed cultures. The following methods were used: metagenomic sequencing of 16S rRNA genes, epifluorescence microscopy, atomic absorption method for determination of heavy metals concentration. As a result, biodiversity of activated sludge at municipal BWWTPs, an oil refinery (OR) and a pulp-and-paper mill (PPM) (Perm, Russia) was analyzed. It was shown that Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were the dominant phyla of the Bacteria domain in all samples studied, with Proteobacteria in activated sludge at the municipal BWWTPs being 55 %, industrial BWWTPs — from 26 (OR) to 62% (PPM). Activated sludge at OR treatment facilities was dominated by Firmicutes (45 %), and the dominant family was Peptostreptococcaceae (61 %). In activated sludge of the anaerobic and aerobic zones of the aerotank at municipal BWWTPs, the Acinetobacter genus dominated — 12 and 44 %, respectively, at PPM treatment facilities — Sulfuricurvum sp. (17 %), OR treatment facilities — Romboutsia sp. (50 %). It was shown that after growing the biomass of activated sludge in the nitrogen-limited medium with sodium butyrate, the cells of all samples contained inclusions of polyhydroxyalkanoates. Polyhydroxyalkanoates production can be considered as an option for the use of excess activated sludge.
Key words: activated sludge, metagenomics, bacterial diversity, polyhydroxyalkanoates.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.75-85

Degradation of water quality in the Izhevsk Reservoir constitutes an important problem. Pollutants enter the reservoir both with wastewater from industrial enterprises and through the catchment area of the water body. Intensive construction at sites related to the reservoir catchment area started a while ago, leading to significant deterioration in water quality and eutrophication enhancement. Unfortunately, there is no unified system for monitoring over the state of the Izhevsk Reservoir and its catchment area, and the impact of the catchment area on the reservoir is not assessed. The purpose of the study is to analyze geo-ecological indicators of minor rivers in the basin (case study of the Podborenka River) under conditions of the urbanized environment to assess the impact of heavy metals’ input into the Izhevsk Reservoir and set corresponding limits. The Podborenka River flows into the Izhevsk Reservoir, forming a local pollution focus. Hydrological characteristics, water quality in the Podborenka River and its influence on the state of the reservoir are studied. Maximum excess (multiplicity) of allowable concentrations of heavy metals is determined, the water pollution level in the river is estimated from different observation points. Anthropogenic impact on the Podborenka River is caused by commercial activity both within the catchment area and in the watercourse itself. An algorithm is proposed to determine the maximum permissible inputs of heavy metals from the Podborenka River into the Izhevsk Reservoir.
Key words: minor river, heavy metals, observation points, pollution volumes, water quality, maximum permissible inputs of heavy metals, Izhevsk Reservoir.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.1.86-93

Boguchany HPP is one of the largest Russian economic projects and a part of the Boguchany Energy and Metallurgical Association. Due to assessment of environmental damage, it is especially relevant to analyze the ecosystem of the regulated Angara River. The purpose of the present study is to obtain data on the composition and development of cyanobacteria in the Boguchany Reservoir at the design filling level in summer, as well as assess risks of toxic blooming in the reservoir. Classical methods for determining the trophic status of the reservoir and abundance of cyanobacteria were combined with detection of gene markers for cyanobacteria toxin synthesis — fragments of the mcyE and sxtA genes. In July 2016, three species of potentially toxic cyanobacteria, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, Dolichospermum lemmermannii and D. flos-aquae, dominated the composition of phytoplankton. The phytoplankton population in the 0–15 m layer was 2.97 million cells/L and the biomass was 2.75 g/m3. The proportion of cyanobacteria in the total abundance of phytoplankton was 27 % (0.79 million cells/L); however, due to small cell size their contribution to the phytoplankton biomass was only 2 % (78 mg/m3). The maximum concentration of chlorophyll a was 12.6 μg/L which corresponded to that in a eutrophic reservoir. PCR-screening revealed cyanobacteria producing microcystins as well as saxitoxin and its analogues (paralytic shellfish toxins). The concentration of microcystins in water was 0.3 μg/L. Those results indicate that monitoring and strategies of control over toxic cyanobacteria blooming are necessary. It also will be important to assess the ecological state of the Boguchany Reservoir, with the focus on toxic cyanobacteria, in summer of 2020.
Key words: cyanobacteria, toxic blooming, paralytic shellfish toxins, microcystins, Boguchanу Reservoir, environmental management.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.3-8

Introduction: In all regions of Russia, the chemical composition of water varies significantly and in most cases includes a substantial amount of salts and impurities accumulating on walls of boilers, in radiators and heating and water supply pipes during their operation. Methods: Currently, one of the most common methods to clean equipment as well as heating and water supply systems is the chemical method. However, such method has essential shortcomings including the use of aggressive chemical reagents, obligatory neutralization and utilization, high risk of damage to the environment and human health. Reagentless methods of cleaning (mechanical, hydropneumatic, ultrasonic, etc.) are also widely used, but, despite their low cost, they are inefficient in extensive closed-loop systems and often result in significant damage to the equipment during cleaning. Results: When it comes to boilers, heat exchangers and heating systems, lack of cleaning leads to their contamination, and, therefore, power losses related to increasing hydraulic resistance, decreasing heat transfer ability of components, disbalance of systems and other negative consequences. It also results in regular accidents in the networks that are worn out for more than 70 %. Considering the shortcomings of the chemical and reagentless methods, stated above, it is required to use an alternative, safe and efficient method of cleaning — the bioorganic method for deposit removal. Conclusion: The proposed technology is especially relevant for the water area of Lake Baikal as it has been affected by the operation of the pulp and paper mill located on its coast and by drains from the cities and villages nearby. The patented method for cleaning of heating and water supply systems, using BONAKА biocomposition, suggested for consideration, allows not only for their cleaning but for environment protection as well.
Key words: water supply, biological cleaning of pipes, energy saving, ecology, lactic acid bacteria, economic efficiency.
References: 1. Astrahanceva, O. Yu., Belozerceva, I. A. and Palkin, O. Yu. (2018). The selection in the matter of the waters of lake Baikal areas natural physical and chemical equilibrium with matter the environmental. Water: Chemistry and Ecology, No. 7–9, pp. 3–14.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.9-16

Introduction: The article reviews retechnologization of wastewater treatment facilities of medium capacity (26,000 m3/day vs design capacity of 47,000 m3/day) under conditions of Far North. Due to the entry of purified water in a fishery reservoir, key parameters of the clarified wastewater are compared with the optimum values accepted in the international practice regarding deep biological cleaning of municipal wastewater from phosphorus. Methods: For the purposes of comparison, long-term (2006–2018) dynamics of water consumption as well as temperature, pH, BOD5/P, COD/P in wastewater downstream of primary settlers were assessed. The content of organic matter available for microbiota in the clarified wastewater was prioritized. Results: Parameters of water downstream of primary settlers are favorable for reconstruction of the existing aerotanks and introduction of biological dephosphotation in the treatment process. The ion balance of the clarified wastewater indicates a high share of low-molecular aliphatic acids (LMAA) anions in their composition. The technique for analytical determination of LMAA in the clarified wastewater using the HPLC method was tried and tested; the dominating role of the acetate fraction was shown. Conclusion: The carried-out assessment shows that it is worthwhile to use the biological method for removal of phosphorus from municipal wastewater in the north without fresh sludge acidification.
Key words: dephosphotation, clarified wastewater, biological methods, COD, pH, temperature, VFA, LMAA, HPLC
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.17-23

Introduction: The article reviews main problems of current water consumption, showing that the issue of wastewater treatment and water recycling is quite relevant. General principles of applying the electrohydraulic effect to disinfect liquids, as well as prospects of its use to disinfect various bacterial media are outlined. Methods: A model unit for water disinfection, developed on the basis of this effect, is described. A methodology and results of experimental studies to provide a rationale for operation modes of a high-voltage electric pulse installation, which allow achieving maximum disinfection, are presented. Results: It has been established that the dependence of the disinfection degree on energy put into the liquid is close to linear. Hard mode of installation operation, corresponding to high discharge voltage and relatively small capacity of the pulse capacitor, ensures the greatest bactericidal effect.
Key words: water strategy, water consumption, liquid disinfection, electrohydraulic effect, equipment operation modes, disinfection efficiency.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.24-31

Introduction: Due to significant changes in the composition of municipal and industrial wastewater, observed in the last decade, traditional biological treatment with activated sludge, which has been used for almost 100 years, does not cope with the task of removing numerous substances. Therefore, such technologies need to be improved. Methods: The paper analyzes the experience in application of variable oxidation elements as terminal electron acceptors in microbial oxidation of organic water pollution. Results: Replacing oxygen (traditionally used for biological treatment) with transition elements will allow arranging and conducting treatment under oxygen-free conditions and, thus, reducing energy consumption and, as a result, the cost of treatment. For the purposes of simultaneous mineralization of sewage organic components having different chemical composition, when using various transition elements (present or specially introduced in sewage) as oxidizers, it is required to use mixed cultures of bacteria, maintaining for each of them a range of optimal values of the environment redox potential. Conclusion: Knowledge of principles and mechanisms of oxygen-free transformation of substances is necessary for development of efficient and reliable systems for treatment of sewage and solid wastes from various industrial plants. Experiments and investigations show that studying the existing metabolic possibilities of microorganisms, rather than designing new artificial genetically modified bacteria to be used in biological treatment of water in aerotanks, is a promising direction.
Key words: biological treatment, xenobiotics, pollution resistant to oxidation, oxygen, terminal electron acceptors, microorganisms, redox potential, immobilization of microorganisms.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.32-39

Introduction: The paper analyzes model wastewater with composition and properties as close as possible to actual wastewater from the Tyumen Battery Plant. The purpose of the study is to examine the process of advanced sorption treatment with account for optimal reagents and their doses for coagulation and flocculation. Methods: Photocolorimetric analysis to determine turbidity and content of lead cations, titrimetric analysis to determine acidity, and pH-metry were used. Results: During the experiment, optimum doses of five coagulants were determined (FeSO4·7H2O ferrous sulfate heptahydrate — 300 mg/l, FeCl3·6H2O ferric chloride hexahydrate — 250 mg/l, Al2(SO4)3·18H2O dialuminum sulfate octadecahydrate — 300 mg/l, mixed coagulant of FeCl3 and Al2(SO4)3 (1:1) — 150 mg/l, and Al2(OH)5Cl·6H2O polyaluminum chloride under the Aqua-Aurat-30 trademark — 200 mg/l). Among those, polyaluminum chloride Aqua-Aurat-30 was chosen as the most effective coagulant. In the course of the studies on efficiency of three different flocculants (Praestol 2530 TR, Flopam 4350 SH and polyacrylamide gel (technical grade) by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Sverdlov Plant” (PAA)), PAA (2 mg/l) in combination with coagulant polyaluminum chloride Aqua-Aurat-30 (150 mg/l) was found to be the most effective flocculant for wastewater under consideration and allowed decreasing its turbidity to 10 FTU, and lead content — to 1.5 mg/l. The sorption process was carried out in dynamic conditions using KFGM-7 sorbent. As a result, turbidity decreased to 1 FTU, lead content — to 0.03 mg/l, which does not exceed the maximum allowable lead content in a sample of wastewater to be discharged into domestic and combined sewage systems (0.25 mg/l). Conclusion: In the course of analysis of model wastewater from the Tyumen Battery Plant, the most effective coagulants and flocculants were specified. The optimal reagent doses were determined. The process of dynamic sorption for advanced treatment of wastewater to clean it from lead ions was carried out. As a result, the content of lead ions in the treated wastewater decreased by more than 98 %. The present study is especially important as its results can be used to improve wastewater treatment processes at the Tyumen Battery Plant.
Key words: coagulants, flocculants, reagent doses, model wastewater, turbidity, lead content, sorbent, advanced treatment.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.40-49

Introduction: The paper reviews an issue associated with negative consequences resulting from discharge of treated wastewater with residual phosphorus concentrations. The known methods of phosphorus removal are briefly assessed. The purpose of the study was to identify places of wastewater phosphorization at Novosibirsk wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and suggest a simple method for its reduction to obtain nitrogen and phosphorus-containing sludge suitable for reuse. Methods: The studies were carried out using natural wastewater. Basic physical and chemical wastewater quality indicators were defined with the help of modern laboratory equipment. Results: The waste liquid entering the WWTPs has several sources of phosphorus saturation: wastewater from residential buildings and industrial enterprises, sludge water from thickeners of excess activated sludge, sludge water from thickeners for joint thickening of raw sludge and excess activated sludge, sludge water from thickeners of washed sludge used with methane tanks and vacuum filters, as well as sludge water of sludge beds, centrifuge centrate and filtrate of filter presses. It has been found that discharge of such wastewater into the WWTP inlet chamber for retreatment leads to an increase in the concentrations of suspended substances, organic substances, and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) in the primary wastewater, depending on the facilities structure and season. As a result, their concentrations in treated wastewater, discharged into a water reservoir, increase as well. Our studies involved phosphorus removal using sodium hydroxide only. They were conducted in a chemical laboratory at the Department of Water Supply and Disposal of the Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin). The centrate and sludge water from thickeners were analyzed. Data on the volume of nutrients in return flows of the sludge processing units and workshop of mechanical sludge dewatering were received. The paper shows results of studies on phosphorus removal from the wastewater of the on-site sewage by means of calcium and magnesium ions present in the waste liquid in an alkaline medium. It has been founded that at phosphorus concentrations less than 30 mg/ dm3 in the primary stream, it is possible to reduce phosphorus at pH = 11 to 1 mg/dm3, and at higher values, the phosphorus concentration can reach 10–20 mg/dm3 at the same pH values. Conclusion: An easy-to-use process scheme for phosphorus removal from the wastewater of the on-site sewage has been developed. It allows reducing phosphorus in treated wastewater, discharged into a water reservoir, to 0.5–0.7 mg/dm3 at phosphorus concentrations up to 30 mg/dm3 using only sodium hydroxide. At high phosphorus concentrations, it is possible to introduce lime with the ratio P:Ca2+ = (1–1.5) and sodium hydroxide, required to raise the pH level to 10.5–11. Based on the obtained results, a scheme for phosphorus removal and sludge obtaining has been developed and proposed for implementation. After stabilization and neutralization, the sludge can be used as an organic-mineral fertilizer in agriculture.
Key words: wastewater, phosphorus, return flow, on-site sewage.
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20. Yushchanka, V. D. and Haluza, A. V. (2015). Description and selection of reagents for removal phosphorus compounds from wastewater. Vestnik of Polotsk State University. Part F. Constructions. Applied Sciences, No. 16, pp. 121–125.
21. Guadie, A., Xia, S., Zhang, Z., Guo, W., Ngo, H. H. and Hermanowicz, S. W. (2013). Simultaneous removal of phosphorus and nitrogen from sewage using a novel combo system of fluidized bed reactor-membrane bioreactor (FBRMBR). Bioresource Technology, vol.149, pp. 276–285. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.09.007.

DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.50-58

Introduction. Public and industrial water supply is a key aspect in functioning of urban territories, requiring special attention. Water supply of Voronezh — the largest city in the Central Black Earth Region — is carried out using groundwater aquifers, worsening hydrological and geological conditions of the local environment. The purpose of the study is to forecast changes in hydrological and hydrogeological conditions in the area of the existing and designed water intakes. Methods. The geoecological research was conducted using methods of mathematical modeling for the ecological and hydrogeological system as well as analysis of natural and anthropogenic factors. Results. It has been established that the territory of Voronezh city is characterized by high anthropogenic load on the environment, where groundwater withdrawal represents its essential component. Long-term exploitation of main infiltration water intakes resulted in formation of a cone of depression with the area of 35 km2 and local phreatic decline to 20–30 m. It also caused reduction of river runoff, deformation of natural underground streams, detachment of the groundwater level from river beds. These negative geoecological consequences shall be considered when constructing and exploiting new water intakes. Conclusion. The conducted studies allow determining hydrotechnical and environmental measures, suggesting environmentally-friendly operation mode. It can be recommended to consider and solve geoecological problems using the specified algorithms and methods in urban areas.
Key words: groundwater, water supply, infiltration water intake, forecasting hydrological changes, aquifer, modeling of hydrological processes, cone of depression, groundwater pollution.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.59-67

Introduction: The risk of environment pollution is determined by intensity of the total technogenic load on its individual components. The purpose of the study was to assess the total technogenic load on the environment in the zone of Chernobyl trace through the example of industrial areas of the Tula Region characterized by well-developed manufacturing, agriculture, mining and other economic activities. Methods: To achieve the purpose, methods to assess the risk of environment and groundwater pollution by point sources (industrial enterprises, individual mines, power plants, etc.), diffuse and point/area sources were used; a resultant methodology for assessing the overall rating of conditional risk of environment pollution from various sources was developed. Results: With account for the developed and assessed rating, the technogenic load in some cities and other populated areas of the Tula Region was analyzed. The risk of environment and groundwater by area-diffuse and point-area sources of pollution (agricultural pollution, coal industry pollution and radioactive contamination) was assessed. Conclusion: Comparing the results of studies at the time of the Chernobyl accident and 30 years after, it can be noted that the environment state has improved significantly, although some areas are still characterized by a challenging environmental situation, and in the territory of mining industry development, a high risk of environment pollution remains. Despite the fact that almost all mines are already closed, their impact on the environment is still quite significant.
Key words: environment, pollution sources, technogenic load, pollution risk, pollution risk rating.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.68-81

Introduction: Despite the relatively small amounts of accumulated water, ponds are an integral part of the water industry. However, improper operation of these hydraulic structures can negate the benefits from their construction, increase the accident risk, decrease recreational attractiveness, deteriorate water quality, worsen sanitary and epidemiological conditions, etc. Currently, the Republic of Crimea needs to develop an approach that would allow allocating ponds (at the basin level) requiring priority measures to improve their technical condition and ecological state in order to reduce the negative effect of their inefficient use and strengthen their attractiveness for water users. Methods: To solve the problem, in 2018–2019, using the case study of the Maly Salgir River, visual inspection of small water-accumulating facilities, water sampling, and assessment of water suitability for irrigation were conducted. Main indicators to be considered when analyzing the current situation in these water bodies were determined. Based on those indicators, the corresponding integral vulnerability index was calculated. Results: According to the results of the study, the most unfavorable situation developed in ponds: 64r, 65r, 151k, 191k, and 252k. Development and implementation of actions aimed to stabilize the current situation shall be started with these small water-accumulating facilities. Conclusion: Although the proposed approach will not eliminate all problems, it will allow assessing the current situation in full, preventing possible accidents, and making these water bodies more attractive for water users.
Key words: pond, technical condition, ecological state, water quality, integral estimate, vulnerability level, water management.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.82-91

Introduction: Macroflora of the Black sea coastal zone and its sustainability under the action of external abiotic factors remains poorly studied. Macroalgae growth, development, morphology, dissemination, etc. are mainly conditioned by constant water moving in waves. The aim of the present study was to examine the influence of this factor. Methods: In order to get an insight into this problem, we performed all-year studies of the structural and functional organization of Cystoseira phytocenosis in regions with different wind-wave conditions (open coast near Chersonesus cape vs. landlocked Martynova Bay near Sevastopol) using the discount areas method adopted in hydrobotany. Results: As for the open coast (Chersonesus cape), phytocenosis species diversity for Rhodophyta and Ochrophyta, the number of species with regard to subdominant taxons and permanence groups as well as the mean monthly phytomass for Rhodophyta are higher. Phytocenosis of the bay features high structural and functional diversity of Chlorophyta and dominance of species indicating medium and high desalination and organic pollution of the marine environment. Cenogenous species Cystoseira barbata plays a dominant role in the water area of the cape and a role of the absolute dominant in the bay forming the major fraction of phytomass. The determined general tendency for phytocenosis diversity of the cape water area not only reflects the biocycle of macrophytes but indicates that intense wind waves can affect its community structure. Drastic summer decrease of the index of species diversity in the bay can be related to solar irradiation excess and seawater mass overheating in August. Most proportions of flora, quantitative relations in various permanence groups and dominant species appeared to be independent of these conditions. A qualitative coincidence was determined for basic ecological groups and leading taxons. Conclusions: For the open coast, action of intense wind waves manifests itself in extra tendencies of macroflora diversity. A number of stable features providing integrity of the phytocenosis structure in labile conditions of coastal shallow water were revealed.
Key words: Black Sea, wind waves, macrophytobenthos, ecological and taxonomic composition, occurrence, phytomass, variability.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.92-101

Introduction: The study analyzes propagation of thermal pollution, resulting from removal of heated water from thermal power plants using a direct cooling system, in large water bodies. In coastal areas (e.g. river mouths), where water exchange is limited to the scale of a receiving reservoir, the discharge of heated water from industrial facilities and power plants can lead to a significant increase in water temperature. Such increase affects the state of flora and fauna and threatens the vital activity of living organisms in the water. Therefore, it is important to assess the effect of heated water masses depending on meteorological and technological conditions. Methods: The paper reviews a case study of the Perm CHP (Permskaya TPP) — one of the largest thermal power plants in Europe. Various anthropogenic and meteorological conditions are considered. Since the vertical temperature distribution in such water bodies is very inhomogeneous, the calculations are performed within a three-dimensional model. The calculation method is based on the k–ε turbulence model, with account for the buoyancy related to the dependence of the fluid density on temperature. Results: The effect of variable wind is calculated for the most unfavorable conditions in terms of both environmental and technological indicators. According to the analysis of the results of numerical simulation, the flow structure near the surface is fairly uniform and determined mainly by the wind effect. Significant non-uniformity of heated water at varying depths is observed. The thickness of the layer of heated water making impact is 4–6 m. Сonclusion: The results of calculations are relevant for assessment of pollution during operation of thermal power plants using a direct cooling system.
Key words: large water bodies, thermal pollution, 3D numerical simulation, k–ε turbulence model.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.102-110

Introduction: In the European Union, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) provides a legislative opportunity for an integrated approach to diagnosing the ecological state of water bodies, including chemical control, water bioassay, bioindication of pollution in terms of characteristics of aquatic communities and biomarkers in individual species. In the Russian Federation, we also use an integrated approach to conduct state environmental monitoring of water bodies. However, not all water bodies are covered by state monitoring points. Information on most of them comes from water users conducting industrial environmental monitoring, which does not include assessment of biota condition in the water body used. In this paper, we show that in some instances perennial observations of the chemical composition of wastewater (and natural waters it is discharged into) are not informative from an environmental point of view. Comparison of the results of industrial monitoring and researches in the field of reservoir bio-diagnostics will allow defining the ecological state of the water body and, in future, its transformation trend. Methods and materials: We examined Ivanovskoye Lake (Russia, Kirov Region) of bayou type, receiving wastewater from a thermal power plant (TPP) and simultaneously communicating with the Vyatka River — a source of drinking-water supply. The chemical composition of wastewater from the TTP and surface waters of the lake was analyzed. The results were compared with the bioassay data regarding response of Daphnia magna, Scenedesmus quadricauda, Paramecium caudatum, Escherichia coli and bioindication data regarding the species composition of the coastal aquatic vegetation. Results: Ammonium ions and organic substances (according to biochemical oxygen consumption for 20 days) turned out to be priority pollutants. The maximum concentration of ammonium ions reached 3.17 mg/dm3, which is 6 times higher than the standard value in Russia. In one of the wastewater sources, water is alkaline (pH — up to 9.01). In the bioassay for the mortality of D. magna, toxicity was not established. Most samples had no effect on test organisms or were moderately toxic. The water samples from the lake had a stimulating effect on S. quadricauda, P. caudatum, E. coli, which indicates eutrophication of the reservoir. According to the analysis of coastal aquatic vegetation indicator species, Ivanovskoye Lake is of mesotrophic type. The number of pollution indicator species increases when approaching wastewater sources. Conclusion: In general, the bioindication results show deeper anthropogenic changes than those revealed using chemical methods and bioassay. Such data demonstrate both feasibility of combining industrial monitoring with scientific research, and changes in the list of the chemical as well as physical and chemical parameters observed.
Key words: aquatic pollution, bioassay, bioindication, chemical analysis, ammonium ions, coastal aquatic vegetation.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.2.111-119

Introduction: Imidazolinone herbicides and pyridine derivatives are modern weed control products. Experts attribute the possibility of introducing into the soil and on plants, wide spectrum of action against undesirable plants, and protection of fields throughout the growing season to their advantages. Manufacturers claim the environmental friendliness of using the latest generation of herbicides due to their rapid destruction in the environment. But various studies have shown that the use of modern herbicides affects both microorganisms and large animals. Therefore, diagnostics of herbicide contamination in the soil and water bodies is an urgent task. Methods: We studied the effects of imidazolinones (imazetapir and imazamox) and pyridine derivatives (a mixture of clopyralid and picloram) on living organisms. Those substances are recommended for use in the Clearfield system. Commercial forms of preparations (aqueous solutions) were produced in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus under the Rodimich (imazamox), Golf VK (imazetapir), Akteon (a mixture of clopyralid and picloram) trademarks. For the purposes of calculation, the following maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) in water were taken: for imazetapir — 0.01 mg/l, for clopyralid and picloram — 0.04 mg/l, for imazamox — 0.004 mg/l. The practical task was to determine the sensitivity of bioassays certified in Russia to this specific pollution. We compared the sensitivity of bioassays in terms of mortality of Daphnia magna and Ceriodadhnia affinis, Paramecium caudatum chemotaxis, and Escherichia coli bioluminescence changes. Additionally, we rated chronic effects for D. magna. Results: Crustaceans D. magna and C. affinis were not sensitive to the test substances. Death of C. affinis occurred in response to doses of 350 MAC, and for D. magna, supplements equal to 300 MAC were lethal. Experiments showed that the threat of herbicides to these aquatic organisms increased in the following series: imazetapi < < clopyralid + picloram < imazamox. The bioassays for the prelethal reactions of microorganisms P. caudatum and E. coli were more sensitive. A mixture of clopyralid and picloram inhibited the test functions of microorganisms in response to a minimum dose of 1 MAC (using clopyralid). The negative effect of imazetapir on ciliates started with 10 MAC, on E. coli — with 50 MAC. Imazamox was the safest. It had an effect only at a dose of 50 MAC. As for P. caudatum and Ecolum test system bacteria, the following series of risk increase regarding the active ingredients in preparations is valid: imazamox (Rodimich) < < imazetapir (Golf VK) < < clopyralid + picloram (Akteon). In chronic experiments with D. magna, it was shown that modern herbicides caused a delay in the maturation of females D. magna and later appearance of the young in comparison with the control (by 1–2 days). As a result, in 24 days of the experiment, the fertility of D. magna was significantly depressed in response to doses in the range from 1 to 50 MPC — by 1.3– 1.8 times (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The experiments showed that the sensitivity of the four bioassays for imazetapyr, imazamox, and the mixture of clopyralid + picloram could be represented by the following series: the bioassay for changes in chemotaxis of P. caudatum > the bioassay of bioluminescence reduction in E. coli > the bioassay for the mortality of C. affinis > the bioassay for the mortality of D. magna.
Key words: bioassay, Daphnia magna, Ceriodadhnia affinis, Paramecium caudatum, Escherichia coli, water pollution, imazamox, imazetapir, clopyralid, picloram.
References: 1. Akvaros (2007). Federal Register FR 1.39.2007.03221. Biological control methods. Methodology for determining the toxicity of water and water extracts from soils, sewage sludge, and waste by mortality and changes in fertility of Ceriodaphnias. Moscow: Akvaros, 56 p.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.3.3-8

Introduction. The paper addresses characteristic features of methodological approaches to solving engineering reliability problems associated with aging facilities of water supply and sewer systems in large cities. It is noted that, in case of longlived facilities, well-known procedures for solving practical tasks are not applicable due to non-stationarity (in terms of reliability) of such facilities. Methods. A real non-stationary (“aging”) facility (object) is formally replaced by its virtual stationary analog with a constant failure rate, which can be determined based on the condition of equality between reliability functions of those real and virtual objects for a particular operating time. Mean operating time to failure of the virtual object is chosen as such point on the time-axis. A corresponding equation is obtained and solved for the unknown variable that, as a result, can be expressed in terms of “aging law” for a real non-stationary object. An approximation error is estimated analytically for a linearly aging object. It is demonstrated that in case of a real combination of “aging law” parameters, this error does not exceed 4–5%, which is quite acceptable for engineering calculations. Results. The authors develop a procedure for the approximate substitution of a non-stationary object by a stationary one (stationarization) where the failure flow is expressed in terms of reliability function coefficients of a real aging object. This procedure makes it possible to use well-known methods of solving reliability problems of stationary objects when analyzing non-stationary objects. Conclusion. The proposed procedure of approximate estimate for basic reliability indices of non-stationary objects is convenient for practical use.
Key words: reliability, aging object, reliability index, approximation, stationarization, error
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.3.9-15

Introduction. Due to significant water consumption to maintain business activities, there is concern about an issue of disinfecting water discharged to water bodies and supplied to a circulating water system after being used for process needs. Modern researchers focus not only on traditional disinfection methods but on the development of innovative technologies as well. Such technologies include a technology of water treatment using an electric field. Methods. The paper addresses liquid disinfection with the use of high-voltage electric pulses. A mock-up installation for liquid disinfection based on the use of the electro-hydraulic effect is described. The paper presents a technique and results of experimental researches conducted to determine a dependence between the liquid disinfection rate and electrical energy applied using the example of aqueous yeast solution treatment. Results. It has been established that the dependence is not linear (as it was assumed earlier) but exponential. Therefore, it is impossible to ensure the total elimination of fungal bacteria in any mode of treatment. Over time, the remaining living microorganisms recover the population, reducing the bactericidal properties of the treated liquid. Conclusion. As a result of the study, a treatment mode with the least negative consequences of this phenomenon at the maximum disinfection efficiency is determined. Parameters of aqueous yeast solution treatment with the use of high-voltage electric pulses, which ensure achievement of such effect, are described.
Key words: liquid disinfection, electro-hydraulic effect, treatment modes, disinfection efficiency
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.3.16-25

Introduction. The paper provides an assessment of the possibility of using the ash of sewage sludge incineration as a useful component. When choosing a method for its beneficial use, it is important to consider the danger of its contamination with heavy metals. Methods. The content of heavy metals in the ash was analyzed using X-ray fluorescence and atomic absorption spectroscopy methods. The waste hazard class was determined and confirmed based on the water extract bioassay method. Doses of allowable waste application to the soil were calculated with account for the content of heavy metals in the ash. Results. According to the results of laboratory tests, ash (as a component of soil mixture) has a positive effect on the germination dynamics and plant growth (with Trifolium praténse as an example). These data suggest the possibility of using waste in technical reclamation. The estimated result of the development is an organic-mineral soil mixture based on the ash of sewage sludge incineration, which also can be used for strengthening and improvement of road slopes. Conclusion. The proposed developments will make it possible to solve issues of incineration ash disposal. The complex of the research methods applied in the course of this study can be successfully used to assess the degree of contamination with heavy metals in other solid wastes and soils.
Key words: bioassay, water treatment, sewage sludge incineration ash, municipal sewage sludge, reclamation, heavy metals
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.3.26-37

Introduction. The metabolic activity of phosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anaerobic conditions plays a decisive role in optimizing the process of removing phosphorus compounds in the Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) technology when alternating anaerobic and aerobic modes. A number of chemical, physical, physical-and-chemical, hydraulic, and biological factors affect the efficiency of biological wastewater treatment aimed at the removal of phosphates. Since the removal of phosphates using PAOs is associated with the transfer of ions through the cell membrane, the impact of the redox potential of the aquatic environment on phosphatation and dephosphatation in systems with activated sludge is of scientific and practical interest. Methods. Phosphatation of wastewater under anaerobic and anoxic conditions was studied during laboratory experiments and inspection of existing wastewater treatment plants with aeration tanks with and without zoning. In laboratory experiments, quantitative dependences of the wastewater phosphatation rate on the ORP values in the environment and the difference between the ORP values in different areas of aeration tanks were established. Results. The maximum achieved phosphate accumulation capacity of the unadapted sludge in the flow-through mode of cultivation under laboratory conditions was 61.1 mg of PO4/g of sludge. At the existing wastewater treatment plants, the ORP indicator of aquatic environments is more sensitive and describes the oxidationreduction situation in more detail than the oxygen concentration. As for wastewater treatment in aeration tanks with zoning, the ORP value and the phosphorus concentration in phosphates in the sludge liquor had the opposite dynamics. Conclusion. The analysis of the phosphate concentration and ORP values in aeration tanks with zoning suggests that for wastewater phosphatation/ dephosphatation, not the absolute ORP value, but the difference between the ORP values of aquatic environments created in different zones of an aeration tank is more significant. In general, oxidation-reduction characteristics of interacting aquatic environments play an important role in the migration of phosphates in the system of activated sludge–wastewater in the EBPR technology and can be used as control actions.
Key words: Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal technology, phosphate accumulating organisms, phosphatation, dephosphatation, redox potential, aeration tank zoning
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.3.38-46

Introduction: Improving the system of inland water transport is one of the priorities for the development of Russia. The main practical way to ensure environmental safety during vessel operation is accumulation of wastes in special tanks on board the vessel and their handover to environmental protection facilities. Methods: The paper proposes an algorithm for modeling the load on river port reception facilities based on the probabilistic method. This method takes into account the number and type of vessels in operation, their endurance in sewage and oily waters, and waterway environmental characteristics. Results: The implementation of the proposed algorithm makes it possible to determine the average daily amount of wastes from vessels, delivered to reception facilities, the average daily number of applications for the delivery of wastes from vessels, and the maximum amount of wastes of a particular type with a given probability that can be received by environmental protection facilities during the day. As a result of calculating the load on river port environmental protection facilities, the amount of wastes delivered from vessels was estimated depending on the intensity of navigation in basins of inland waterways and waterway environmental characteristics. Conclusion: The proposed and implemented algorithm for modeling the load on reception facilities allows us to estimate the amount of ship-generated wastes, depending on the intensity of navigation.
Key words: ship-generated wastes, navigation intensity, sewage waters, reception facilities, environmental safety
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.3.47-58

Introduction. The marine coastal zone of the Republic of Crimea is constantly exposed to intensive anthropogenic pressure. A significant part of the industrial, agricultural and recreational potential is concentrated within its borders, intensive commodity transport flows circulate in the area, natural resources (biological, mineral, water, recreational) are extracted and used here. As a result of human activity, coastal ecosystems are exposed to severe anthropogenic impact, and the lack of a scientifically-based plan for the development of the marine coastal zone and its economic management with disregard for the conditions of environmental safety (lack of a comprehensive environmental monitoring system) have already led to an unfavorable environmental situation in certain areas of the sea and coastal zone. Methods. The paper presents results of a comprehensive study on the ecological state of Lake Donuzlav, which covered studies on seawater pollution, bottom sediments, as well as plankton and benthic communities. Results. As a result of the studies, contamination of the estuarine bottom sediments with heavy metals (copper, zinc, mercury — 1.1–1.2 MAC, iron — 1.2–2 MAC) and oil products (1.6–14 MAC) was revealed. The aquatic environment of the upper reaches of the lake was polluted with sulfates up to 3.8–4.2, chlorides — up to 2.2–2.9, phosphates — up to 1.22–1.64, BOD5 — up to 1.5, COD — up to 5–29 MAC, which may indicate the ingress of domestic wastewater into the water body. One of the most acute problems of the lake is the development of an underwater sandpit, which continues to this day. Conclusion. Monitoring observations at the national level are conducted using a reduced list of indicators. Therefore, it is impossible to judge the current ecological state of the estuary ecosystem. At the end of the paper, there is a map showing the location of monitoring points of the monitoring system for the lake area and the adjacent part of the Black Sea.
Key words: Lake Donuzlav, ecological state, pollutants, geological environment, bottom sediments, monitoring system
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26. Chernogor, A. T. (1989). Prospecting and evaluation works regarding construction sands in the northern part of the Donuzlav estuary in the Crimea Region. Report of the Kerch offshore exploration survey crew for 1987–1989. Simferopol: Krymgeologiya, 109 р.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.3.59-69

Introduction. The test-culture state is one of the important factors for obtaining reliable and reproducible bioassay results. Laboratory populations of a single species can accumulate intraspecific changes over time. Moreover, for most test organisms, it is acceptable to use different cultivated waters, the physical and chemical parameters of which are specified within rather wide limits. To ensure test-culture standardization, it is not sufficient to perform tests for sensitivity to a reference toxicant. Therefore, the authors introduce the concept of “test-culture health”, which is analyzed using Daphnia magna as an example. Methods and materials. Using the questionnaire method, the authors revealed deviations from the conventional norm in the health of D. magna in 10 laboratories not exchanging cultures. In laboratories with the most and least successful test cultures, an experiment was conducted to compare the suggested health parameters of D. magna: the day of the appearance of the first juveniles, the day of the first mass offspring, the average and maximum life expectancy, fertility per female, and the number of aborted eggs. The authors also summarized results of the recommended visual observations of D. magna and results of model experiments to calibrate the sensitivity of crustaceans over four years. Results. It is proposed to monitor D. magna health in three areas: to perform visual observations of morphological, physiological and behavioral characteristics of crustaceans, account for quantitative parameters, and calibrate the sensitivity of synchronized D. magna juveniles by seasons. Suitability of the D. magna culture for bioassay shall be monitored according to the “day of the first offspring” indicator. The authors recommend monitoring the indicators per a full life cycle of even-aged crustaceans once in six months, conducting model experiments in groups of 25 crustaceans per one liter of medium. It is shown that the D. magna culture, when kept in a climatic chamber, retains biological rhythms, which affect its sensitivity by seasons. It is recommended to identify the specifics of seasonal dynamics in each laboratory individually since it changes in response to other factors, e.g. the chemical composition of the cultivated water. Conclusion. Results and recommendations presented in the paper can serve as a basis for the development of procedures for internal quality control of bioassay performance.
Key words: bioassay, test culture, Daphnia magna, standardization, test-culture health, test conditions
1. Akvaros (2007). FR 1.39.2007.03222. Federal Register FR 1.39.2007.03222. Methodology for determining the toxicity of water and water extracts from soils, sewage sludge, and waste by mortality and changes in fertility of daphnias. Moscow: Akvaros, 51 p.
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8. Olkova, A. S. (2017). The conditions of cultivation and the variety of test functions of Daphnia magna Straus in bioassay. Water and Ecology, No. 1, pp. 63–82. DOI: 10.23968/2305- 3488.2017.19.1.63-82.
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17. Olkova, A. S., Kantor, G. Y., Kutyavina, T. I. and Ashikhmina, T. Y. (2018). The importance of maintenance conditions of Daphnia magna Straus as a test organism for ecotoxicological analysis. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Vol. 37, Issue 2, pp. 376–384. DOI: 10.1002/ etc.3956.
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19. Terekhova, V. A., Wadhia, K., Fedoseeva, E. V. and Uchanov, P. V. (2018). Bioassay standardization issues in freshwater ecosystem assessment: test cultures and test conditions. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, No. 419, Article 32. DOI: 10.1051/kmae/2018015.
20. US Environmental Protection Agency (1987). User’s guide: procedures for conducting Daphnia magna toxicity bioassays. EPA 600/8-87/011. Las Vegas: US Environmental Protection Agency, 57 p.

DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.3.70-76

Introduction. The paper proposes a solution to one of the environmental problems — improvement of a water basin using the example of the Temernik River basin (Rostov Region). The main sources of water basin pollution are storm and domestic wastewater from private and industrial use, as well as discharges from sewage pumping stations as a result of emergencies. Methods. For those purposes, it is proposed to use such representative of higher aquatic vegetation as eichhornia, or water hyacinth, which represents a sort of powerful chemical laboratory capable of transforming almost all complex pollutants into nontoxic substances. By purifying water, the plant uses pollutants for its metabolism. The greatest amount of pollutants is absorbed by its roots. Due to a well-developed root system and a nutrient substrate, eichhornia can enhance the process of destructing various pollutants. Moreover, such indicators as biological and chemical oxygen demand improve. Currently, there are no available data on the eichhornia ability to absorb pollutants in a biomodule at a flow velocity of about 0.4 m/s. The purpose of the study was to assess the feasibility of using water hyacinth in polluted water treatment under natural conditions (biomodules were located in the mouth of the Temernik River) and in a laboratory experiment. Based on the results of the field and laboratory studies, we can conclude that it is possible to treat running water using biomodules with water hyacinth. Conclusions. It was found that the absorption capacity of water hyacinth was different for different substances and depended on the season (ambient temperature, day length), water consumption and concentration of pollutants.
Key words: biomodule, water hyacinth, eichornia, pollutants, wastewater, higher aquatic plants
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.3.77-83

Introduction. The textile industry is one of the most significant manufacturing sectors that produce large volumes of highly polluted and toxic wastewater. Along with the light industry, pigments and dyes industry, domestic service, dry-cleaning, etc., it contributes significantly to water pollution, where dyes are among the top pollutants. Methods. In this study, the degradation of Acid Orange 7 (AO7) dye in a persulfate-bisulfite system under visible (Vis) light (wavelength ≥ 420 nm) was performed. Based on the electron spin resonance spin-trapping technologies and radical scavenger measurements, the produced hydroxyl radical (·OH) is regarded as the predominant reactive oxidant for AO7 decolorization also involving the sulfate radical (SO4·). The formation of shortlived radicals during AO7 decolorization was detected by the ESR spin-trapping technique at room temperature using a Bruker ESR A-300 spectrometer with the following parameters: center field 3516 G, sweep width 100 G, microwave frequency 9.86 G, modulation frequency 100 kHz, microwave power 1 mW. The intermediate products of the AO7 degradation reaction were analyzed by mass spectrometry. The experiments were performed using an Esquire LC ion trap mass spectrometer (Bruker Daltonics, Bremen, Germany) equipped with an orthogonal geometry ESI source. Nitrogen was used as a drying (3 L/min) and nebulizing (6 psi) gas at 300 °C. The spray shield voltage was 4.0 kV and the capillary cap voltage was 4.5 kV. Scanning was performed from m/z 90 to 400 in the standard resolution mode at a scan rate of 13 kDa/s. Before the analysis, each sample was diluted ten-fold. Results.The intermediates were determined by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) analysis and, as a result, a plausible degradation pathway was proposed. The results of the study can be useful in designing a simple, effective, and economically sound system for the treatment of non-biodegradable azo dyes.
Key words: dye degradation, Acid Orange 7, radical scavengers, reaction intermediates, degradation pathway, mineralization
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.3-8

Introduction. The paper deals with physical and chemical effects in water, occurring under the action of the ultrasonic field based on the theory of cavitation bubble dynamics. The scope of the study is an aqueous environment, while ultrasound effects are chosen as the subject of the study. Methods. The paper describes equipment and a methodology for conducting experimental studies in a laboratory and suggests a layout of the experimental setup for ultrasonic liquid treatment, consisting of a generator, converter, and reactor. Results . It is shown that chemical transformations under the action of ultrasonic vibrations occur in an aqueous environment in the cavitation mode. The authors describe the appearance of active radicals in water as well as ionized hydrated electrons with neutral water molecules attached. They also introduce schemes of water splitting with the formation of active radicals that can change pH. It is noted that a cavitation cavity can serve as a source of intermediate products with high reactivity. The authors consider the principle of high temperatures occurrence during the adiabatic compression of a cavitation bubble. They also review a scheme of cavitation bubble formation in an aqueous environment with dissolved gases. An equation suggested by Ya. I. Frenkel, determining the field intensity in a bubble cavity at the moment of its formation, is shown. Physical parameters of the ultrasonic field for the occurrence of cavitation in an aqueous environment are given. The potentiometric method of water pH measurement is used. The authors also performed experimental studies and analyzed the data on water pH change in the ultrasonic field.
Key words: ultrasonic cavitation, active radicals, ultrasonic reactor, magnetostriction emitter, potentiometry, pH.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.9-19

Introduction. Low-oxygen methods of wastewater treatment have significant potential for further development and reduction of the overall energy costs at sewage treatment plants. When the aeration intensity at aeration stations decreases, the main task is to maintain the system in a stable state where it is necessary to oxidize organic pollutants and ammonia nitrogen. To solve it, it is required to implement a number of additional measures to control the operational parameters of the system simultaneously with a change in the oxygen regime. Methods. The paper addresses systems operating at low concentrations of dissolved oxygen with simultaneous nitrification and denitrification. The authors compared activated sludge performing well with a lack of oxygen with well-aerated nitrifying activated sludge. The study was carried out in a laboratory and at an experimental plant at existing treatment facilities. Results. During the experiment, the influence of increased sludge flow rates in circulation systems on the composition and characteristics of activated sludge at low concentrations of dissolved oxygen was confirmed. Maintenance of high speeds and relatively low specific loads for organic pollutants had a stabilizing effect, and thus reduced the risk of the filamentous swelling of activated sludge. Conclusion. The technology of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification implies the presence of nitrifying and denitrifying biomass in a sufficient amount, working under non-standard conditions. As a result of the study, operational parameters of the system were determined that made it possible to stabilize activated sludge and maintain it in a nitrifying state.
Key words: activated sludge, nitrification, denitrification, anammox, low-oxygen wastewater treatment.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.20-29

Introduction. The modern wastewater treatment process flow involves the use of granular-bed filters with an inert medium, which make it possible to increase the degree of treatment regarding biologically treated wastewater by removing suspended solids and partially reduce the concentration of organic substances. Filters for advanced treatment are quite expensive. This may be a reason for the fact they are not included in the recommended best available technologies. Methods. Technologies and designs of some filters open the possibility to use these filters to solve integrated tasks: not only to improve the degree of treatment by removing organic substances and suspended solids but also to remove such nutrients as nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, which is very important at present. With this approach, the importance of filters in the process flow increases significantly. Results. The most significant result was obtained using “dry” filters. Studies of dry filtration show that, with the use of granular-bed filters with synthetic expanded medium, it is possible to ensure the enhanced removal of nitrogen compounds. With the appropriate design of filters and technological parameters of the filtering mode, unique tasks can be performed, including the removal of phosphates and ammonium ion to achieve maximum allowable concentrations in fishery water bodies. Conclusion. The involvement of filters, providing the enhanced removal of a wide range of pollutants, in the modern process flow will effectively solve the current problems of wastewater treatment. Each element of the process flow will be able to operate in an optimal mode. The technological importance and economic attractiveness of filters will increase. Besides, filters will perform the role of a barrier: they will stabilize the operation of a wastewater treatment system in general.
Key words: granular-bed filters, inert medium, phosphorus compounds, ammonium ion, contact coagulation, attached microflora, advanced treatment.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.30-36

Introduction. Environmental pollution with oil and petroleum products is a result of technological progress and human activities. The release of petroleum products into the environment with industrial and storm water, as well as manmade disasters accompanied by oil spills, adversely affect the biocenosis of various natural ecosystems and require the development of new environmentally-friendly methods to protect the environment against this pollution. Methods. The scope of the studies is natural processes in biological water treatment technologies, which are based on the ability of bacteria to use petroleum products and elements with mixed valence as oxidizing agents of organic compounds. The studies included an analytical compilation of available scientific and technical results, a review of literature, patent searches, and laboratory studies using standard and modern techniques. Results. As a result of the research, the authors established the possibility of attached associations of microorganisms-destructors to destroy carbon-containing products, determined the approximate processing time depending on the treatment temperature, and identified the sequence of activity of bacterial genera strains involved in the decomposition of petroleum products by the degree of hydrophobicity. The identification of this sequence will make it possible to determine and select the ratios of microorganisms-destructors in spatial successions, created for biological treatment processes, more successfully.
Key words: petroleum products, microorganisms-destructors, decomposition rate, hydrophobicity, attached microorganisms, strain activity sequence.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.37-46

Introduction. The authors set tasks for water service companies, regarding the efficient management of pipeline systems, and environmental services, regarding the assurance of the satisfactory state of soils and groundwater near the routes of utility networks. They pay special attention to ensuring physical integrity in water transport pipelines and preventing their aging. The paper gives a rationale for using trenchless technologies, modern sprayed protective coatings based on organic materials, and polymer pipes with a pre-compressed cross-section applying the Swagelining technology, as methods and tools for reconstructing pipelines. Methods. The paper describes analytical and computational methods used, which make it possible to recommend the most relevant protective coating depending on the type of defect while ensuring energy saving in case certain sections of old and new pipelines are compatible hydraulically. Results. The authors present and analyze results of energysaving potential calculations for specific problems related to the reconstruction of an old steel pipeline with sprayed coatings of various modifications of Copon Hycote polymers, as well as the reconstruction of polymer pipes. Conclusion. The following characteristics are determined: variation ranges for the internal diameter of a new steel pipeline after renovation, wall thickness after pipe compression and straightening; dynamics of pressure losses; average annual energy savings per linear meter and the entire length of the pipeline. The authors also suggest several equations to calculate the diameter and energy-saving potential in case of using polymer pressure pipes with non-standard SDR values during reconstruction.
Key words: pipes, reconstruction, physical integrity, energy-saving potential, strength properties.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.47-53

Introduction. Railway drainage systems should provide the drainage of the topsoil under the tracks. Subdrainage is efficient in soils with a good filtration coefficient. In poorly permeable soils, it is not so efficient since its range is not enough to reduce the moisture content in the entire area from the drain to the trackway. The paper addresses a new system of noncavity drainage constructed directly under the rails at the main site of the roadbed. In cross-section, it is represented by two rectangular non-cavity drains. The distance between their axes is equal to the width of the rail track. Methods. To analyze drainage efficiency, the authors applied an analytical method. They used accepted equations, based on which original solutions to calculate the time of depression curve formation and stabilization were obtained. Changes in the soil strength were evaluated using the method established in building regulations. Results. The authors determined the time of drainage to levels of 0.6 and 1 m from the bottom of the drain for a drainage system of specific dimensions. It was proved that the time of drainage to the set levels (from putting drains into operation until depression curve stabilization) does not exceed 12 days even under the most adverse conditions, with constant infiltration of 15 mm/day. It is shown how to predict changes in the bearing capacity of the roadbed using data on changes in its moisture content. Conclusion. Non-cavity drainage systems in poorly permeable soils significantly increase the bearing capacity of the roadbed when used in the under-rail zone.
Key words: non-cavity drainage, hydrological design, soil deformation, poorly permeable soils, roadbed, estimated soil resistance.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.54-63

Introduction. Neva River is the source of water supply of St. Petersburg. The physical and chemical properties of its water are unstable. Therefore, due to corrosion in distribution networks of both cold and hot water supply it is not always possible to provide the consumers with high-quality water, particularly in terms of organoleptic indicators and content of iron. Russian housing market now includes a considerable share of comfort class estate characterized by low water intake and considerable breaks in water consumption. Thus, the beginning of consumption demonstrates such quality of cold, and especially hot, water that does not meet the organoleptic requirements of Sanitary Regulations and Norms (SanPiN Methods. The paper provides data on stabilization processing of tap water by filtering through the fractioned natural materials: calcite, dolomite and sorbent of «MS»; technological schemes of installations of tertiary treatment and possible structure of their equipment and technical characteristics. The study presents test results and water samples for hot water distribution in house networks of two different designs: one with polypropylene pipes and partial use of carbon steel fittings and connecting elements and the other one built completely from corrosion-resistant materials. Results. Improvement of quality of cold and hot water in apartment houses is possible by application of local installations of tertiary treatment of cold and hot water and use in the parting networks of pipelines of polymeric materials, shut-off and control valves, connecting elements of polymeric materials and alloys of non-ferrous metals.
Key words: water tertiary treatment, apartment houses, corrosion.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.64-70

Introduction. The paper deals with a method of thickening water line sludge of low-turbidity and low-color natural water using high-molecular polyelectrolytes. The authors provide recommendations for its future disposal. Methods. Experiments were carried out with the use of real sludge selected from sludge tanks at water supply stations. The experiments were based on a comprehensive study of its qualitative characteristics (physical, chemical, mineral). The monitoring of indicators was carried out in accordance with standard methods and recommendations of study guides. The results were processed using methods of mathematical statistics. Results. As a result, it was found that cationic polyacrylamides are the most acceptable agents for sludge thickening. They increase the sludge thickening effect by up to 15%, reduce turbidity and color of supernatant water by 25 and 45%, respectively. The optimum time for thickening is 24 hours. Among directions of the “beneficial” disposal of dewatered sludge, it is recommended to utilize it in the production of soils and building ceramics. Conclusion: The results of the study can be translated into the development and optimization of sludge processing schemes at water supply stations performing treatment of low-turbidity and low-color natural water. Besides, the methods of sludge disposal under consideration will make it possible to reduce the need to increase the area for sludge cake storage or stop using such territories completely.
Key words: water line sludge, low-turbidity and low-color water sources, thickening, disposal.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.71-78

Introduction. The article addresses issues related to the thermal interaction of sewage pipelines (with complete and incomplete filling) with soils characterized by deep seasonal freezing up to three or more meters in areas with severe climate. Sewage pipelines represent one of the main elements of the water disposal system, determining its reliability and efficiency. To reduce the costs for the construction of sewage pipelines, it is proposed to reduce the depth of pipe laying, i.e. to lay pipelines in a layer of frozen soil. The conducted experimental studies of the interaction between a pipeline and frozen soil revealed conditions under which it is possible to lay pipes in a layer of frozen soil. Methods. The purpose of this study was to determine experimentally the size of the talik around a pipeline laid in frozen soil, with heated water passing through, with the pipeline filling of 0.5 where the water flow covered the full cross-section. To determine the size of the talik, a series of laboratory experiments were carried out. The paper provides a description of the corresponding experimental setup. Results. The authors present results of the laboratory experiments aimed to determine the size of the talik around a pipeline operating with different degrees of filling. They established that in a pipeline where the water flow covers full cross-section, the contours of thawed soil are close to a circumference; in a pipeline with the filling h/d = 0,5, the talik is egg-shaped. According to the results of a comparative analysis of the talik sizes obtained experimentally and by calculations, the actual talik sizes exceed the calculated values by 10–16%.
Key words: frozen soils, thawing area, temperature conditions, pipeline, laying depth.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.79-87

Introduction. At biological wastewater treatment plants recirculation of purified liquid or activated sludge is used to reduce the high initial concentration of contaminants, improve the performance of the plants and the transportation of returned activated sludge in aeration tanks, as well as for other purposes. The use of recirculation or recirculation ratio increase at biological wastewater treatment plants leads (together with the dilution of untreated wastewater with treated liquid) to an increase in the hydraulic load in the plants as well as desludging facilities, changes the structure of liquid flow at the plants, and affects their performance. Thus, liquid recirculation under certain conditions can lead to both positive (improvement of wastewater treatment efficiency) and negative consequences (increase in volume regarding final clarifiers and growth of energy consumption for recirculation flow pumping). Methods. The purpose of the study was to assess the integrated effect of liquid recirculation on the performance of biological wastewater treatment plants of various types. The assessment was carried out based on the analysis of data on the performance of production facilities as well as standards, specifications, and guidelines. Results. The paper evaluates the role of recirculation during the operation of wet biological filters and aeration tanks with external and internal (longitudinal) recirculation. The author considers the influence of recirculation in wet biofilters on essential technological parameters of their work, conditions of mass transfer processes, and wastewater treatment efficiency, as well as the influence of the mixed liquor and returned sludge recirculation rate in aeration tanks on the amount of the dose and wastewater treatment efficiency. Conclusion. The recirculation ratio at biological treatment plants should be linked to the achieved wastewater treatment efficiency and based on technical and economic estimates. An increase in the recirculation rate is more efficient at a low degree of wastewater treatment and not economically feasible in case of sufficiently high treatment efficiency.
Key words: biological wastewater treatment, biofilters, aeration tanks, recirculation of purified liquid or activated sludge.
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Ignatchik S. Y, Kuznetsova N. V., Fes’kova A. Y., Senyukovich M. A.RESULTS OF STUDYING FORCED-FLOW MODES OF SEWAGE COLLECTORS
DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.88-95

Introduction. The operation of main sewage collectors regarding drainage of surface run-off from basins with different loading is distinguished by the forced-flow mode that makes it possible to equate flow rates supplied to treatment facilities by the main pumping station due to the accumulating capacity. The main parameters characterizing the operation of such collectors are as follows: wastewater supply by the main pumping station; volume of wastewater accumulated in the main collector as a result of limiting its flow rate with the maximum rate of the main pumping station; flow rate of wastewater entering the main collector as the sum of transit and associated flow rates. Without knowledge of these parameters, it is impossible to control wastewater disposal and treatment processes. For these reasons, studying the relationship between these parameters seems relevant. Methods. The research was carried out in two stages: 1) studies of the volume-level characteristics of the main sewage collector; 2) studies of the volume-flow characteristics of the main collector. Results. Based on the studies of the volume-level characteristics of main sewage collectors, the following was found: during the transition to the forced-flow mode, the water level in the collector begins to grow faster than that in the free-flow mode. Its growth starts slowing down when the pipelines of adjacent branches are filled. The authors developed and tested a method for the rapid assessment of wastewater inflow into sewage collectors. Such a method makes it possible to determine the sum of transit and associated flow rates in real time with an acceptable error (up to 10%). Conclusion. Due to the use of the developed method, it will be possible to automate the decision-making process regarding starts and stops of pumping units at main pumping stations and reduce the probability of area flooding in water disposal basins as a result of water rise to the surface during the operation of collectors in forced-flow modes.
Key words: drainage systems, sewage pumping stations (SPSs), wastewater, surface run-off, flowmeter, drainage basin.
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DOI: 10.23968/2305-3488.2019.24.4.96-108

Introduction. Water resources of the Leningrad Region are intensively used to ensure water supply and meet the demands of agricultural and energy industries as well as demands related to navigation, fish farming and recreation activities. The problem of using and protecting small rivers, small lakes, ponds and other natural and artificial links of the hydrological network caused the emergence of “hot ecological spots”. Materials and methods. The paper addresses issues related to anthropogenic impact and accumulation of environmental damage using small rivers of the Leningrad Region as an example. The study is based on current and retrospective data of the authors and third-party researchers, which made it possible to define the development prospects of the water sector in the Leningrad Region. Results and discussion. According to the results of the study, the main type of anthropogenic impact related to economic activity is associated with processing enterprises and urbanization. Besides, for many years, the deterioration of the state of small rivers and watercourses has been determined by their multifaceted use, and with the growing economic stagnation since the 1990s, these problems only have worsened. Conclusion. As a way out, it is possible to improve the management of natural objects. The authors conclude that the management of environmental objects in river catchment areas implies the improvement of economic activity and the direct management of natural objects.
Key words: rivers, Leningrad Region, anthropogenic impact, region development.
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